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2015.03.01 - The Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the right faith

The Word of God[1] on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the right faith[2]



On a day of Sunday I am preaching Myself speaking through the church and then sending a written book to the Christian flock, the flock which walks rightly and to that which does not walk rightly on the way of the holy commandments, the Orthodox flock, as this way is right; however, not all those who bear this name by baptism have fear of God and His commandments for those who are good and faithful, whom My Father has among those who are saved.


I am Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, and I am speaking in His name, for the Father is within Me. I am the One Who founded My church two thousand years ago, after fifty days from My resurrection from the dead, because I was crucified on the cross and I came to life after three days, as I promised beforehand, and then forty days had passed and before I ascended near the Father where My place is; however, before My ascension to the Father I had told My disciples whom I had chosen from the world, I had told them not to depart from the citadel of Jerusalem, but to remain there until I would empower them with the power from above first, and only after that they were to work on the earth with this power by My sending to all the nations with the good news about Me and about the kingdom of the heavens, coming down on earth by My coming after man.


On this day of Sunday the passing of the first week of the Lent is being marked, and the holy fathers have ordained the memorial and the keeping of the right faith, a day in which the Christians and the apostles of the church remember how I prepared My Church, two thousand years ago, by My preaching, and then its establishment at the work with the power from above, power by which they worked and appeared working from place to place among people, to be added to them those who then saw and believed because of the signs and works done through My apostles, whom I chose and picked then to walk with Me, until I was to be sold  by one of them and put on the cross to be mocked; however, My cross was the victory on My behalf face to face with the bishops, who had given Me to the death on the cross, because I was resurrected and from that time and up to this day I have been being confessed as resurrected when the Christians, baptized in this faith, preach to each other by greeting themselves with the greeting for Passover: Christ has risen!


Oh, how beautiful, how beautiful I chose My disciples! I had gone to John, My Baptizer, and I found him staying with his disciples near him and he told them: «Behold the Lamb of God; behold, there He is!» (John: 1/29) And then Andrew, John’s disciple, went with Me and took with him Peter, his brother, and then I ordained My disciples by the word, and at that time I also made disciples, because I chose then Philip, Nathanael, and I was trying to give light to their mind and faith and I told them: «Most assuredly, I tell you, hereafter you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man». (John: 1/52)


Then I began to show My greatness openly for My disciples to believe in Me and to be able to work over the earth by their faith, because My name and My greatness had to be written on earth and to confess God in His coming after man. Oh, then I went with them to Cana of Galilee at a wedding, where the wine on the table miraculously was over and I turned the water into wine and the wedding guests marveled at the taste of this wine, and even the bridegroom of the wedding marveled in such a way that the bridegroom joined Me and became My disciple among the others who had accompanied Me, and in this way the heavens were opened and the mysterious angels were working with Me miracles among people, and the right faith was set in many hearts and was waking their love of God and the love for My preaching, but I was not able to show this until first I had made disciples in whom I was going to put faith and call them My church, the church of the Holy Spirit, working by signs and miracles, Christ’s church, which works and appears that it is His church.


Oh, over time it has remained over My church this spirit working of signs and miracles through faithful disciples, and whom the churchly assembly has called the holy fathers of the Christian flock to the end, and now they intercede from heaven before the throne of glory with prayers for the church, especially for faith and for help in need over My faithful flock on earth. Behold, every day of church service the whole serving clergy everywhere concludes the service with this petition: Because of the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us!


The church from below pray to the church from above, behold the heaven and the earth in union of prayer; however, how much obedience the church from below has to the one above? Does it really have any more? Does it still keep the faith and obedience? Does it still care any longer not to be cursed by the violation of its Orthodoxy left through the holy fathers? Does it still love God? Does it still know what this love means? Oh, this love means much faithfulness, as it is written: «If any man does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed». (1 Cor: 16/22) And behold, there has to be faithfulness and it is not any longer, because the things that are left have been violated and other ordinances have been made by which they do no longer keep the unity and the work of the Spirit, for the mixture about which is written not to be tolerated in the church, behold, it has appeared and keeps on appearing more and more, (See the selection topic: „The false prophet and the ecumenism”, r.n.) and I, the Lord, cry in heaven with the holy fathers and We fight on earth that the spirit and the obedience of the church may not perish; so that it may not perish completely and from everywhere; so that it may not perish the whole flock in disobedience, but to remain a seed, to remain sons, good and obedient to God and to the fathers, and it will sprout a new and abundant seed, and its branches will spread and bring forth the fruit of salvation, and My church in the end will work again as it did at its beginning, as I worked from place to place by signs and wonders to the seeing and to the hearing of My disciples whom I had chosen from among people, and as I am working today with My church, renewed by the word and set on its foundation from the beginning by My today’s word itself, by which I have protected My church and its seed. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.)


Oh, I suffer deeply; the Father suffers too and so do the saints. We all in heaven suffer when We see those who are called Orthodox ministers before the flock united now with the enemies, with those separated by the spirit of haughtiness (With the Catholics, r.n.) from the spirit and from the unity left written by the saints and fathers, from the holy ordinances that are to be observed and kept at their place in this way.


Oh, behold what the heads of the flock do! They have got used to money and money winks to everybody to build palaces upon palaces in which they want to exalt themselves and not the Lord. The Sunday of Orthodoxy, this is how the holy fathers left to be called this first Sunday of the Lent, and the rulers of the church take great care on this Sunday to gather the money into the bonnet and to save them in a storehouse that the money to be at one place; however, it is not money that have to be gathered but disciples, for I, the Lord, did not gather any money, I did not erect any palaces, but rather I chose disciples and I exalted them to the holy work of the faith.


Oh, only if you would wake up, little army, little flock, you flock which are scattered and confused on the hill, into the mountain and in the plains, walking to and fro not grazed and not healed or bandaged at your wound!


Oh, Orthodox Christians, keep your temper, sons, as there is persecution upon you. You need refuge, you need salvation and you need comfort, and no one gives you these from those who call themselves bishops and priests of the Orthodox flock; but, on the contrary, they rip you off from everything that you may earn for those that you need for your days on earth.  


Oh, sons, I have great mercy on you, little sheep without a shepherd! I am coming from heaven to give you comfort, to give you faith in Me and power to follow Me, because your faith has to be like that of the holy fathers, oh, sons, and not like that of those from today who call themselves your fathers. I am coming as word on earth and I am calling out to you: Come after Me! I am singing My mourning song behind you and I am calling you to the spring to drink. I am playing My little flute, I am playing gently and I keep on calling you: Come to Me, come to the spring. I will give you rest, I will give you milk to grow and to be My sons! Oh, pray to the Lord and to your holy fathers, so that they may save the Christian flock from the enemies clothed in skins of sheep and in garments of sheep shepherds. Pray with mourning because it is a time with great errancy from the truth. Open the ordinances of the saints and seek into them to see how much those have been violated, and wake up to watch, because those who call themselves shepherds do not watch upon you, oh, sons, and pride is their pillow of rest and their craving for glory.


Oh, come to your senses, you, those who are forsaken, and listen to My song, which is calling you gently! I am your Shepherd, I am from heaven, I am coming from heaven after you and I am calling you to the well to give you, and I am coming after you with water as well. Behold how I am coming to give you. Receive and drink, and do not give up to perdition, because the time is hidden and it is coming with the testing of your faith so that you may deny without knowing that you are denying. I, the Lord, am not going to leave you. I am going to shepherd you, I am going to call you out, I am going to give you in order to wake you up always and I am going to sing affectionately

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