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2010.05.13 - The Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension

                        The Word of God[1] at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension[2]



Before dawn, I am waking up My watchmen and making My book of today come down, the word of the feast of My ascension into heaven and I am giving special blessing for the sons of My people, for I, the Lord, am coming out with them for the spirit of confession. Amen.


Sons, we are going into the midst of the Romanian people; we are going with bread and salt and mysteriously we are calling it to the feast of My second coming from the Father on to the earth, a great feast and by which I keep celebrating on the hearth of this nation for more than fifty years, and to which I have always, always called the Romanian people to drink of My river of word, to drink and to long after Me, for I, the Lord, long after it, because I want to make it God’s glory on earth among people and I want to announce Myself far and wide with My country of coming now, in the end of the time, for the crowning of the work of seven thousand years of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit on earth with man, after God had made the heaven, the earth and the man.


Forty days after My resurrection two thousand years ago, I came together with My disciples and with all those who remained faithful to My coming of that time, and speaking with them about those that I had suffered, as it was written, I commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait there for the Father’s promise, the Holy Spirit, Who would clothe them with power to be My witnesses then to the ends of the earth, and while I was speaking to them, I ascended into heaven and we separated and a cloud took Me away from before their eyes and it took Me into the Father, and they saw near them two men standing, dressed in white clothes, speaking to them: «You men of Galilee, this Jesus Who was received up from you into the sky will come back in the same way as you saw Him going into the sky». (Acts: 1/11) 


Oh, this is how I have also made you, in My time with you, My witnesses during these days, and I have often come out with you to My testimony and I have made you the sharers of My word, because I have put My word before the nations from margins to margins and I have woken them up and I will wake those that will take part with Me in the day of My glory, when I will rise My testimony with you above all the heights, that is the word of My coming of this time, sons. I am giving you in this day a sweet blessing and I am making you sweet for those who will look at you, for you are going on My behalf in this day before the Romanian people with bread and salt, sons, and what I am doing with you in this day is a great mystery. Be blessed, and share the wisdom from above over those on the earth, who will look at you! Oh, sons, blessed are those who love you and blessed will be those who will remain in this love to the end, for I, the Lord, give a special gift to those who love you and I will give them the gift of faith, and I will also give them the gift of understanding and I will stir in them the longing after God at their meeting with you, because you are God’s sons on earth, as the work of My word has made you, and then your love, sons.


Oh, Romanian people, I come into your way with bread and salt. What I am doing in this day by the sons of My today’s word on your heart is a great mystery! Oh, My work of today into your midst is a great mystery! I am giving you help to understand those from above for your destiny with God and I am embracing you within My wisdom, which I have put it into the midst of My people that is into your midst, a table of word in this time on earth, to write My book of today, the book of My second coming from the Father to man, oh, My country of today! I want to make peace with you, and I work mysteriously because you do not want to understand, and I also fulfill mysteriously because those who reign upon you are stiff-necked, but I also love you and I embrace you within My mercy, and I what I am to give you, I will give you mysteriously until I am able to make Myself understood that I have been waiting for years in a row in order to bring My kingdom upon the Romanian people and to present it together with it, with My glory of today into its midst.


Oh, you should not despise those who are the least of Mine into your midst! I do you good through them and I weave for you a praised little shirt and mysteriously I make you out of My word woven with longing and with patience, your garment of tomorrow, oh, My country of today, because I want you to have resurrection. I am the Lord your God, and I become a river of word into your midst, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) and I comfort you and then I wait for you to understand My work for you, for you need a Shepherd from heaven, My country. I ask the Father from heaven with tearful prayer to give you the wisdom of God’s mysteries and to get up as soon as possible and stay with faith and victory for you before Him, oh, My country. I am giving you, in this day, a blessing in secret, and I am asking the Father to lift you up, to lift you up to those from above coming down into your midst for your life with God among nations, but you should also pray and do not throw My advice aside, for I am your wealth, and soon, soon, the nations on the earth will understand that you have the Lord glorifying Himself by the word into your midst and they will love you for Me and they will give you their love, but receive from Me and be faithful and stand up beautifully to meet Me, oh, My today’s country, the country of the Lord, Jesus Christ in His second coming from the Father on earth. Amen.


Oh, we are going sons, we are going with bread and salt and with My Spirit and we are setting a table of feast before the Romanian people, and then we are coming back again into the book for the whole word of the day. Be beautiful, be heavenly, be faithful to My promises so that they all may be fulfilled, all, sons. My day with you on this day has been turned into a confessing day. I want to make way more widely into the heart of this nation, and you are My witnesses and I will touch the heart of the Romanian people, to which My Father Sabaoth has sent Me now.


Peace to you, sons! May this day be a day of lifting up to those in heaven into its midst for the Romanian people! I am sending the angels and the saints to fulfill in this way, and you those on earth, have faith, sons, because I have been working by faith all the time, by the sons of the faith, and through those who have been faithful to My promises, I have been fulfilling on earth everything that has been done to My testimony, everything that the Father gave and gives Me to fulfill on earth. Amen, amen, amen.




Now, watching sons in the way of My word when it comes, we are opening again the book and we are putting in it the word of gratitude before the Father for His great care, for His mysterious work that He has put before the people, to the fulfillments that are to come from heaven for the reconciliation with the Father of the Romanian people, into whose midst I have the people of My word and from where I have given to the four sides the river of word, which is flowing from My mouth now, in the end of the time, My second coming from the Father on earth, clothed within the word, as I am working now, a mysterious God, so that I may be closed to the man, so that I may work closely with the man, so that I may speak My word with him, as it also was My work with man in paradise. Oh, faith is needed for this, faith not like that of the man set by Me in paradise after I had built him, but for this obedience with faith is needed, and you have been walking with Me for the spirit of confession in this day, sons, and the Romanian people will look at you inside and outside of its borders, for many have wandered away, many have spent their life far away from their hearth from the fathers, but there are among them many confessors for this nation, as it was in the time of the hardship for confession (In the time of the communist regime, r.n.), when they were crying over those who were suffering within their borders here, and now they are still fighting for the good work, for the clean face of many who have been suffering for My people of today, for the faith and the life from above of the Romanian people, as you have also been working with Me during these days, but My work with you is great, it is not like that of man, because My work with you is from heaven, it is from the Father, for I am not speaking from Myself into your midst, but only from the Father, Who has sent Me, as I have also sent you. Amen.


And now, sons, we are putting into the book the word of the blessing for My feast with the faithful people and full of longing from heaven, which will be gathering together at the spring near Me and near you in ten days, when God, the Holy Spirit, is going to set His work, as two thousand years ago, upon the faith of those who, by faith, will make a halt to hear God, the Word, at the feast of the descent of the Holy Spirit, after fifty days from the feast of My resurrection from the dead, and behold the two great royal feasts under whose holy protection lies, set by the inscription under its foundation, My church with you, the holy place of new Jerusalem, and still near them, the feast of God’s trumpet, Virginia, by whom I, the Lord, starting with 1955, have been making My way as word now on the earth, (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) after that for so many years, I had been preparing her to be My chosen vessel to sound the trumpet in such a way that My word, heard on earth, might flow through her, work that has sprouted after that, as it was My prophecy by My trumpet, (See

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