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2003.09.21 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, on the second day. The feast of the birth of the Lord’s Mother




The Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, on the second day. The feast of the birth of the Lord’s Mother



In the second day of the feast, the Spirit of My word exhorts you to be holy, to be like Me; it exhorts you to listen to Him, because He gives Himself to you. You have come together near the spring and it is sin to leave the same way as you have come. Receive the Holy Spirit to be holy, for the reward for the saints is the Holy Spirit. Amen.


I stand before you with the sons of My word. I come in through the gates of the word, and My coming in and out, My coming out and in, are blessed by My Father, and may your coming to the spring be blessed, and if you drink of it, your knowledge and wisdom will increase for the understanding of My word, which comes with the clouds to call the man from death to light, from him to Me, for the man is death and God is life. Amen.


I am life without death, and I want My Father’s will, and I want that the man may no longer be death without life, for the man comes to an agreement with the sin within himself, and the reward of the sin is death. Seven thousand years ago, after I made the man by My own hand from clay and I breathed over him a spirit of life to be able rest then in him, the man pulled himself out of My kingdom and became death, he and his sons. The sons of the man mean the fruit of the sin, and the sons of God are the fruit of the Lord, the fruit of life, for I am the life without death. Amen.


In the second day of the celebration the Spirit of My word calls you to be holy, to be like Me, for I told the man two thousand years ago: «Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body», (1 Cor. 6:18), in which the sin takes life, and the man becomes death without life. My disciples received life in them from My life after I gave My life for them so that I could take it back again and to give it to them as their life, for them to be My word then and not theirs, because I spoke about the one who would believe in Me, that out of his belly and out of his mouth would flow rivers of living waters, over the dead and over the living.


The sign of the faith is the speaking in the Holy Spirit. The man cannot be called a faithful man, a man with faith in Me, if after that he has no speaking of the Holy Spirit, the sign of the receiving of the faith and then of the baptism with faith, for the man has got used in vain to be baptized in water if he has not learned the spirit of repentance for the forgiveness of the sins, the spirit which is followed by the speaking in the Holy Spirit as a sign of the man’s holiness.


I speak to you about the mystery of the saints, oh, sons of the people! The saints are born from God, not from a human seed, and then they are without any genealogy and they run from those who made them, and they run to Me, Whom they are born of. Oh, sons of the men, it is a sin to be proud of your sons and daughters, for the sin is born with the body and it calls “mother and father” that which gave its birth. It is sin to rejoice over the joy without the God of your sons. It is sin to rejoice over the sin. It is sin to enjoy sin. I give the righteous Job as an example to you, who was crying to Me for the forgiveness of the sins of his sons, who went together to parties and he was not pleased with them, but on the contrary he was crying to Me for their forgiveness, for they enjoyed parties in death and not in the joy that came from God, and when the man goes to parties without God, he puts away God’s angels from near him. Come to the teaching with life in it, for My teaching separates life from death, it separates man from sin, it separates from his own self for the man to take Me out of his own self. The man is naturally hidden within himself, but he who gives himself to Me denies himself and takes Me in his own self through the man who loves Me in him and he works from Me upon the man for the man’s coming after Me and not after himself between earth and heaven.


Oh, how much I suffer because the man did not want and does not want to understand My word of his calling to Me, for two thousand years ago I said: «Let him who wants to come after Me deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me», to grow out of himself, for otherwise the man cannot grow out of himself and cannot be helped by God’s angels, for the man grudges, calumniates, gets proud and then he falls down through these, and the good angels cannot help him against the evil, which is in him. I said that the kingdom of the heavens is likened to ten virgins, and five of them were foolish and five were wise. The wise ones gather for themselves and the foolish ones do not gather for themselves, and they fall asleep concerning the watch they should have, and the watch is nothing but the love of God. No man can watch against the sin in him but only through the love of God and always through love in such a way that his life may mean God and not man.


Oh, sons of the people, receive of My Spirit and then be holy as much as I am holy, for the saints will judge the world and they have already judged it, because they have overcome it and they are not from the world as I am not from this world either. The kingdom of the heavens means angels, either in body or outside the body, and that is why I likened it to the virgins, but the man did not want to understand this Scriptures of Mine either, for the man does not deny himself in such a way that he may understand like Me afterwards. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God”, r.n.) None of the saints said that God is slow in coming and that He does not fulfill His word about His coming in such a way that the one who sanctifies for Me may believe in Me perfectly. Holiness is the Lord’s coming to the man and of the man’s coming to Me, for the saints live in Me and I in them, and it is not they who live anymore. Only those who love ignorance and this sin, only they say that the Lord does no longer come as He said that He would come, and they are no longer afraid of what they say and are not afraid of God. The saints are with Me and I am with them by My hardship between earth and heaven after the man. Oh, the man does not want to get ready and to be true when He says that he waits for the resurrection from the dead and for the life of the age to come; however, I will come unexpectedly and the works of everyone will be seen, for of the two men that will be in the field, one will be taken and one will be left; of the two women grinding at the mill, one will be taken and one will be left, and it is in this way that the works of every one will be revealed and not otherwise.


Oh, if you, sons of the people, wanted to keep My angels near you always, then you would be like God and you would be like Me Who listen to the Father, for the one who does not listens to anyone, that one listens only to himself and does not come to Me. My angels cry because they are without any work for the man, for the man puts them away from near him with his lying, with his calumny, with his life pride, with the lust of the eye, with the love of silver, with debauchery, with eating and drinking, with deception and with everything that the man loves his own self with, for the man puts My angels away through the love of himself and not through something else, and it is from this, that everything that separates the man from the love of God, is born, which is the watch against the man’s separation from God.


I want, man that have come to the spring of wisdom, I want to teach you how to love your life. If you want to love it, you have to give it so that you may be able to take it back, for I said: «He who finds his life will lose it; and he who loses his life for My sake will find it», (Matt. 10:39), for until the man does not die, he cannot come to life and I cannot live in him as long as he lives within himself. The man feeds his body and soul taking care of them both so that he may live in himself, but I tell you, sons of the people, that if you live in yourselves, you will die by your own deeds, because it is not possible for the one who does not deny himself to remain alive. I give you this teaching of life out of love, and I call you with mercy from death to life, from you to Me by self denial so that afterwards you may be able to do the will of the Father, Who is in heaven and not on earth, and I want to draw all people to the Father, as I promised when I ascended to the Father that this was how I would work after I would reach again in the glory, which I had from Him before the foundation of the world.


I have come as word on earth to call the man to life, and life mans holiness and love of God forever, for where life is, it is forever, and it is not like death, which is not eternal, because death will no longer be, soon, soon, and there will be only saints on earth, for the saints will judge the world, as it is written in the Scriptures and I said: «He who overcomes, and he who keeps My works to the end, to him I will give authority over the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod, shattering them like clay pots; as I also received of My Father». (Rev. 2:26, 27)


When Paul, My apostle, was establishing the word of the Holy Spirit of the teaching over the church, he said: «Don’t you know that we will judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?» (1 Cor. 6:3)


I want to raise them back into the glory, which the angels that became haughty fell from, and I want to

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