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2008.02.17 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the tax collector and the Pharisee

The Word of God[1] on the Sunday of the tax collector and the Pharisee[2]



I am knocking and it is opened for Me and I am coming in as word into My book of today with you, people of God’s word. I feed you, son, from feast to feast, because I have nowhere to stop on earth to do My works written into the Scriptures to be fulfilled now. I come to strengthen your faith, for My thought and My love are only of you, for you are the one who believes in God, Who has made His way on to the earth now to be able to invite the man to My kingdom, to love and to holiness, and that I may be able to look face to face with the man, he with Me and I with him, to the perfection of My coming again from the Father to man. Amen.


Oh, children from the gates, strengthen the people of My word; strengthen each one of them according to his need, as you know that he needs growth and work. Work sons! Work My people, for you have My love in you, My mercy for man, My merciful Spirit and My wisdom for the holy making of the man. Strengthen the man who is weak in the things from above in him, strengthen him for his birth from above so that he may be able to be with My kingdom in him, for everything has been waiting for renewal. You should help those that do not have the gift of the humility of spirit by your humility and wake the man up to repentance. Oh, do not be afraid of man, but rather help him and I will reward you. The humility of spirit is My rest in man, and this is what I want to set over the one who comes to take from you the law of God’s love and then the law of holiness, the law that is written on the gate of the little garden of My word and for which My entire people has to persevere more and more, for it is the time for the law of the heaven to come down on earth, the new heaven and the new earth, as My beloved John saw and said: «I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth have passed away, and the sea is no more; and I saw the holy citadel, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready like a bride adorned for her husband, and a voice from the throne saying: “Behold God’s dwelling is with people, and He will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God». And He also said: «Behold, I am making all things new… I will give freely to him who is thirsty from the spring of the water of life, and he who overcomes, I will give him these things. I will be his God, and he will be My son. But for the cowardly, unbelieving, sinners, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death», as it is written. (See Rev. 21:1-8)


Oh, My people from everywhere, I call you out, son, to a life with love in it, for love heals the man from his sin and behaves like a mother to her sons and advises them. Oh, there are no longer confessors on the earth; they are no longer! The people have no way to come to God, for the common man knows that God is there where the people took My little house and coat and where those who rule upon them buy and sell the men’s soul and God’s mysteries, but God is in the man’s heart, only the man to be woken up for this treasure in him and then for its adornment, and behold, the people do not have a teacher for this wisdom upon them. Those who teach the man do not have Me as their love, do not share Me with My teaching, but they rather share theirs to their advantage, not to man’s advantage, for love heals the man from sin and from his self when it works upon man, and it behaves like a mother with her children and takes care of them for a long time, until love receives face in them, calling itself My kingdom in the faithful and loving man. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God”, r.n.)


When I was with My disciples two thousand years ago, and many were looking at My speaking with them, the scribes, the Pharisees, the tax collectors and the rulers were coming and listening to My teaching upon the disciples and I was looking at some of them, who were looking down to others, they being sure that were righteous, and then I told them the parable of two people who went to pray before the Lord, a tax collector and a Pharisee, the latter standing upright, praying with thankfulness for the good things he had done, while the first, the tax collector, from far away where he was, did not even dare lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his chest praying for God’s mercy for his sinfulness, and this one humbled himself and in this way he was exalted to God by his prayer, and the other one exalted himself and God humbled him, not justifying him for his works, by which he wanted to exalt himself before people, looking down on them.


Oh, My people, the humility of spirit is God’s power in man. Oh, who shall teach the people this humiliation, which exalts them to the wisdom of love? Man, come and ask My wisdom upon you, and stay at the work of your making, when you come! Come, My people to learn to be beautiful and holy, and then to be worker, for I taught My disciples very much and I told them all kind of parables, for many looked at Me when I was working upon them and all those who looked at Me while I was teaching My disciples needed much instruction. I taught them face to face with all those who came together near us, as I am doing with you today, My people, and many took the wisdom of love and the mystery of the man’s making, man born from above at God’s word, for I was the Father’s word then, as I am into your midst today, come from the Father, and I was giving birth to My word in the midst of My disciples, as I am working today, for I have made a house where to come and to come out of it as a Teacher over those who have found Me that I am on the earth as word into the midst of a people of disciples. Amen.


Oh, the mystery of the humility of spirit is My teaching in this day. Come, you too, sons of the world, come to hear My word, which gives birth to sons for God, for the Lord can make His sons out of stones, as it is written. Come to hear the voice of My calling and do not be stiff-necked, for your heart is hardened and that is why you cannot do more for your souls, which mourn in you after the life that wants to come on the earth once with My day of wrath, which will strike those who stay in unbelief, not in a saving work and in ignorance of God! (See the selection topic: „The great tribulation”, r.n.) Come! I give you birth and I grow you if you come. Come and become disciples of My teaching, for I have people to work with and to take care of your growth! Those who are born have to learn then the work of love and of the holy watch until My coming, for many want to give birth, and that by not watching upon them, they stumble and die again, for those who seek to stumble, the evil spirit comes to them and corrupts their mind, their sight and their faith, and then it corrupts My dwelling place in them and then they remain in the darkness, poor of them, and it happens to them as to the Pharisee, who was sure that he was righteous, and therefore he looked down to all those around him, and he was doing this before Me but I did not justify him more than the one who recognized his unworthiness, humbling himself with a crush of heart and with his prayer before Me.


Behold, the one who thinks that he is right, that one despises his neighbor and he does this before Me, and he does not know what he does when he does so. A man like that falls into the sin of man’s contempt and then he judges his neighbor and falls into the judgment of his neighbor, as the Pharisees in the parable of today did, who judged the tax collector and he justified himself before Me by the spirit of haughtiness, which exalts the man to his own falling.


Oh, I taught My disciples very much so that they might also be able to know how to work and how much to work over those they lifted from their sin, sealing them with the baptism for the birth from above, much work, because the work of the making has to remain always working, always taking care over the man then.


Oh, son, try not to put pressure on your brother. Give him the opportunity to grow, give him a good example, and in this way you will work before Me brotherly work, for which I will reward you, for behold, I have making sons into your midst, who know from Me how to work with each one, to bring the man to Me, for I put in these a people loving spirit, and if they had the chance they would work day and night for the salvation of many, and you should look at My work and at their work, for their work of teaching looks like Mine, only for you to want to understand this, My people. Oh, they are despised by those who love themselves and who justify themselves in their own self and then fall by their haughtiness, for when the man exalts himself, then he falls into the devil’s temptation and then he falls into the sin of the judgment of his neighbor, for he does not know to see and understand the work of the man’s making by those who make God in man, and then some like these fall into the sin of the judgment of his neighbor, and behold how much instruction you need, My people, and how much love I try to put into your heart so that you may understand what I speak to you, for he who does not have love cannot do anything and such a man is nothing. Oh, come to humble yourself in your mind and that I may give you wisdom, for here it is what I do with the mind of those who stumble, those who judge according to their own wisdom, exalting themselves only to fall down! However, I, the Lord, urge them to repentance and I tell them to open their eyes wide, for the devil is ready to strike

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