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2020.01.19 - The Word of God at the Feast of Epiphany

                                                The Word of God[1] at the Feast of Epiphany



The holy saints are sounding their trumpets, they are sounding for the feast and for the gathering at the feast. It is a feast of Epiphany in My citadel of word on the land of the Romanian people, and I, the Lord, am raising the watchmen from their beds to open the feast and to open for the guests.


Oh, open My way, watchmen sons, and then open the gates of the citadel above and below for those who are ready for the celebration and who have come closer to enter it. It is written into the Scriptures that the Lord is great and praised in His citadel, in His holy mountain[2]; a beautiful height to the joy of the whole earth, for the Lord has founded it.


The trumpets of the holy angels are sounding, they are sounding for the feast and the groups of saints are coming at the table of the feast of Epiphany, and I, the Lord, am watching to see how the saints and angels are sitting in groups and rows-rows, and I am also looking at the saints from below and at the people that are coming at the feast, at the spring of the Epiphany.


You, who are standing in the courts of the Lord, proclaim to the Lord that you are on duty. Open the gates to begin the celebration and its whole day of celebration here, and full of the heavenly symbols and holy joy.


And now, we are speaking for those that are entering and we are saying: Oh, come before the Lord, come with joy, enter the gates of His citadel with joy and rejoice before Him, for the Lord gives His word to those who proclaim with much power, as it is written, and He Himself gives power to strengthen His people.


Oh, peace to you, and welcome at the feast of Epiphany for all the guests! I, the Lord, am greeting you through the gates (Gates - those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n.) and I am giving you from the spirit of comfort. Every man needs comfort, love, oh, but I am love, not man, and man needs God, and not only now, in the trouble of his life, but especially in eternity. Oh, and you must know, man, that you cannot earn your life with God in eternity, but only now, here, as long as you live on earth, because there are no alms to be able to acquire this eternal joy, because it is on merit, it is on much work, on much closeness to God here, where you are tested and measured by the angels who bring the news to God about the work for your building in the Lord’s dwelling places.


When the body returns to earth because of its sinful nature, the man’s spirit ascends above and the soul goes before God, where its origin is at its birth on earth, and then it goes at the scales of life for the place he has prepared in its life on earth, and then it waits for the Lord with the last day of His glory, when the bodies will rise at His command and come to life by the Spirit Who breathes, and then they will either go into the rest of eternal joy, or to separation from God. Oh, and behold, why you must live united on earth with God in your life, born man, who receive soul from God when you come to be born from above! Then you go again, and fall asleep and wait again, as when you waited in line to be born and to come on earth, and behold, every man needs comfort, love, and I am love, not man, and man needs God both here, on earth, and especially in eternity after that.


Oh, be baptized, sons of men, into this river of word, (See the selection topic: „About baptism”, r.n.) for the river of Epiphany flows from here on earth and upon you! Be baptized with great faith for the Lord is this word, as the Lord wants to gather you for your protection before the scales of life! Come to water, oh, come to the water of life, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) for you are not protected anywhere else, you, sons of men, and the spirit of the world has always drawn you to it to hang about either in little or in great emptiness so that you may lose the victory for the joy that is coming for those who walk with the Lord on the way of the temporary life of the body, which carries your soul! I am teaching you with longing and I am teaching you the fight for the eternal life, sons. I am teaching you the spiritual love and its holy works. Oh, open your mind and take heed so that your heart may be opened and that you may receive Me in it, for here is what I am teaching you to know, if you humble yourselves, how to hear and how to receive:


Sons, sons, in the spiritual love the bodies do not seek after each other, and if they do, then there is no longer any spiritual love, and there is something else far from God instead; it is the lust of the flesh, the spirit of the flesh, the spirit of the world, revealed through the Scriptures with its work, which is: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. (1 John 2:16[3])


Oh, those who seek spiritually after each other must not touch their bodies because it is dangerous for the soul, and spiritual protection and desire for holiness from one another are needed.


However, especially, I am exhorting those who have started to walk downwards with the Lord and I am telling them: Oh, sons, you have to stay much with God, to be with God all the time among you and among your neighbors.


Oh, man because you seek after your salvation, which man cannot give it to you because it comes only from God, I, therefore, ask you to come back, you wandering man; come back to Me with your love. You cannot give anyone your love but only if is warm for your Lord and then you have to share Him, for He is love, not you, and man needs Him, even if he does not know this and neither you.


Oh, love your neighbor as I have loved you, sons, in times of pain or distress, and not otherwise, and give all your love to God, from all your heart, from all your soul and from all your mind, as it is left from God to be between man and God, for I, the Lord, remind you of the first man, who lost his gratitude towards His Maker God, and he said, while he was separating from God: «Therefore, a man will leave his father and his mother, and will join with his wife, …”. (Gen: 2/24) Oh, and this is how his separation from God happened, the sin of separation, and sin has spoiled God’s temple, God’s dwelling in man, at the helm of this life, always, always, and man had taken God’s place in him.


Now, I am coming to teach you and I am giving you of the river of life[4] to refresh your heart, your life and your works, and that is why I am teaching and telling you not to touch your bodies, but only with care of soul and do not touch your neighbor’s too, but only in times of trouble, of pains, of need, of trials of life, of the love of God, which has to be tested, sons, because the day of God’s glory, and that of those who have loved like God, is coming.


I would remove the veil and leave visible the heavenly places prepared from eternity because I would like you to be enchanted with them, sons, for they are under a veil, but are not far though, they are not in another part, sons. However, you do not see them but only those that are visible of God’s creation, and the invisible ones are not seen for they are under a veil, and I leave for man the faith and the longing for the way to them, and their revelation wait after man, after man’s will, which chooses, for man needs to choose; he is free to choose either the fleeting ones, that are completely empty because of their temporariness, or the eternal ones, kept from eternity and immortal by their creation, because of God’s greatness upon them, for everything is godly in the invisible things of creation.


I would draw the veil aside from the invisible things of creation, but I leave you the longing for them, man. May the longing be your way, and look at the man’s beginning with God and at the beginning of the garden of paradise, where man was set to be immortal like God; and because man has no longer loved the Lord and chosen the woman to love, he has fallen under this temptation, which casts out God from man and from near man, for God is love, and man is sin, because this is what he has chosen to be and do, oh, and that is why the whole invisible creation of God has hidden from the man’s eyes, all the invisible things and their majesty, which, from time to time, I leave in sight to a confessor, to put over the people the glory and the purpose of the things from above, and they are from above because they do not fall, but are rather close, they are not elsewhere, they are here, they are still here and are divine. And just as man cannot look at the Lord and still remain alive, the same is with the godly invisible things, with the dwelling places under the Lord’s dominion and under the dominion of the heavenly and angelic powers, delights of the saints and of those who prepared themselves and went with longing to them, for their work was the Lord’s life in them and thorough them on earth, and they were the Lord’s dwelling places among people.


I am giving you the word of Epiphany to all those on earth, because I am merciful. If John, My godfather, was shouting loudly at Jordan and saying to all: «Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens is at hand!» (Matt: 3/2), how shall I not call out far and wide and urge everyone to the spiritual life, through which sin comes to an end?


I, the Lamb of God, the One baptized by John at the river Jordan, I Myself am calling the man to the way of eternal life and I am giving him the word of Epiphany, and I am coming with the heaven on earth and I am coming with the heavenly hosts as well, because I want, man, to put an end to your wandering away and to have God as your Father to become His son, and to have a father, man. I have no rest, I come after you and call you to hear Me so that I may show you the way, for I am the Way, and you need a cross to know Me and follow Me, because without

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