2012.05.27 - The Word of God on the seventh Sunday after Passover, of the holy fathers from the Nicaea Council by Lord Jesus (classic english novels .txt) đź“–

- Author: Lord Jesus
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The Word of God[1] on the seventh Sunday after Passover, of the holy fathers from the Nicaea Council[2]
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are coming down into the book as word, because it is the churchly memorial of the holy fathers that has led the people to the kingdom of the heavens, to the eternal life, as their eternal life is to know the Father, the only true God, and His Son, Jesus Christ, Whom He has sent and to Whom He has given dominion over the whole creature to give everyone eternal life, which the Father gave Him and He is still giving to Him.
You, those who watch in the gates, open for Me to come into the book and to write Myself in it with the saints, well, well sons. I, the Lord, would have wanted no longer to put any pressure on you today, but the holy fathers keep in line and wait, for they see this day of feast written for them, a memorial of their confessing works for the Son of God. We stop for a moment to give them joy with Me and with you on this day, for the longing from heaven is great, sons, and it is endless, and some comfort quenches the fire from time to time. Therefore, be hospitable with the heavenly guests at your table at you, for the written word is working much and those who hear it work it, and the saints and all the heavenly powers hear it, those powers that work for God in heaven and on earth.
Oh, sons, there is much preparation now in My courts with you for My coming with the saints at a feast of Pentecost with you and people from everywhere are coming at the spring and they will celebrate with the heaven here the day of the Holy Spirit, the memorial of the day when I, the Lord, sent Him over My disciples ten days after My ascent again to the fatherly throne, as true God and true Man perfected in the body, for I took up a body and I fulfilled on the earth the Father’s stewardship for the men’s salvation, and then I went back to the Father as a perfect Man and perfect God.
Oh, My people, you should ask from the Lord, son, all the good and all the beauty of the day of feast of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, when He is going to come and speak, and He will be glorified with His glory full of word, and you should find His glory, son, and the glory from above and from below will meet together for the Holy Spirit, Who is glorified so wonderfully through the saints, and behold, the holy fathers sit down before Me and before you to the sharing of My word in them, being witnesses from heaven to God as they also were on the earth, and it was written that they were.
I, the Lord, bless your entrance, holy and loved fathers. You have come together then at the trumpet of the Christian king and set in the books the firm truth for Jesus Christ, confessing Him as true God and perfect man in the flesh, to the shame of those who wanted to shake this truth at that time. Oh, peace to you into the midst of My disciple people in those days, and by which I am writing on the earth My book of today, My speaking with man in the end of the time (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) in order to bring many to life! I say that your word should go and confess God, and confess you as the fathers of the church of those who believe too, blessed fathers for the establishing of the truth of the Son of God. Amen.
— Oh, Father Sabaoth, oh, our Father, exalt Your son, Jesus Christ by the word of our testimony in heaven and on earth, as You have given Him the dominion over the whole creation, to give eternal life to all those whom You have given to Him, as You also gave us to Him, and the eternal life is this: that they should know You, the only true God, and Him You sent, Jesus Christ, (John: 17/3), and Who sanctified Himself so that we too may be sanctified in the truth, however, not only we, but also those who will believe in Him according to our word, Lord, so that all may be one, as You, Yourself, Father, are in Your Son, and He is in You, that they may also be one in One God, so that the world may believe that Your Son is Your messenger, for He gave us the greatness which You have given to Him, that we may be one, just as You are One with Him, so that the love with which You have loved Him to be in us with Him, and we in Him, oh, Father.
