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2009.07.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the holy apostles Peter and Paul

            The Word of God[1] at the feast of the holy apostles Peter and Paul[2]



I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, God’s word, and I am making My entrance into My book of today, and My word is feeding a people elected by My Spirit from among the Romanian nation, as I have been coming to a halt for more than fifty years on this land with My second coming from the Father to man, and I am enveloped within the word, and this is how I am working, and this mystery is an unfathomable mystery, and blessed are those who hear My word and fulfill it and give it further for the man to take from it and to make the man know Me and then to believe that I am the One Who is speaking and prophesying in the midst of this nation. I am calling the Romanian people to repentance and to the faith in My word of today, for I was prophesied two thousand years ago that I would come on the earth with hosts of angels and saints and My name would be the Word of God (Apoc: 19/13.) and that I would lead this nation, and through it I would lead all the nations of the earth. Amen.


Oh, he who loves himself cannot fulfill My word, if he takes it from you, My today’s people of Romanians. Man is very much bound to his body and to the fruit of his body and he cannot leave off pleasures, and he gets enchanted with them so that he may not love Me, but I seek as much as I can and watch as much as I can, to be able to have a numerous people, and I want you to be in it with a holy soul, as I put it in man, and I seek for it to be clean in his heart, clean in his mind and will, and I seek to make him long after Me, the one who comes to be into My flock of New Jerusalem, and if he comes otherwise, then his spirit does not keep one like that in Me, and then he shows his face that he has loved himself near Me and then he goes back to his things with great desire, for two thousand years ago I spoke a great parable about the kingdom of the heavens taking after a fisherman who cast his net into the sea and all kinds of fish, great and small, were caught in it. He then threw the little ones back into the sea and the greater ones he retained for himself and he made his kingdom in them. I am the One Who can do this work; I am the fisherman, as that is why the Father has sent Me after the man on the earth now, clothed in the word, and My disciples worked and work likewise, for they have their work from Me. Amen.


Oh, how much I like to speak from the Father upon you, My people of today! I have made you by the work of My Spirit, son. I have revealed Myself to you so that You may find Me and hear Me, and I have given you faith and then I have put your little soul on fire to follow Me, and this is how I was working in the time when I came on the earth in the flesh. I chose My apostles and I made My kingdom in them and I appeared with it over the whole earth full of power and love, and then I ascended again to the Father, but I also remained with them wholly and I worked from the Father in them, and they worked in Me, for I asked My Father in My prayer for them: «Father, I want to be in them, and they in Me, as You are in Me and I in You». (John: 17/21.) And My Father listened to Me like that and this is how I gave them, I and the Father gave them the Holy Spirit, Who had knowledge in them and then they worked like Me on the earth, and they worked on the earth even more, for they were working by faith, not by sight, and this is the greatest power in man, God’s power in man. Amen.


Oh, My people, You are of great value to God. Your faith in the work of My word has got great power in you, power from God, little son, for I said that God’s kingdom belongs to the little ones. Oh, you should protect yourself to be great, to be able work, to be yourself, to want. Oh, God’s sons on the earth are not like this. They are the little ones, in whom God can work after they receive power from Him to become God’s sons on the earth by His love for them and then by their love for God. Oh, son, born of My word of today, take care to love God and not to love otherwise if you are in My fold of New Jerusalem. You should love nothing, nothing else, for only I, only I am eternal, son, only I am the One Who gives you life so that you may have, only I am everything in man, and he who has Me completely in him remains forever, and one like that cannot fall from My work and from the fold of My church of today, and then I teach through them all those who hear My voice by My church of new Jerusalem on the Romanian land, the land chosen from the creation of the world to be My settlement now, in the end of the time, when I am coming again from the Father after the man in the clouds of word, for My glory of today is the word and I glorify Myself through it. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.)


I am into your midst with My disciples of two thousand years ago, My people, for it is a feast of apostles, sons, and their glory from heaven is like Mine, it is the word, and we all are clothed in the word, just as God was and is and will be word between earth and heaven. From the beginning I was the Word and I worked with it the creation of all things, like today, and I am telling these for those who are faithful and to those who are unfaithful, to strengthen their faith or to wake them up for humility and repentance, for the man who does not have humility in him, then he also does not have repentance for his naked stature from God, and he does not have faith in My being either, in My works, and then in My coming from the Father to man, being clothed in word. My people from the beginning, that from My first coming, the people of Israel, to whom I gave the promises, was going and asking the Lord in time of hardship or ignorance and it knew its way to Me, as from time to time it had in it faithful sons, who were going and taking from God for it, for the protection and for the work of My people Israel, as I, the Lord, was always into the midst of Israel by the prophets and by revelations, and I was answering those who were coming to take and then to work from Me upon them.


Two thousand years ago, I came and put faith in those whom I chose from Israel to make them My disciples and then to go with them from place to place with the gospel of the kingdom of the heavens, with which I came from the Father to put in those who were faithful to Him. Oh, how beautifully I chose My disciples then! I did not go to those with a standing, to those with soft clothes, to those with power over people, but I went to those who were poor in their spirit, to those pleasant in their heart and humility; I went to them and touched their hearts, and then they followed Me and were My witnesses then, for they were clothed within My spirit by their faith and obedience and by then by their work in the Holy Spirit.


Oh, My people, I have always, always preached My Gospel into your midst, and I have not worked upon you otherwise. This is how My apostles worked from place to place after I left them in My place for those who were to believe into My coming of that time and for the last one. Now, I am giving them voice into your midst, for they are My apostles just as they were on the earth, and My apostles have My Gospel as their work. Amen.


Peace to you into the midst of My people of today, oh My loved disciples! It is your day of feast among saints, and those in the time of today of My coming as word and Gospel on the earth are sitting with you at the table. And now, share the Holy Spirit, and let My people take from it, for the Holy Spirit is not given with measure, but He is given to be and to fill the world. Peace to you into the midst of My disciples of today! Amen.


– Oh, how beautiful work, how sweet between You and us on our day of feast in the midst of Your people of today, little Lamb of the Father! When You were with us on the earth, You were working upon those You chose from Israel and from among the nations, and we were looking at the miracle of Your works with man, but after You went to stand perfectly in the Father, where Your place and dwelling is now, then we were also working and Your Spirit was teaching us and working as well, for You gave Him to us to be our God on earth, and He reigned in us with Your kingdom and thus we were teaching the church by Him, and we were leading the flock, which was growing through the Holy Spirit, Lord, and by the word of the truth. We are coming now and teaching from You Your people of today, who gave You power to be their God, and they to be Your sons and that You may hold their little hand through their bad time on the earth, for woe to those without a helm over them! Oh, we have great mercy on the people, for they do not have leaders, Lord, and the life without guidance upon it is tossed by the winds wandering of life. Oh, what else shall we work upon Your church but teaching for it, as You work? What kind of other work does an apostle have? He teaches those who always, always need teaching upon them, for the one without teaching is no longer after that. And now we are sitting down and teaching Your church, we, Your apostles.


Amen, amen, we are saying to you now, sons of the Lord’s church, born of the word and having a great name: the New Jerusalem! Amen, amen we are saying to you: love the Lord with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul, have from this love work upon each other, lest you may fall from God and then lose the mystery of love and its work, for love is that which does not ask

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