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2004.05.16 - The Word of God on the sixth Sunday after Passover, of the blind man

The Word of God[1] on the sixth Sunday after Passover, of the blind man[2]



I am coming down into your midst, My people, as I have set you with your dwelling and Mine into the midst of the world, and this is how I am coming to you, because as long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the world, and I make see those who do not see, and I make blind those that see, for those who do not see come for their healing and those who see remain in unbelief and are blind as far as My glory in their midst concerns. However, two thousand years ago I said that I had to do the works of the One Who sent Me while there was still light, because the night would come when no one was able to work, and that I was the Light as long as I was in the world. Amen, amen, amen.


I wait for you to open My book with you and to come into it with My light, for it is a day of the memorial of the miracle of the healing of the one who was blind from birth that the works of God might be revealed in him, children who stay before My word, which has come to you to be the light of the world. I have come again into the world and I have come as word into the world, for I am the Light of the world. The life is within Me and the life is the light of the people, and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. My word is the true light, and behold I am into the world and the world was made through Me, and the word did not recognize Me and does not recognize Me as its light, but as many as have received Me and believed in My name, to those I give them the right to become God’s children and to do His works. Amen.


Oh, Jerusalem of the faith from the end of the time, you have to understand with a depth of wisdom the mystery of the second birth, because it is written about Me: «As many received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become God’s children, who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, not of the will of man, but of God». (John 1:12, 13) The second birth, the birth which works out from above the new man, the man born of heaven, a godly man born of My word, born of God. Amen. He who is born again is born of My Spirit, My people, and that one does My works, the works of God, as I showed them when I healed the one who was born blind of his parents, and then he saw God.


Oh, My people, I teach you again and again the mystery of the birth from above to be born from above. You should again and again be born of My Spirit, of My word, which is the Spirit of God and which always blows upon you and you should always be born from above by Him and to believe in My works into your midst as one who is born of the Spirit, son of the word from above. Remember My word by which I spoke and said: «The wind blows where it wants to, and you hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from and where it is going. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit». Amen. Oh, this word spoken by Me for those who are born from above has to be understood by those who believe in My name, for otherwise they are not born from above, but remain born from the earth and they cannot do My works, the works of the Spirit, Who blows wherever He wants. For this great mystery faithful men are needed. I have come again into the world, and those who believe now in Me by My word of today, have to be able to believe more powerfully than those who saw Me then when I came into the world in the flesh to be the Light of the world, because I work now with the Spirit and I give birth to those who believe in My name, and those who are born of the Spirit, are Spirit, as I am now. Amen.


Oh, people who have My word upon you, I gave you birth from it to have you, and you have to be spirit of My spirit and to do My works on earth, as I do the works of the One Who has sent Me, the works of the Father. «While I am in the world, I am the light of the world», (John 9:5), this is how I taught My disciples to believe in Me and this is what I told them, and then I spat on the ground, made mud with the saliva, anointed the blind man’s eyes with the mud, and then I humbled Myself and I said to him before My disciples: «Go, wash in the pool of Siloam», and he went away seeing God and the people, for he believed into My name and confessed Me to the Pharisee saying: «Since the world began it has never been heard of that anyone opened the eyes of someone born blind. And if This man were not from God, He could do nothing, for we know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anyone is a worshipper of God and does His will, he listens to Him, and this is the amazement, that you do not know where He comes from, yet He opened my eyes». (John 9:30-33)


Oh, sons, you have to be God’s miracles in the midst of this sinful and immoral people, because the people on the earth do not perceive the mystery of the birth from above and do not see God. Oh, children from the gates, I have showed you the mystery of the Holy Spirit to comfort you in your pains, and I told you that the wind blows where it wants to, and the one who listens to it hears its sound but he does not know where it comes from and where it is going. I have showed you how the Spirit of God hovers above the earth and moves with power those on the earth, who confess God by their obedience. I have whispered you to teach the people of My word the mystery of the Holy Spirit, Who blows where it wants to and how it wants to so that everything may listen to Him. Who knows where the wind comes from and where it is going? However, those who are faithful believe in My Spirit and conform to Him, for this is how those who are born of the Spirit are, those who are born from above, of God’s word.


Oh, My people, you always have My word upon you, and since I have taken you near it, I have always, always, taught you its mystery, its blowing upon you, and you have to work and believe like the one born of the Spirit, for I am with you into the world and while I am in the world I am the Light of the world, and I am your life, and you should also be My life, and to be the light of the world, for this is how the one who is born from above is. You should be light of the Light, because there is no longer light on earth, and I want to shine with you into the darkness as in the beginning of the creation of the world, when My Spirit was hovering over the waters and when I said: «Let there be light!» and then it was light.


Oh, the whole creation listens to the Spirit from above, Who gives life, and in no circumstances should you forget what I said that the Spirit is the One Who gives life, My people. Everything what grows from the earth is to decorate him and all the nature shows the mystery of the resurrection, which is to be. However, the man cannot listen as the creature listens to its Creator. The flowers and the grass and everything that passes under the frost, which scorches everything, come to life from under the ground when My heat and My light beat upon them once with the coming of the spring. However, the man cannot do this so that this may be seen. The man has remained unfaithful, not born from above, and does not understand the mystery of the birth. However, I have come as the Light of the light on earth, and I tell the man to speak with everything that comes out from the ground each year, and waiting and earnestly desiring the coming of My day and My new earth and My new heaven afterwards, and which will last in the age that is to be and which means eternal life, My people. I wait for this love from you to do My works on earth as I did and as I do the works of the One Who has sent Me, and as I am the Light of the world.


My whole word, which has been breathing from My mouth upon the earth for fifty years is the voice of the Spirit, Who blows where it wants to, and I ask you, My people, not to stay without looking always, always into My book from the end of the time, (The book that comprises in it the whole word of God beginning with 1955 and up to this day, r.n.), and in which I have been writing Myself into your midst, and I ask you, son, to get used to the mystery of the birth of the Spirit, to be listened by God when you ask from Him. Let your mouth be the spring of the Holy Spirit, of whom you have always been fed of the breath of My mouth upon you, for this is how the one who is born of the Spirit is, My people. Let there be only peace into your midst, only the Lord your God with His Spirit between brother and brother, for the Spirit does not ask, but gives, My people. Those who are born of the Spirit have My peace among them, and there has always been strife between spirit and flesh, and that is why I exhort you that you all may be born of the Spirit, and this is how you are to have in you the gift of the spirit, which works by love and which has never asked anything in return for it, but it has only given from it, sons. I look into My word and you should also open it so that you may measure yourselves through it and not otherwise, and that you should also give each other to God and to be His life on earth among people and to be light from the Light one for another and not darkness, for the darkness does not comprise the light within it, and the darkness is sin and it keeps the sin within it, while the light has proved everything out, sons, and this is how all those born of the Spirit are and who overcome with Him over the darkness from the man, for the man thinks that he is right

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