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2003.12.04 - The Word of God at the feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord's Mother



The Word of God at the feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother



With godly power from the Father and from Me I declare and say: give Me power to enter as word in the book of My days with you, children from the gates! Let yourselves be embraced of My power for you are emptied of power, but I, the mighty God, the Son of the heavenly Father, keep you within Me to be able to work for Me and for every soul, which lives from heaven and not from earth, for whoever eats from heaven lives and he who eats from earth dies, sons.


In the name of the Father I become the word of feast of My child Mother, for she gave herself to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit and she remained a child, for whoever is born of God remains a dear child of God and grows in obedience, in humility, by heavenly faith and not by an earthly one. Oh, keep on obeying, little sons. Stay as the gates of My entrance, for I come in to exhort My people to a heavenly life, to a heavenly faith and not to an earthly one, to the wisdom of humility and of a clean heart and full of the Holy Spirit, of the Spirit of God, for whoever is born from the earth is not used to the Spirit of God, and who is born from heaven, that one is the heaven of the Holy Spirit and suffers like Me between earth and heaven, and the sufferance, which loves Me in man, that is a crown for the saints, because there is no holier man than the one who loves God as much as God wants. Amen.


Oh, here is how I have taken you into My arms and I set you on the rock of confession so that I may testify from the rock and from you the word of the feast of My child mother. Confession is the gift of the saints in heaven and on earth, and it is the foundation stone of the heavenly faith, for the saints are from heaven and they become the foundation of the heavenly faith for those who believe by confession and for confession. The saints do a heavenly work on earth, for those who are born of heaven do no longer work as on earth, and they are like the angels from heaven on earth instead. Amen.


Oh, obedient children and submitted to My power that keeps your within it so that I may come with the mysteries of the heavens on earth! I told the Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection, because they asked Me about the resurrection, but they asked Me with temptation, and then I told them: «The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage», and I let this word be covered within a mystery. But now, after two thousand years, when I again I speak abundantly with power and word over the earth, for I can do this because I am God, and I speak and say that it is by this word that was declared then that I have showed who are the sons of this age. But those who overcome death in them and escape from this age, they are those who are worthy to receive the age of the resurrection from among the dead, and they do no marry and are not given in marriage, because they cannot die, since they are like angels and are the sons of God, the sons of the resurrection and are not the sons of this age. Behold a mystery that is unsealed by the One Who spoke this word two thousand years ago. I Myself spoke it against those who were tempting Me concerning the resurrection of the dead and then I showed who were the sons of the men and who were the sons of God and I said that he sons of this age are those who marry and are given in marriage and the sons of the Lord’s age do not marry and are not given in marriage, because they cannot, since they become like angels in order to be the sons of the resurrection, coming to life from the dead of this age so that they may no longer die and that they may be of the Lord’s, and God is not a God of the dead but of the living, for all live in Him. Amen. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.)


Oh, sons of the people, I am not the God of the sons of this age, for God is not a God of the dead but of the living who live in Him not into this age. I told those born of Me two thousand years ago that I would be with them to the end of the age, because those who are worthy to overcome the world, then they live like Me, not in this age. Oh, sons of the people, oh, sons of this age! If the man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him, and the world passes and its lust passes away as well, but he who does God’s will remains forever for he is from the Father. Amen.


I have come now as word on earth to speak with every man from it and to tell the sons of this age that hypocrisy is the dough of the Pharisees and that nothing is covered that it will not be revealed, and nothing is hidden that it will not be known from the rooftops.


Oh, obedient sons, who receive My voice from My mouth and give it to the sons of this age! I have revealed this mystery so that the work of hypocrisy may be seen; the one who teaches the man that marriage and giving in marriage are from God. From God is the resurrection and not death, not this age and not its sons, and I have been preparing Myself to break down the wisdom of this age in which all of its sons live and to tell them of My child mother, and to tell them that whoever is born of God on earth, that one remains a child and grows in obedience, in humility and in a heavenly faith and not in an earthly one between earth and heaven. Amen.


And as for you, child, My mother and the child of My Father and yours, teach from Me the sons of this age to hear what the kingdom of this age is and what the God’s kingdom on earth is. Amen, amen, amen.


— It is a day of the growth of the heavenly faith over Your people of New Jerusalem, Son of the Father and my child. The man built by Your hand out of dust in the beginning was not a child and that is why he did not know to obey, for this is how the child is, and You said to the people that if they would not be like infants, they will not enter the age of the resurrection where all are like angels, Son Lord. You are the One Who made the first built man and You did not make him a child but a mature man. And if he saw that he was a mature man and not a child he set himself greater than You and did not listen to You, because he did not see You.


Oh, it is hard for the one who does not believe You, mysterious God, for that one does evil things if he does not see how true You are. I become a feast of wisdom upon man, because I, being a three-year old child, submitted to be a child by submission, and the Father loved me without limits and He gave to me His beloved Son and I put Him on the earth after I gave Him birth through my obedience to the Father, Who sent an angel with the good news on earth to tell me that the Lord, the Creator, was conceived in my belly, the One born of the Father before eternity. The wisdom carries submission within it, which becomes sweet in the one who is wise. This is how I worked when the Father asked me through an angel to be the dwelling of His Son, and this is how the soul works, which gives itself to my Son as His home, for He dwells in the house like a Son, as it is written. Amen.


Oh, people of my Son, there is no wisdom more beautiful than humility, which does not leave the man to die and fall from God. This is the teaching which you have to set over the sons of this age when you are into their midst after you have lived this way before God, so that the wisdom of the sons of this age may be seen. You shall not neglect such a great salvation, for I had not lived a moment otherwise on earth, and I was the Lord’s birth giver. Oh, if I had not had a heavenly faith and humility, how could I have listened to submit myself to the Lord’s coming? But the people of this age who are not humble have not seen this miracle, but only those that had and have the heavenly faith and its sufferance, who have been suffering with hope, and for a long time for the hope of His coming, have seen it and carried it over the time. Amen.


Oh, Jerusalem of the coming of my Son, learn the mystery of the joy of His coming to you, for the people of the first Israel, the one after the flesh, saw with his eyes the miracles and signs done through Moses and works beyond nature, as it has never been heard, but his self-aggrandizement made him blind and got him lost from God even if he had seen God as his guide to the country of promise. The lack of humility in the spirit lifts the man above God, for this is how the one without God over his steps is, over his spirit, and that one takes from himself and does not take from God. When the man receives from God, then his life is the Lord’s life and he has got enough in order to share life, for after I gave my life and my body for my Son, Jesus Christ, Who was my life, I was then with a spirit of life giving among the people, and in the one in whom the humility of My son and mine was getting in, that one became life on earth and a life giver. Blessed is the one who has life, for that one is rich and has enough what to give and no one dies near him from among those who love the life for the humility in them. I did not spend time on earth with no one but only with those who loved God and who had the patience of life, the love full of humility, and nowhere else has my Son been warmer than in the humble heart, for my Son is beautiful and dwells in humility and in its wisdom. Amen.


The spirit of the heavenly feasts is the spirit of humility, who becomes love for the heaven in the holy man, for whoever is born from above, that one suffers between earth and heaven, and the sufferance, which loves the Lord in man, is a treasure of holiness, because there is no holier man than

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