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2017.02.26 - The Word of God on the Sunday of Adam’s Expulsion from Paradise

The Word of God[1] on the Sunday of Adam’s Expulsion from Paradise[2]



I am Who I am, and I am the Messenger of the Father Sabaoth on earth as word. I speak with man on earth as I spoke with Adam in paradise, with the man I made by My hand from the dust of the earth and in whom I breathed breath of life, for I breathed over the man made from the dust and he had breath of life as God’s and he became a living being, with the capacity to move, to see, to hear, to feel all the things that surrounded and saw him, and each and everything rejoiced when they saw him, all things that were in paradise and that were founded when the Paradise garden were made, for God said that a garden of paradise to be made for man after He had built him, and then He gave it to man as his dwelling place, as his house and garden of unspeakable beauty and God put man to take care of it and to work in paradise, for woe to the one without any work given by God and without obedience for the whole work to be done!  


Oh, this is what happened with the man made by God and set in the garden of paradise, who did not want to listen to the laws of the garden, for God gave him as his commandment what to eat and what not to eat, but the man’s disobedience to God’s commandment took him out of the garden and thus Adam fell from paradise because of his disobedience.


Oh, peace to you, sons who put My word into the book! Oh, sons, it is a great thing that I, the Lord, have a church on earth with all its foundation from the beginning of My church, in which I had all My body members and out of which all the gifts of the Holy Spirit were working and giving priority to each other for the work according to the needs of the church, and anyone had work to do, for there were apostles and prophets, there were people who spoke in tongues and healed sicknesses, there were some who worked miracles, and others who were stewards for the needs of the church, and anyone had work to do, and there have been servants for everything God and His church may have needed, (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.) and saints full of the Holy Spirit and of the gifts of the Holy Spirit have stood up and organized the whole way of My church up until My coming as the Church’s Bridegroom with the table of wedding, and behold, this day of Sunday has in it, ordained by the saints before the Lent, and it has the memorial of Adam’s expulsion from paradise, and starting with the day of tomorrow it is written a churchly commandment for the forty-day fasting and even longer, a time in which man should learn about his coming back to the former state of paradise, the state of resurrection, of repentance, of the love for God and of spending in this love, and this spending time means its fruit, the fruit of love, the life of heaven, and out of which man cannot fall, because love cannot fail, for its fruit does not cause the fall of the one who works it, but, on the contrary, it lifts him up at the condition of the paradise, at his spending with the Lord in the holiness of the body, of the soul and of the spirit, as it should have been between Adam and the Lord if man had listened to God’s commandment in paradise, in the man’s paradisiacal life.


Oh, sons, My speaking takes place on earth only if I, the Lord, have someone to speak with, if there is someone to listen to My speaking. I am speaking with you, after I had given you ears to hear, and it hurts Me because there are still some that want to change the way of My today’s speaking over the earth and he speaks according to his mind and gives to the people his own explanation about My coming on earth as word. Oh, it is not well for that man to do this according to his mind. It cannot be comprehended by the man’s mind the work spoken by My mouth and its laying down on earth into its book. My explanation for this mystery should be enough. However, man is naughty and he arises with his mind and mouth and speaks from himself, not from Me, for how were to speak from the Lord those who are naughty with respect to God’s mysteries?


Behold, when I speak, I come and say: “Sons, sons, listen to My word and write it down into My book on earth.” Moreover, I also tell those who hear from Me, and more than that man were not supposed to try and misinterpret and share to the sides according to his mind, and he had better be afraid to do this, since he does not know more from Me about the mystery of the work of My word, which comes on earth, and which, when I speak, all the living beings between heaven and earth hear it, the whole earth and heaven hear it and everything between heaven and earth and they are witnesses for the speaking of My mouth, the speaking so much waited by the whole creation. Oh, only man, oh, only he cannot confess this mystery of My speaking over the earth, for man is haughty, he is naughty, he is exceedingly bold and he thinks that he is a confessor and thinks that he knows and can clarify the things worked by God, but woe to those who tempt and want to speak with their tongue the work of God’s word, which fills the world! 


