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2018.04.01 - The Word of God for the people of old Israel

                                               The Word of God[1] for the people of old Israel


The Word of God on the Palm Sunday. The feast of the Lord’s entrance in Jerusalem[2]           


This day of great feast is remembered in heaven and on earth by all angels, by all saints and by many people, and the people of the prophets have great joy face to face with the feasts of the great fulfillments of the written words of the Scriptures by the spirit of the prophecy, the Spirit of God by the mouth of His prophets, for the great promises were written over the people of Israel, and all those written were wonderfully fulfilled according to the map and at the appointed time for each promise, and My time, Messiah’s time, was to test the faith of the chosen people powerfully, its love for the Lord its God, and its stature, but this people was broken in two at that time and it made two ways, and Israel was tested at that time and fell from faith; however, a remnant, chosen by grace, remained of him, to be the new seed of God’s people, a new nation, the nation of Christ, Messiah, that Who was promised by the Father through the prophets as a great Savior, the Son of God coming on earth by the birth of a Virgin, the Holy One, Who was to renew the world and to raise a people of saints before the Father Sabaoth, a new Israel, after the grace, after the spirit and not after the flesh, as the promise made to Abraham was spoken, a great people, as much as the stars of the heaven, a people of saints, that laid down its life for the faith in Christ, the Messiah, promised by the prophets to be the Savior and the Lord.  


I am Who I am. I am the Word of the Father Sabaoth, as I was in the beginning when the heaven and the earth were made. Oh, I am entering now as I did two thousand years ago; I am coming into Jerusalem, and the white horse is My word. I am not asking the Israel people whether I am welcomed to come in to him or not, but I am coming through the walls, which are between Me and him, and I am coming through the closed doors because I am the resurrected Christ, and there is no boundary to stop Me, as they could also not prevent Me from coming out of the tomb from under the great and heavy stone. Oh, all things bow before Me and know My name, the grace and the power from the Father in Me, and behold, I have given to the people of Israel My speaking with him after two thousand years from the day of My entrance in Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey, and when it was fulfilled the prophecy, written ahead of time, to come out into the midst of Israel, to the glory and appearance of Messiah, the Son of God, the Father.


Oh, I am coming and I am coming in again to you, Israel, people with a great name among the nations. Oh, peace to you! This is My seal when I enter a house or a citadel.


Oh, sons of Israel, in order that you may receive Me, I give you the greeting for the disciples: Peace to you, peace to you, sons of old! Peace to you in a day of remembering of God’s works into your midst, sons of Israel! Oh, here it is what I am doing on this day of great remembrance! I am taking them here with Me, at My spring of word into the midst of the Romanian people, where I came with My mysterious horse, for this is how My Father Sabaoth has ordained for Me to have now, in the end, a new country of My coming as word on earth, and I am taking them at this table full of word; I am taking those of that time from Israel who chose not to receive Me from the Father among them in the image of Messiah, and who signed the act of My death on the cross; I am taking them, showing them and speaking to them that which they did not want to see and hear when they were on earth in My time, and they were able to believe but they turned their face and ear so that they might not see and not hear Messiah, Who, behold He is speaking now and here His word in the end of the time as it is written to be fulfilled at this time His coming on earth under the name of the Word of God, (Apoc. 19/13), the Lord clothed in a cloud of word speaking to the earth.


I am sitting down with you at the table of word, Israel of that time and now. Here I am, being fulfilled on earth for two thousand years by a people of saints in heaven, but also on earth in this time and to the end, My time with a people of saints, to whom I told by the prophets: «Be holy for I am holy».


Oh, Israel, remember of that time when, one day before My entrance into Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey, I was coming from the city of Lazarus and of his sisters, Martha and Mary, and I was going to Jerusalem when a multitude of Jews found out from one another that I called Lazarus, who died four days before, and I said to him: «Lazarus, come forth!» And He came out and stood alive. However first, I asked Martha: «Do you believe that your brother will rise again?» And she answered: «Lord, I have come to believe that You are the Christ, God’s Son, He Who comes into the world». (John. 11/27) Oh, behold faith in Israel on that time, when some believed in Me and others did not believe even if the pigs that spoke with a human voice through the spirit of a devil called Me God’s son, for the devils in the pigs were afraid of Me, asking Me not to torment them ahead of time.


Oh, behold, after the remembrance of the Saturday of Lazarus’ resurrection, the Sunday of My entrance into Jerusalem follows, and I am sitting with you in the world and coming into the city, Israel people. I want to speak clearly to you about God, about the Son of God, about the Holy Spirit and about My coming to you in this time, about the unbelief of the rulers upon you at that time, and behold, about the holy faith of many in Israel, who, like Me, had died for their great confession, for the One sent by the Father to raise a great people to the Lord on earth and that many nations and languages may flow to His teaching, as it is into the prophets to be fulfilled.


Oh, I am, Israel, open to Me! I am Who I am, as I told Moses up on the mountain to tell you who I am, so that the people of Israel of that time and the people after that time may believe in Me. Oh, I am, but you did not want to know Me and you found it right to be you and you did not want Me to be after that. Oh, you did not take well into consideration then so that you might no longer go wrong. You stayed with the book of the prophets closed by your eyes and mind and went wrong bitterly before God the Father and you put the Son God on the cross, and in order for you to understand that is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that is God within three aspects, behold, I am reminding you now, and you are to open the book on your table once with Me and read in it what I am reading to you from it so that you may know that Messiah had to come from heaven, not from the earth, and I descended from heaven and entered the womb of a Virgin to take the image and body of man and to pay by My death on the cross for the redemption of the man fallen from God by his disobedience from the commandment put on him in paradise, and behold, I came down from heaven and proved that I came from near the Father, as He had sent Me, and you have to understand the name and the mystery of messenger, of the messenger from heaven, Israel, stubborn people and which the Lord even today is calling you to the love from above.


And now, behold, seek, because everything is written clearly in the prophets what I had fulfilled on earth since My birth and up to My resurrection, and then it is written about My ascension back to My place near the Father, on His right hand side, because I fulfilled everything He had given Me to work on earth. Moreover, in order for you to know that, and all those on the earth, that it is the Father and the Son, I am reminding you, Israel, that at the creation of the world, on the sixth day God said: «Let Us make man in Our image and after Our likeness». (Gen. 1/26). And again, the Lord God said: «It is not good that the man should be alone; let Us make for him a help suitable to him». (Gen. 2/18)  


Keep your eyes and ears open, Israel, and you, nations from the earth, for the Father and the Son were speaking in the days of creation, and They were speaking after each of the works God had made.


Oh, and then the man went wrong, Adam went wrong by his disobedience and the Lord God said: «Behold, Adam has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil. Now, lest he put forth his hand, and also take of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever…» (Gen. 3/22) Oh, Adam had to die because he did not listen in order that he might not die, for I told him in paradise: «In the day that you eat of it you will surely die». (Gen. 2/17) And behold, disobedience is death and that is why man dies; he dies because of disobedience, and the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden and put him to till the ground whence he was taken. And He placed Cherubs with the flame of a sword to turn every way and to guard the way to the tree of life, as it is written. (See Gen. 3/24)


After that people and nations multiplied on earth and minded only their own business, and God was looking upon them and at what they wanted to do and the Lord said: «Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is they begin to do. Now nothing will be withheld from them, which they intend to do. Come let’s go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech and we scatter them abroad from there on the surface of all the earth, so that they may no longer build the city and the tower. Therefore the name of the city was called Babylon, the tower of Babel, the place where the Lord god confused their languages». (Gen. 11/1-9)  


I am telling you all these written from the book to remind

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