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2011.01.20 - The Word of God at the Synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer

            The Word of God[1] at the Synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer[2]



I am strengthening My gates to open and to come into the book with My Baptizer, John, for he has a heavenly longing and he wants to speak to you about the spirit of humility, about the spirit of the patience of the saints, My people, for the man feels unjustified, discontent, and he feels important and makes pretence and he forgets, poor of him, that he is not bigger than the saint I have near Me in heaven for their lives lived for Me on earth. Oh, man cannot be greater and more valuable than John, My Baptizer, the holy hermit, whom the heaven had brought him up from childhood and to his appearance at Jordan, and there was no one to bring him up on earth, and no one took care of him but only the heaven and its inhabitants.


It is the feast of the saint, John, the Baptizer, ordained next to the day of the feast of Epiphany, My people. We are sitting at the table with him, at a table of word, sons, for at your table with Me, heavenly guests, the angels and the saints, are coming and refreshing their waiting spirit, by their word near My word, when I come down with them near you, to write Myself into the book. I have sat with you in a feast of Epiphany and the heaven has rejoiced over Me and over you and has lived within a spirit of comfort. I have comforted all those who have come on the way with the angels from the four winds at the feast of Epiphany and I am happy within My pain, when I see how the comforters come to Me to receive, both you and I, comfort from others, and especially those into your midst who are crushed under My burden of today. Therefore, let us do the work of holy word on this day, and let it remain written into the book. Amen.


Oh, the saints and the fathers of the church have ordained a feast for you near the feast of Epiphany, oh, My baptizer. Therefore, let us set the table of word, as your desire now is to give to My people and to every man who takes from this table, to give the exhortation to humility and to a great teaching for a spirit of humility of the man before Me. May your sacrifice of teaching love be blessed over the sons of My today’s word and over those who receive from them or take from the shop, (Internet, r.n.), food for their soul and spirit from My table of word with all My people of today and with the saints from heaven, the table of the teaching, the table of the comfort. Amen.


— Oh, meek little Lamb and good Teacher over the sons, there is no man to deserve comfort, for his sins are many and big over Your pain because of the loss of the man from paradise, by his disobedience to You, but the pain deserves comfort, oh, Lord. The only true comfort is that which comes from heaven, either over the man’s joy, or over his pain. The one for joy is that which shares the joy with joy, and the comfort for pain is that which shares hope and holy powers from heaven upon man.


Oh, I am crushed with pain in heaven and on earth when I look at man how he wants and how he looks for comfort, feeling unjustified. The wisdom of man is fallen too low, Lord. Oh, how comes that he does not understand how many pains he needs so that he may not lose his wisdom, but, on the contrary, to grow it by pains, for man does not learn from joys anything else but his departure from God and his not watching for life, poor of him? This is what I want to speak to Your people on my day of synod among saints and then I want to give to many that which I am bringing down today in the image of a holy gift to those who love the heaven on earth.


There are people and people on earth, but man commits a big sin when he feels unjustified and discontent, Lord. Oh, this sin, which is unforgiving of God in man, is big, for where does the arrow of this sin shoots if not against God, Whom the man knows that He owes him to help him in all his things and to give him through many paths from the Lord towards him? 


Lord, You have put great, such a great wisdom in the sons from the gates, and they do not want to feel and see like man, but they only think like You, and likewise they try to fulfill concerning man’s wisdom, which is so guilty, for man sees and feels like a man, only in a human way, to his punishment and to that of Your righteous ones, Lord. It is a day of forerunning teaching for the wisdom in heaven to work over the sons of disobedience, oh, You the Good and merciful Lord, but Your mercy works for the man’s salvation, and his mercy works very badly and it is against his salvation and against the salvation of his fellows. I would ask man to tell me, who comforted me from the time of my childhood and up to the time of my appearance at Jordan, when I hardly turned thirty years of age in my life after the flesh? Oh, who nursed me, who bathed me, who fed me, who made me little clothes to put on me? I would ask the man, who comforted me, as deprived as I was from all the help and from comfort and protection? Was there God unmerciful with me since He gave me such a life on earth?