You, those who have heard from My mouth the word that has cradled your soul and earth for such a long time, but you, too, those who have not heard the Lord speaking yet, who have been taking His speaking from the book, oh, listen to what I, the Lord, am going to reveal to you:


I spoke and always speak with the Father, and the Father always speaks with Me, for I am His Son. I spoke to the creation, and it came into being and it stood before God. I spoke with the Father to build man out of the dust of the earth in Our image and after Our likeness, and then We took him and breathed breath of life upon him and We spoke with him, and he spoke with God, too. Oh, I spoke with Adam, I spoke with his woman, I spoke with their sons, even if they did not see Me but heard Me speaking only, walking and rustling under My steps My walking and its smooth wind, on whose wings I go. Oh, since then I have always, always spoken over My creation, which has been listening to Me as I want it to do, for who is the one who really puts holy fragrances in flowers when they open their buds and give themselves to God and to the people with their fragrance and with their various beauty, color and form? Or, who has put the song in the leaves from the trees when the wind sways through their little branches to become glory for the Lord, their Maker? Oh, who makes the unreasoning to hear, to understand and to worship the Lord because of all His benefits through which He gives them food, light and life?


You, those who have been witnesses to My speaking with you, hearing the voice of My word so many times, oh, I let you know that all the things will be witnesses between you and Me for My speaking with you, and even the clothes on you will be witnesses even if you do not have them on you now, but they will be called and appear and testify about My speaking with you, and the leaves in the tree will testify, too; the flowers, the grass, the birds and all the living beings, for all will be charmed at the hearing of My word when it speaks on earth. Your houses and the things in the house, those that are near the house and around them, the wood, the stones, the table and the chairs, the bed and its bedding, the water and food, the salt and honey, sweet and bitter, all, all things, and especially the book of My word that I have prophesied to be written and founded on earth, (See The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) - The Word of God, r.n.) and behold, all these will give testimony about God’s word as many times as the Lord has spoken with you and whenever you speak against the Lord, and especially against the places and the servants that have been helping Me in My work where I have made a ruling citadel and a cradle for the word of My mouth, the book of My word over the earth, of which the whole creature and all God’s creation has eaten and has been nourished, for all need comfort, they all need the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and about whom you, who are daring in your mind, want to discern His work over the earth and over the people, the work of the Spirit from heaven, sons.


Oh, well sons, proud in your spirit, oh, if you were to be wise, then it would be for you to know and not play with the fire; it would be for you to know this, too, but behold, you do not know what you play with, as neither did Adam and did not try to think and confess the mysterious beauty of the paradise, about the Spirit in the paradise. Oh, only if he spoke about this beauty, about this power of spirit, to have marveled at it, to have dealt with his look and his feel with this holy mystery. However, he became accustomed to disobedience, did not become accustomed to God and His greatness or to the sweetness of the heaven and to the angelic birds’ melodies and to everything that had used to live in paradise for man’s happiness.


Oh, sons, crushed by your own mind and decision, after you have got sweetened for such a long time with God and with the things in heaven, oh, how can you sweeten now your heart with the things on the earth and with the people spending on earth, and those you have chosen in exchange of My church with sons who give Me help on the way of My word over the earth? Oh, after you have wanted to be born again from above, from heaven, you have given yourselves again to falling from grace, and this is what I am confessing on your behalf, since you also want to speak to the world with an open mouth on behalf of the work of My word and on behalf of the people that I have been using when I have come on earth and spoken during this time.


Oh, sons, remember Adam, who did not love to obey God and who only listened to his own will and to his wife’s will. Oh, sons, you have not wanted to flee from weaknesses and lusts and before those who have made you weak, for all the things on earth

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