Great sufferance went up in heaven in the days of our time against Your Son, Jesus Christ, on behalf of those who gathered together with a blaspheming thought against His divinity. The king brought us together in a council of three hundred and eighteen fathers and we stayed under the breeze of the Holy Spirit and we gave to be cursed the whole evil testimony of the heretics and we left it written that the Son of God is true God and perfect Man in the flesh, and He ascended to the fatherly throne after He fulfilled His work given from the Father. Then we sealed with the name of the fathers gathered and with the name and the seal of the king, and we left behind an eternal truth on earth and we left it written into the book of the time, and behold, on this day of the feast kept in the name of the council of the holy fathers, we are telling now to those who sit on the seats of saints and rulers over the men’s soul and we are asking them why they shake and why they keep shaking those that were sealed in a holy council by the fathers full of the Holy Spirit, gathered in a holy council to defend the truth about Jesus Christ? We are asking them how comes that they gather together with those who are foreign to mystery of the church of Jesus Christ? Oh, until when? It was forbidden to those who were not of the same body, of the same holy dogma and of the same holy dough to enter the church. Behold they have broken down the walls of the vineyard and all the passers-by pluck it. (See Ps: 80/12) Those who do this give themselves alone over to be cursed, not thinking at many people who do not know what those who set themselves in the corner stone in God’s name do.
You, those who sit on the seats and have names of God’s servants over the crowds, you have opened the doors wide and you have mixed things up. (The Ecumenism, r.n.) It will cost you this that you have been doing for such a long time in order to spoil the body of the church, which even so is full of wounds as it is. (See the selection topic: „The false prophet and the ecumenism”, r.n.) You think that you are big and have power, but what is God anymore? Is He anymore? Do you still consider Him? Or, on the contrary, You leave Him out sitting into His name over the crowds, and the houses on the heights, which you keep building and adorning in red, belong to you and to your glory, not to God, for you do not take God’s side Who dwells in mystery. Therefore, those who do not take after God in their ministry for God, and those who handle the holy settlements in order to crush them, to change them and to remove them so that they may no longer be, and that they may be only themselves with their free desires, sucking for this the blood of those who are blindfolded in such a way that they may not see, in such a way that they may not see that the darkness of this age makes its throne known as holy, as it is written.
Behold, you spoil the time and the power of the days of fasting and you ordain release with lack of order upon people, and the Lord is always yesterday and today, and He is no other today. (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving”, r.n.) Oh, you cannot ordain the Lord’s works, for behold, you have set down to spoil everything. Be afraid of God! Where is the fruit for Him? You will soon be asked, and be sure that you will be asked, for the Lord does not let Himself to be mocked. Oh, do not play games with your perishing from the face of God’s mercy! Repent and seek after a time of repentance, as behold, you go wrong against God, not only against men! You know where you go wrong and you do it on purpose. You know the canons and the law of holiness, for they are written and sealed to their place and with their time, and behold, you trample on them all over the face of the earth and you give them away; you take them from the people instead of putting them upon them to keep the people through them from all the evil things that swarm on the earth, in the waters, in the air and in the deep. The saints and the fathers mourn from the damage done by you over the people. Oh, wipe out their tears. Amen.
We have shown our bitterness and our tear, Lord! Oh, Son of the Father, Jesus Christ, You have been given dominion over the whole creature that You may give everyone eternal life, to all those whom the Father has given to You, and behold how much mixture there is on earth, worked by those who pretend to be the servants of those that are holy among people! You have become a true Man and You took on a fleshly body to fulfill for us the mystery of salvation, Lord, and then You ascended to be at the throne of Your Father, perfect Man and perfect God, true God and true Man, perfected in body, and Your mercy has been great from that time on and up to this day, Lord. Oh, how long does it take until You overcome those who spoil Your truths, revealed through the saints and well established to stay at a holy place and over a holy people? Lord, Your saints cry, they cry and wait for Your victory and theirs. Amen.
— Oh, I cry with you, I cry and the Father cries with you too, holy and loved fathers and who long much after God on earth! The cup of lawlessness is full and it keeps shaking more and more to its overflowing over those who filled it, and then there will be a new heaven and a new earth, as I have promised, (See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified”, r.n.) but those who work on behalf of lawlessness all over the earth say that they make a new heaven and a new
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