Oh, Lord, I see that men have mercy for each other. Do they deserve so much that which I did not have on earth? People complain of shortages, unhappiness, loneliness, of lack of help, while they have hands and legs and many, many other things at their disposal on earth. Oh, if You gave Adam the woman as his helper, then did she help him with anything better than the comfort that came from the comfort full of sin?


I, the baptizer John, a great prophet, raised on earth according to the Lord’s plan, am speaking now, after two thousand years from the Lord’s appearance and mine at Jordan, I am speaking to the man who is discontent with his fate and I am asking him: before whom do you bring your discontentment, you dissatisfied man? Who owes you since you are discontent? Oh, who are you, dissatisfied man? Behold what I tell you; I was great before the Lord and I was and worked only for Him and I did not taste the sin of the discontentment of life.


I heard, on the day after the Epiphany, I heard a big word coming out through the gates, as though the man would not be able to take care of his own life. Oh, such a man is without God and is more fallen than any other common man, who is hired by a master to give him something to work, to have control over him to obedience and to take care of the earthly cost for the caring of his life. Not even the idol worshippers can stay without someone over their life, and they get up and make an idol and then they put it as a master over them. Behold, he who takes care of his life alone is a foolish man and he does not have a master because of his foolishness. He who wants to be without God on earth, then such a man works accordingly.


Oh, get much wisdom and get it better and better, Christian people. Take wisdom for life, from the sons of the heavenly word, for if the life does not have wisdom in man for it, then man will lose his life. He who violated God’s word in such a way that he may not fulfill it, then man violates his own life as well and crushes it along the way little by little. Oh, keep away from those who kill their lives and the Lord in their lives by disobedience and by their disobedience to a master, lest these may do any harm to you as well. Behold wisdom of life from John, the baptizer, and the Lord’s prophet, who is waking up your wisdom now to fill it with that from above!


Oh, Lord, my Master, tell to the people those from above for them on earth. Tell them about me and about You, for You said that whoever loved his life, that one would lose it, and whoever denied it, that one would earn it from You, Lord. Oh, tell the people that You were God on earth with them in the time of Your visible body, and that You did not have what they have, and that You were poor, persecuted, and hated among the people. Ask them; are they any better than You are? Are they any greater than You are? Are they any worthier than You are, since they want so much good for themselves on earth? However, what do they gather to have and to find in heaven after they will come to an end with their living on earth? Oh, they do not gather anything, anything in heaven with the good things that they want on earth, but the people do not think at their life from heaven, at the life after that on earth, and that is why they do not have their happiness fulfilled and peaceful. Oh, You have big words, both about You and me. Tell the people about us, my Master, and the Master of those who want God as their Master over their life, as I wanted and as I had! I give You my prayer to speak to the people on the day of my feast, about my life on earth, oh, Lord. Amen.


— Yes, My baptizer, but I do not want your life to be to their judgment on earth, face to face with their life, but I want that My speaking about My life and yours to be a heavenly teaching, about your obedience and submission and Mine as well, about My power and yours before the Father and before men. Amen.


Oh, My people, you should not look for comfort, but you should rather look for the wisdom of life for your life, for the life is the light of the people when it lives truly in man among people who do not understand what they have to do with their life on earth. Oh, son, the Lord ordained John, the Baptizer, to be on earth once with Me. There was less than two hundred days between he and Me for our birth on earth. Herod’s persecution separated them, and I am speaking here about Zacharias and Elisabeth, John’s parents according to the flesh, and about him, the son coming out from them. From the childhood, I had been persecuted by the king Herod, who sent cruel servants to kill the infants and among them to kill us too. However, the Father did not send us on the earth for Herod, but He brought us here for Him, and He put us under protection. I was taken by My parents in Egypt,

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