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2016.12.25 - The Word of God at the Feast of Saint Hierarch Spyridon

                        The Word of God[1] at the Feast of Saint Hierarch Spyridon[2]



It is a feast day of the saints, and I, the Lord, am opening the book of My word and coming down within it with My sufferance, which is becoming word. However, even if My Spirit is only sufferance, I want to give power from the Holy Spirit to man to help him with it to his life, for the spirit opposing to Me and to man brings into his way only death, only carelessness for soul, and man knows this and keeps his weakness which draws him only to evil, and he gives Me only sufferance.


Oh, there is a great party on earth; there is great joy and there is food and drinks on the tables and good will on this day when the whole world knows that it is the feast of the Lord’s Birth (See the selection topic: „The change of feasts - the denial (apostasy) of faith”, r.n.) and the lack of My comfort is big and much, for man rejoices into My name, but he rejoices over his pleasures. However, I make room near you with My word, well My people, and we are waiting for the feast day of My birth, as this day is at its place as the holy fathers have ordained it to be, the fathers led by God for the setting back in time of the holy feasts, and on this day, I have with Me as your guest the hierarch Spyridon with his day of feast among the saints and we are sitting at the table of word and we want to set the Spirit of comfort on the table, for He gives Us power.


Oh, sons, sons, how weak man is! Man does not want to call satan the satan, even if he knows satan and his whole work with its entire face and which brings only sufferance to man, only remorse, and to Me, a spring of sufferance. Man takes care only of his sufferance and forgets about My sufferance that comes from him, and whoever causes sufferance to God then he gets sufferance in response, as well.  


Oh, men’s sons, oh, well sons, how comes that you cannot understand the mystery of love? Love is from heaven; it is not from man. Oh, do not lie to each other for love, for behold, you have a good time in the name of faith and love, but you do this not because of God’s sake, but because of your joy, and you cause only sufferance to Me, oh, sons. Oh, this is it; I said love, but I also said, «Love one another as I have loved you». (John: 15/12) And how does that come? Oh, how have I loved you? I have come down to you, this is how I have loved you, and I did not bargain for this, but I worked in this way to escape you from the bad wages, which you have worked by loving sin, because the love of sin is born in man by the self-love, which does not lead him any other way but into the love for sin. However, I have not thought of Myself when I came down, or when I come down to you to advise you from heaven from near the Father in order to draw you to the Father, but rather I have thought only about you and only in this way I have loved you, and I have loved you when you were still in your sins, and by My coming down after You, I have brought love before you with all My being. Oh, you love yourselves and forget how I have loved you, and as I have loved you, you cannot love one another, for each man loves himself when he tries or when he gives love, for everything becomes sin by the work of man’s love.


I speak in love with the worldly man, oh, sons of My word. Oh, sons, sons, those who want to be like God also come down like God. I, the Lord, teach you to love as I have loved you. Become humble to each other in order to lift one another brotherly and to lift each other for Me always, always, and in this way you will love as I have loved you, and you should not speak about love between you and God or among you otherwise, if you do not work for it as for God. Oh, work each other for Me and get used to love one another becoming humble every moment to be able to love every moment, as it is not well not to have love all the time as your work and redemption by the work of love, endless work, oh, sons. Oh, two thousand years ago, I spoke every way possible by My Gospel and I gave all kinds of parables about the kingdom of the heavens and I left them written into the book of the heaven on earth, but man is hard to understand and he does not want to take from God, and the one who does not read the book of My teaching falls, he falls from the fear of God and has no longer any fear at all, and therefore he falls and does not care about the reward of his falling. 

