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1999.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord's Mother

The Word of God at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother

The Lord is coming for His own things and proclaims Himself when He comes. Amen. I come to you, children of My coming, and you should receive Me and welcome Me, for it is a cel-ebration in heaven and on the earth for the saints and for the believers. I come to you, for here is My kingdom, because I reign upon you and upon this little garden. Amen.

It is a celebration for My Mother the Virgin. She gave herself for Me as a dwelling from infancy, and she prepared to be a church for me, and she was, and she prepared My coming two thousand years ago, as Verginica, who I chose you by, prepared My endless coming, as you too are preparing My coming now to come, sons. Welcome Me, and let us work and establish by word a new creation, always new upon the Romanian Israel, My people of today, and upon any-one who believes and will be baptized in the water of the river of life, which flows from heav-en and passes through this garden, to divide itself afterwards and to water the earth, so that a new man may grow on it, a new man after My image and My likeness. (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.)

I gave the man God as a model, for I came as a true God from a true God by the Virgin, My Mother that gave Me birth as a baby in Bethlehem two thousand years ago. I gave My Moth-er, the Virgin, as a model to the man, so that the man may give himself to Me from his infancy and to be My church and My coming. Let the man come even from his infancy to God, so that God may come to man, for it is written: «He who believes in Me, I will come to him and make a house with him, and I will dine with him and show Myself to him». Amen.

Sons, is it really written this word that came out of My mouth two thousand years ago? It is sons. I tell you this because I am a Parent to you and because I gave you birth from the word of the Holy Spirit to be sons for Me and to call you sons, as you see that I speak to you. Seek and you will see in the book of the prophets that it is written this: «The people who sat in darkness saw a great light, for a Child was born to us, a Child was given to us, Whose domin-ion He carries on His shoulders. And His name is called Angel of great Counsel, wonderful counselor, God Almighty, Lord of peace, Father of the world to be». Amen. Behold, I made you the sons of the new age, and I am your Parent and call you sons. Does the faithful man on the earth know what it means to be My son on the earth? Does the man really know, what it means to be My son in the age to come? I, Myself, came two thousand years as a man among the men and gave the man teaching, and the man should know. It should, but he does not want. The man does not want to hear either what I said then, or what I say now. Is it really written in the Scriptures about the work of My word of today? It is, sons. I, Myself, said that I will come after I ascend to My Father and teach the man everything, for I have said again and again: I did not ascended to heaven to stay without work, but I went there to come back again on the path of the faithful and to be the light, as I am. If I have always spoken upon My people Israel in My time with it, and if Moses and those after him wrote all My words, so that they may be, and here, they are, as I speak from them, should I really stay in heaven without work, without speaking My word upon the man? Oh, it cannot be that way, for I have told those that are united with Me: «I will be with you to the end of the world». Oh, the man has no time to know My words from that time and from this time and he does not become a church for Me, and that is why I put this question and said: does the faithful man on the earth really know what it means to be Mine on the earth? And does he really know what it means to be Mine in the age to come? I am the Father of the age to come and of the sons of the eternity. The Spirit of My Father Sab-baoth has spoken this by the prophets, and this is how he called Me: the Father of the age to come, and My Father is in Me from everlasting to everlasting.

I am a church to My Father, and My Father is a church to Me. I am in the Father, and He in Me. Amen. The man who believes in God does no longer know this mystery of God’s church. Oh, it is not enough for the man to know that God is. He, who says that there is no God, as he does not believe in Him, knows this, too. This is the mystery of God’s church: I in man and the man in Me, as I made the man to be then when I took the clay with My own hand and worked the man, the first one built, so that I might put a living soul and then My Spirit in him, and to have a church and to stay in it, and to have rest in it after everything that I made, for first I made the light, the heaven and the earth, and all that there are above in the heaven, down on the earth and under the earth and in waters, and then I made the man, and then I built a church to Me; I built a resting place after I made them all only by My word. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.) I made the man to have rest in him, and I called him My day of rest, but it was not long and the sadness and tiredness seized Me and I called the man saying: «Where are you?», and he answered Me: «I heard you walking in the garden, Lord, and I hid myself from Your face among the trees for I was afraid, because I am naked». Oh, this is what the man did. He took from the fruits of the wisdom and ate and his eyes were opened, and instead of seeing himself wise, he saw himself naked and wanted to cover his nakedness with leaves of fig tree. And the man has been searching and seeking since then, for he has wisdom; he seeks it in sweat and does not come to an end, for the wisdom has no end. Since then, I, the Lord, lost My rest and seek as the man does; I have always been seeking, calling the man saying: where are you? Where are you, My creature? Where are you as I cannot find you? Oh, this is what the man does; the man that I built to be a church for Me and a day of rest after all that I did, and I have been looking for him since then.

Oh, sons, that I spread My word of today over the earth with, I have spoken about this with you to be heard up and down for the man does not know the mystery of God’s church; the man carries it no longer, for it is a church mystery: I in the man and the man in Me, as the Father is in Me and I in the Father.

I have made the work of My coming by the Virgin, born a baby, two thousand years ago, to grow as a mighty God and to be the Father of this age to come. I made a church of the Vir-gin’s womb, and the Father was with Me, and I got out to the people afterwards and pro-claimed Myself as a God from God, and I proved what I was. The same way I will work today as well, and I will be the Almighty God, fulfilling all My word that I come with to you proclaim-ing My works, for I came out of My mother as a baby, and from Verginica I came out as a ending word, and from this word I got you, and I have you as Mine, and share with you My voice upon the earth, for I can do whatever I want.

Sons, welcome Me always, so that I may be able to do everything that is written and to put the Lord’s age back to its place, and where I do not find tears of repentance, I will bring forth tears of sufferance for every man who will not want to crucify himself for My coming with the age of eternity. Do not marvel at the way I have revealed Myself today at dawn with you. Do not be confused by the sight I showed you, sons, for I have revealed Myself, crucified on the cross, to you; and if it was written above the cross “The seat of judgment”, this is how I come to interpret it: every man who will not crucify himself for Me, I, the Lord, will be a sign for him, through My crucifixion on the cross. My crucifixion on the cross was the judgment of the world and of the master of this world. My seat of judgment was the cross; I sat on it to judge. It was and it is the throne of the Lord’s judgment, and woe to the man who wipes out from his body the sign between Me and him! Woe and woe again to all who said and say that the cross and its sign is not good, for they are those who do not want Me to reign over them from the seat, from the throne of judgment. (See the selection topic: „About the graven image and the sign of the cross”, r.n.) My word is written into the Scriptures; it is written this way: «Let those who did not want Me to reign over them, be taken and thrown away». That is why I tell you, sons, welcome Me to come to you and to write the book of judg-ment, for it is written into the Scriptures that I may come and open this book Myself; and in or-der to open it, it needs to be made out on earth by God Himself.

I gave Myself to the man as a printing sample, a sinless Man. My crucifixion on the cross is a judging sign for every man who does not crucify himself for Me. I gave My mother Virgin to the man as a printing sample, so that the man may give himself over to Me from infancy and to eternity, and to be a church for Me and a place of My coming to him. Let the man come from his infancy to God, or to become again an infant, for I have written the word of judgment and I said through the Scripture this way: «The one that will not become an infant

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