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2014.05.18 - The Word of God on the fifth Sunday after Passover, of the Samaritan woman

The Word of God[1] on the fifth Sunday after Passover, of the Samaritan woman[2]



I am coming to you as word, My people of Romanians; I am coming and glorifying Myself into your mist, for it is written that «the Lord’s glory reigns in Israel, in the faithful people, and His power, the clouds of the sky, and He Himself gives power and strength to His people».


I am coming and urge you to prayer, My people son, for My power has to work now, and you shall call for it; you shall call Me seven times a day to work with My power, for the man’s power of disobedience goes up to God and calls His power to work against the power of the disobedient man, because man does not listen to God; but even more, he wants to do it by himself, he wants to rule by himself, and he applies himself to the work against God, as though man could also do what God does; however, all of this man’s making is against God’s creation and it stands as sin against man and it also incurs punishment, and this is how the wages for the man’s disobedience comes on earth because God is the Creator of everything, and not man.


Oh, peace to you, well My people! I am staying into your midst with the saints, for when I come, I come with them, and on this day it is a feast at you, for it is the day of My memorial and of My work, the day when I spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well near Sychar. I have got into your midst a well built by My word and by My people from the spring, and near it I have to set grace and watch on the Samaritan woman, the one who sanctified herself for the Lord confessing Him, after I had met her at the well, then she knew that I was the Messiah and she went into her citadel and said to the people: «Come, see a Man Who has told me everything that I did. Can this be the Christ?» (John: 4/29)


Oh, sons, My work is to wake up the man from sin and to make peace between him and God, for sin separates man from God. I made peace between God and the Samaritan woman, whom I had met at Israel’s well, and then she became a peace maker between God and the people in her citadel, for she went and confessed Me that I came on earth and that I spoke with her telling her to drink of My water.


«Blessed are peace makers!» (Matt: 5/9), as it is written. I will call them God’s sons even for this, as I told those who were crushed, «Peace to you!» Only with sin man is not supposed to make peace, and after he has sinned, he has to pray to the Lord and within his crushed heart, and with much humility, he has to pray and say: “Lord, forgive here and in Your kingdom those who have committed sins because of me and suffered from them, for I repent and I am sorry for me and for the one who have sinned against You by my sin against me and against him; therefore heal and forgive.” Amen.


First, I am speaking to you, My people, about My pain all over the earth and over My Romanian people, because I, the Lord, have the work of My word into its midst and I want to protect this land for Me. However, man invokes wrath upon him, and by so doing he gets much guilt, and the guilt draws the punishment, as behold, in churches and on the way everything is red, (Reference to the electoral campaign at the euro-parliamentary elections, made in the churches for the Social Democrat Party, former Communist, now in power, whose logo is red with three roses, r.n.) is the seal of the antichrist, the one who dishonors with his work the heaven, the earth and the man, for red is his sign; red everywhere, as is written about the one who was born red all over, about Edom, who works against faith, against God. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.)


And I, the Lord, tell Romanian people to clean their houses and no longer dress their churches and houses in red, for by so doing he draws My wrath against the sign of the antichrist, the man of lawlessness, and against his servants, who ask for wrath on earth by their disobedience to God. Behold the proud in the Romanian people; they have filled the country with the cursed color, with red, and these are enemies, they are not sons, and they are those who want to cast the peace away, for their mind is only to themselves, only to get glory and riches for them after that. Oh, these are not the benefactors of the Romanian people, but they are those who want to afflict this country.

Let My word be heard in the church dwellings and let them take out their red garment from everywhere, for this sign draws wrath; it incurs curse and wherever red is found wrath comes too, and I, the Lord, have proclaimed this over the earth, and I am proclaiming it and say: Red is the color and the sign of the antichrist, the man of lawlessness, the man who dressed Me two thousand years ago in chlamys of shame, and not as the people say that red is a royal color. Yes, red is the color of kings, but it is the color of those on earth, who love empty glory, the temporariness, pride and the lack of humility, and white is the color of the Lord, the Man of sufferance, and the color of His saints in heaven and on earth. He who made the light is He. When He descends on earth His light and His word, it is blessing on earth, and when His wrath comes down, the earth becomes red, waters become red; and then ruination and sufferance come against those who do not listen to the Lord.