Oh, do not allow, do not allow, sons who have come to Me, do not allow to be drawn and tossed away by the winds of wandering for it is hard for the one who loses the Lord after he has stayed with hypocrisy near Him. However, you should crush your self-opinion and punish yourselves against this sin, which separates man from God. The country of the Lord starts here, where I started with you. Oh, here it is how one is supposed to know, to come and stay within this people, in this new beginning of the country, and how one should do the work of his living with God! Oh, everything that has to be guilty in you and among you, put away from you everything, for this is the work of the Christian. Let everything that may try to separate man from God and from light, let him clean himself from it always, always, for otherwise man remains under punishment and for punishment; but, this separation from evil is hard for man to do. However, I am teaching you here, and My teaching comes out from you, and man is able to learn if he wants.


Oh, sons, stay into My hand with your thinking and feeling for the things that come inside and outside of you, for otherwise satan works you in the darkness, as he worked those who let themselves to be a place for the darkness, for those written to satan and for satan, and those who went into hiding, letting themselves being knocked, have no longer lived with God.


Oh, sons, why man cannot love God? Oh, he who does not love God, loves sin, and that is why he cannot love the Lord. Let every man on earth know this and let him benefit of My word and come to his senses if he wants, for he can if he really wants, no matter how weak he may be, and on this holy day, I have on My right side the bishop Spyridon, the miracle worker, and he has always worked miracles for those who have persevered to this great saint, and behold he is in My book near Me with the work of his word!


Oh, I have called you to help Me, My beloved saints, as you help Me in My name and by My power, and you help on earth those who call on to you. Amen.


— When we are called, Lord, oh, how can we not come down like You with our love and mercy to those whose calling is heard?


Oh, how beautiful is the soul of the one who loves You, Lord! Oh, how beautiful was my little soul because I loved you and kept You within it! Oh, how beautiful, how wonderfully You were working for me before the unbelievers, the lover of my soul, Lord and God! When I remained with no one in the world, I totally clung only to You and I lived inside and outside of me only with You by Your work with me, the humble one before the people separated from Your will in them. Through my being You were showing signs and miracles beyond nature to all, through my being, faithful only to You, for You knew that You had to work by signs and miracles to show to those who had wandered away and to those who were unbelievers at that time. Because I was a shepherd, I also loved to shepherd the people for You, but not by the word, but rather by the works of my life, Lord. I lived inside of me like You, gentle and humble in heart, and by these two features I was showing You great, Lord, inside of me, and many were wondering from those things beyond nature worked by You by Your tool, through me and by my humility, the Lord and Shepherd of my soul.


Let the sons of Your today’s people take the example of my life and let them always think about it so that it may be to their help for their stature before You and before the people, as he who denies himself is great before You and before many others then, in order to have great work after that, and only for Your glory, Lord, and let him not take anything from it for himself but take You only and have You, and it will be enough for him, Lord.


Oh, I suffer in heaven, and I suffer like all the saints. In the country of Your today’s word the spirit of the man, loving of power, loving of names with high positions, is hardened, and I would like to work miracles, speaking and cleaning from the spirit of man, so that I may put on track Your power and Your will, as well, Lord. Oh, let us watch, Gentle Shepherd! Your mercy is great and much. Oh, stay at the helm, Lord, for there are great waves! Put me to Your holy work, oh, Lord!


— My sufferance has always, always become word, oh, My beloved ones. Oh, how much I want to share with the man on earth too, but man flees from pain; he flees from the one who causes pain, he flees to joy and parties full of human joy, song, and dance, and full of all kinds of goods on the table of the party, and in this way he gets the bad reward and mourning as well, but still, he does not care about this.


I share with you My sufferance worked on earth and bestowed upon Me in heaven, for the making of My hands, that is man, does not give Me anything but only sufferance to carry and bear. Man looks only after his sufferance and forgets about My sufferance that comes from him, oh, My beloved saints and those who suffer like Me from those on earth.


Much sufferance is coming up to heaven on this day, for men have got heated from their party in the name of Christ’s birth, as they say, and their party for Me is turning into mourning.


Oh, sons of My word, be gentle for Me, sons! Those who are not gentle do not stay near Me under My

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