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2010.02.21 - The Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the right faith

            The Word of God[1] on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the right faith[2]



I am becoming a river of word between heaven and earth on this day and I am coming down into My book of today, to the remembrance of the fighting saints in My vineyard for the proofing of their faith in Me and then of their successors, who were to suffer like them and then to be victorious like them as well before the unfaithful ones who fought against God because of their desires after glory, earthly desires, which come to those who are not faithful on the earth.


I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Maker of the creature and I am its Judge because I am Who I am, and I am the One Who knows, Who sees as it is seen, not as the man sees or how he does not see. Those who see are those who turn the earth into paradise, as My saints did and do, those who suffered and suffer because they have seen like God on earth and then in heaven.


I am the Lord, and I am coming into My today’s book, accompanied by the saints, confessing of God according to the truth, by those who lived their faith, preaching it to those who have stood against them, and who have seen like man and not like God and not like My saints, who had been fighting in time against the beast of the soul and who had been longing to turn the earth under them into paradise, a homeland in which they were spending with Me, and I with them, and they were My confessors either.


The confessing life and the spirit of confession, this is the work of those who choose God and of those chosen by Him as His useful vessels on earth among people. So many series of pagan kings with their life and faith have been fighting over time against My saints and they have not been able to overcome them, for My saints have been zealous to the point of sacrifice, and this is how they have overcome the kings in their time, and then in the time after them, for they have worked after that to God’s confirmation, and they have worked from heaven. In the time of the pagan king who anointed with blood the idol sacrifices and defiled the food on the market in order to defile the fasting Christian on their way with Me, the ruler of the Christian church came down from heaven and taught the Christians to eat koliva[3] and not to touch the defiled food on the market, and this is how My Christians listened to the one who came down from heaven to them for the keeping of their cleanness and for their protection from God. (See the selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?”, r.n.) Oh, this is how I have been teaching today the people of My word, the faithful one, and it has been listening to Me to eat clean food, for those who do not have clean food, which I cannot bless, they do harm to the people and, therefore, people do not have good power, but it rather is cut from them, for the devil has been lying in ambush and always does this, urging the unfaithful to put a great deal of evil things and evil spirits over the food for the people, evil spirits against God and against those who are His faithful ones.


I have looked back in the time and seen My saints how much they had watched for the way of the faithful ones, and I am looking today at those who sit on the seats of the saints and confessors, and I see how well seated they sit there and how they do not suffer from My wounds from them, just as those in time have not suffered and who, by serving near My holy ones among them, have persecuted My saints, have cast out the faithful ones, who have loved My Spirit in the holy ones, and there has not been time for My saints when they have not been persecuted, and behold those who have persecuted them the most! In all the times the priests and the bishops have mostly got used to put the Christians and the saints under a bushel, as two thousand years ago, as today, when no one wants God to be on earth with the people as He should be, and not as man is used to know about God, for God is the One Who dwells with the faithful people on earth, and with those who confess God visibly before the unfaithful people, who are afraid not to lose their greatness over the people, and who is supposed to tell them about their wandering away? Oh, I come to tell them about this lawlessness they commit and I work with power and I become a river of word into the midst of the Romanian people (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) and I bring into the open the work without God of those who set themselves down as gods over the people, and I tell the people that those who set up as gods are those who stand against God with their high sitting over the people (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.) and who clothed their dwelling places in the churches in scarlet and purple, to My derision, proving themselves whose followers they are. 


I have been speaking by My word of today that every man may keep away, every servant and the entire people may keep away from the adorning of their houses in red, because red is Edom’s color, the color of God’s mockers and of the persecutors of the saints. Oh, behold those who have ordained each other to be great and strong over the flock of the Romanian people! They clothe in red the holy places and all their things, and they hide their actions with hypocrisy. They clothe in scarlet the books of the church, and this is how they put them on the table of serving, and I, the Lord, have been speaking to them to keep themselves and their dwelling places away from this color, which draws and rejoices the devil, the color of the antichrist, the color of the beast, the red beast, drunken of the blood of My saints in all the times, and behold a sin that stands against those who do not see like God, but rather they see like man and act accordingly! However, I am coming and let My faithful ones everywhere know no to adorn their bodies, houses and their things in red, for the red draws the destruction, which knows its work and which knows its house.


Oh, how gentle, how watchful, what a comforting Shepherd I, the Lord, am for those who love listening to Me for My will in them! I come to these and I make My house with them, I dine with them, I appear to them and I do not let them alone among those who are dead to Me, but I rather accompany them and put away from their way the hidden traps set for them, for I am Who I am, and I am the One Who knows, Who sees as it is to be seen, and not as the man sees or as he does not see. I see the traps set in the way of those who do not have the gift of the sight and I let them know, I and My saints, and I teach a heavenly teaching those who are faithful, who believe loving and love listening, and this is how I fulfill that Scripture which prophesies this: «I will come to the shepherds and I will ask their sheep and I Myself will shepherd them», and to the shepherds I will tell this: “Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes! Cease to do evil! Learn to do well. Seek justice. Relieve the oppressed. Judge the fatherless. Plead for the widow. Come now, and let us reason together. Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it. And I will get relief from My adversaries, and avenge Myself of My enemies. I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counselors as at the beginning. Afterward you shall be called ‘The city of righteousness, a faithful town.’ But the destruction of transgressors and sinners shall be together, and those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed. For you shall be as an oak whose leaf fades, and as a garden that has no water,” as it is written. (See Is: 1/16-30) Amen.


Now I am embracing the faithful ones and those that sanctify themselves for Me as it is the custom from the fathers and from the saints for the time of the fast for the memorial of My passion for every man who wants Me after the truth the Savior and Intercessor for him before the Father Sabaoth, and I am telling them this: «Don’t be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom».  (Luke: 12/32) «I, Myself, will take care of you and I will shepherd and I will give you of My spring and you will drink of the river of life», (Apoc: 22/1, 17.) as it is written for Me to fulfill. Amen.


Oh, I suffer for every man who does not have upon him a counselor for holiness; I suffer and I have suffered even from the beginning of the heaven and the earth. Man listened to the woman but he did not want to listen to God, and I have suffered from man, for man has got used to sin. I see on the earth how man struggles to stop from food, but he does not stop from sinning, and he does not know that the one who wants to fast has to fast in this way, (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving”, r.n.) and there is no one to wake the man up to the wisdom of the saints. The servants of the churches bear with the people like these but they call My Christians who love God lost people and the bishops and the priests do not love them, and they crucify My Christians all the time and they cast away those who are holy and who serve near them with Me in them, and no one else has done better than the priests to persecute Me; and then, in all the times, they have persecuted those who have been My good and faithful people.


Oh, I suffer for every man who does not have a holy counselor upon him for his life! The holy ones do not have room near those who stay under the name of gods upon people. However, I have mercy on whomever I want to have mercy, and I tell those who love Me, I tell them to live humbly before Me

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