Oh, Romanian people, listen to My voice upon you! If you want blessing and protection from God, then do no longer try to adorn the earth with red, your church, your house and your body, for this sign draws the curse which whips everywhere, for evil draws evil, as it is written.


Oh, Romanian people, I have always told you: wake up! And I am also telling you today by the thread of this word springing of My mouth on your hearth: but wake up once, Romanian people! Behold, you have upset God and drawn wrath upon your land, and then waters have come out of their beds and spoiled your possessions and left you poor, and then waters from above joined those below and have afflicted you, and I, the Lord, want to protect your Romanian land and people, for the Romanian people has My blessing upon it and it is God’s mystery, and that is why My mouth springs word over this land.


Oh, listen to God, Romanian people! Take an example from God’s creation and see how it and everything that belongs to it listen to its Creator and to the laws set upon it. Look at the sky and the earth, which the Lord made by His word and He set the ages upon them and set them between eternity and the end of the ages, after them eternity is again. The Lord has made the heaven and the earth, and the earth is served by the whole creation, which revolves around for times, giving glory and praising its Lord, as the prophet David says by the Spirit: «Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from heavens! Praise Him in the heights! Praise Him, all His angels! Praise Him, all His army! Praise Him, sun and moon! Praise Him, all you shining stars! Praise Him, you heavens of heavens, you waters that are above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for He commanded, and they were created. He Who has also established them forever and ever. He has made a decree which will not pass away. Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures, and all depths! Lightning and hail, snow and clouds; stormy wind, fulfilling His word; mountains and all hills; fruit trees and all cedars; wild animals and all cattle; small creatures and flying birds; kings of the earth and all peoples; princes and all judges of the earth; both young men and maidens; old men and children; let them praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted. His glory is above the earth and the heavens. He has lifted up the horn of His people, the praise of all His saints; even of the children of Israel, a people near to Him». (Ps: 148/1-14) «For the Lord takes pleasure in His people. He crowns the humble with salvation. Let the saints rejoice in honor. Let them sing for joy on their beds. May the high praises of God be in their mouths, and a two-edged sword in their hand; to execute vengeance on the nations, and punishments on the peoples; to bind their kinds with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute on them the written judgment. All His saints have this honor. Praise the Lord! (Ps: 149/4-9) Amen.


Oh, take an example, Romanian sons, from all those that listen to the Lord and exalt Him, as it is written. The whole creation of the Lord serves the earth, for the Lord has set on earth the life of all the creatures made at His word, and then He set the life of the man God had built with His hand on the earth; not on the mood, not on the stars, not on other creatures set by the Lord in the vault of the sky, oh, no, Romanian people, and behold, the whole creation serves the earth and the man and all the creatures, all praise the Lord and ask Him to receive. Only man, only man does no longer love, only he does no longer serve the Lord, for he has exalted himself and serves sin, poor of him. The earth is made by the Lord and everything that revolves around serves it, but man does no longer want to serve; man does no longer want to be with God; he does no longer know how to serve God, even if he sees the whole creation serving to its Creator and listening to Him.


Oh, sons, faithful to the Lord in the Romanian people, you will see among you the big fall of the proud, who buy glory for themselves. You will see this, for justice does not save the proud from it, for woe to the one who relies on man, and more than this, woe to the one who relies on himself!


You, those who are the Lord’s faithful ones in the Romanian people, get up, wake up and be one spirit with the people of My word into the midst of this nation, for I am establishing now those who receive My word to its sharing upon you; I am setting them to prayer with much perseverance seven times a day for the salvation of the Romanian people from its oppressors, who lay hold on the high seats to sit on them and to bring the Romanian people on its kneels. Oh, the heaven is sad, and

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