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2005.07.22 - The Word of God, fourteen years from the laying down of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem

The Word of God[1], fourteen years from the laying down of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem[2]



I, the Lord and My word from the Father, write Myself with a day of feast for the garden of the word of God during these days, and you, children from the gates, together with the entire people of My word, strengthen your little hearts and then settle down as feast before Me, for I stay into Your midst with the life of My word, which brings you before Me and Me before you, and which then works My word on the earth. Amen.


Oh, sons, the country of My coming as word in it is under pains. The Romanian people are oppressed under the rod of My wrath, and I want to hear you asking Me to save it and to give it of My Spirit of life, and the life is that which lies in God with the man, because the people, whose God I am, is pleased to Me, and I protect him. Even the pain for the revival is My love for the man too, because I become the word for the new birth of the world in it, fulfilling this Scripture, which I spoke about two thousand years ago. Amen.


The Holy Spirit of My word asks from the Romanian people the love for God, faith in this word, which cleanses the lawlessness on the earth and which comforts those who love in God and not in this world. I come down with the Scripture of the man’s renewal, by which I call the man to love in God, not in the world, for the spirit of the world has taken the man out of My kingdom and has made him used to the living on the earth and not in heaven. My kingdom has to be on the earth and not man’s, and the man has to be a dwelling place of My glory, a kingdom of the heavens, which I want to be full of joy in man, full of the voice of My word, which makes the world again. Amen.


Oh, My people, in this day of feast for the little garden of My word, I establish you before Me praying for the Romanian country. Let My hand save it from its hardship, from under its pain. Let My spirit renew it, and let its sons seek God’s life in them and among them, for the sin carries its punishment within it, and I want Romania to be clean, because I will come soon with the visible glory in it (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) and I announce Myself as its God to lift up those who are Romanians within their hearts and deed, and to call by its name all the soul, which will love to be in My image and after My likeness, which will be soon, soon, over the sons of this nation for the glory of My coming, to have house and board in My country, newly chosen, as it is My will and not its will, and that it may love My will, for I am its God. Amen.


Oh, people of My word, I teach you within the Holy Spirit to ask the kingdom of My peace for Romania, so that it may have My love and protection over it and to make itself ready according to My pleasure, to be the house of My coming after two thousand years, for I have much work to establish on the land in its midst, and then to bring into view the new heaven, the new earth and the new man, with My love in him on the earth, and My rest in man, as I wanted the man then when I built him to My joy.


And now, My people, having into your midst those that are anointed between Me and you, I want to hear the voice of your prayer for Romania, which cries under the persecution (The Floods, r.n.) and it does not know to find its salvation from the temptations which has caught it within them because of its departure from God. Lift up your hands, My people, and within an earnest spirit of prayer, speak to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit your prayer for your country and Mine, and this is how you are to pray:


„Lord of the powers in heaven and on earth, Lord of patience and endurance, within Your great sufferance because of the Romanian people’s departure from God and because of every man’s departure on the earth, we comfort You, heart by heart we comfort You in Your pain for the country of Your coming. It is Your chosen one and Your wedding table, (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) but it is not able to know You, because it has departed from the Holy Spirit, Who knows from You in man, and the shepherds, who stand over it in Your name, do not have any mercy on it. However, You have mercy and You do not forget about Your mercy if You have come within it to shepherd it on Your pasture. Give it the grace of the Holy Spirit by Your baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Give it the spirit of revival and of the holy faith, and then of the love and of the knowledge of God. Stop Your wrath that has come upon it for its revival. Let Your rebuking upon it be its resurrection and then life with You, and save it from the spirit of the world, from the perishing spirit of this age, for the world and its lust perishes, but let Romania and its sons remain, Lord, and make its house into Your house and Your people of saints, because the holy man is sweet, and the holy life in man is a blessing on earth.


There will be only saints in Your people; we know that this is what You have announced through the prophets, but we reach our hands to You so that You may put in them in such a way that we may give to the Romanian people Your wisdom, the wisdom of creation of the new man according to Your image and likeness on the Romanian land, and let this miracle spread over the entire world then, to renew the world in this way, and not by rebuking, Lord of the powers.


And now, refresh Yourself within us, to know to ask You, to know by Your Spirit in order that You may fulfill.


Speak to the rain and to its great measure to go back to its place and to come on the earth only for the food of the people, food that grows with rain, with sun, with light and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Who gives life over all and Who gives comfort over everything.


Speak to the swift wind not to destroy Your creature from the Romanian land, but to withdraw into its chambers instead, and when it comes out speak to it, let it come sweetly and comfortably to refresh and to speak about life, and to sing with its voice the song of Your love for those who love You, for Your coming on earth as word, Lord of the powers.


Speak with love to all the ghosts not to strike the Romanian land, but to protect it instead for the whisper of Your Holy Spirit, Which becomes word on the earth. Speak to everything to work with the measure of the blessing and of the comfort, and bring holy peace and light of Your light over the Romanian land.


We ask You for the Romanians and over the Romanians, so that the Romanian people may not have another god except You and to listen more and more and to come and learn to do Your will, and the Romanian people to be a holy nation and then a praised nation before You, from which they will learn the eternal life and the blessing of all the nations of the earth, which will cry seeing Your coming with glory, and giving You glory with its feast into the middle of the Romanian land, chosen by You in the beginning and now to work upon it the mystery of eternity of everything that was and is in You and not into this world, Lord of the powers.


In addition, Lord, come in us with the Holy Spirit of prayer, and through it we may be able to ask You earnestly for all that are spoken by You for the promise of the salvation. Cover with Your protection, with Your mercy and then with Your glory the Romanian country, and let Your saints and angels give to it from You, and always teach us to pray to You for it, and You to fulfill this. Amen, amen, amen.”


Oh, children of goodness and prayer, may your heart for prayer be warm, for the heart does not need to have another work than the work which asks for God on earth, His will on earth as in heaven, and when your heart also works you for those who are to be fulfilled, keep it within Me and not within this world full of venom. I am always among you and I teach you not to be into the world, not to say in the world, but rather stay in Me, sons. It is not I that I need to struggle to have you, but rather you are to struggle for this. I only teach you My will in you, for the one who is not taught by God does not make God on earth, and he makes the devil instead, and I become upset with the man if he does this, and behold, each work calls for its reward.


The man has to become joy and to walk within My light, for otherwise he stays within the darkness in him. However, I am the Teacher with eternal life in the word and I set upon man the wisdom of life, and then the continuation of the sons of life, and for this entire fulfillment on the earth, the man has to listen to God.


However, sons of My word of life making, you should not stop walking in the light, for the life which is in the light is a life protected by angels and is always set on the way of life at any of its shaking if the man is humble. The man has to stay within great humility not to fall from God, for Adam fell from Me, if He was not able to become humble because of his falling. He got upset with Me when I saw that he did no longer listen to Me and then I set apart the paradise for Him, the house for life and for obedience in it. The mystery of obedience is the mystery of life, and woe to the man who listens to himself and cannot be as beautiful as God can, because I listen to the Father to be the beautiful One and for the man to receive from this mystery of life, which makes the man shine before Me and before the people. The one who listens to God on earth, that one is a beautiful man, and that one knows this work of obedience on earth, for the man, after he goes wrong, he has to listen.

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