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2016.10.27 - The Word of God to the Russian people and to the Orthodox churches in the world

The Word of God[1] at the Synod of the Saint Archangels, Michael and Gabriel[2]



My book is being opened and waiting for Me to come into it with a day of feast and heavenly glory. There has been great preparation in heaven and on earth here for this angelic feast, and here We are, sitting down at the table and at the food on the table, and I, the Lord, am giving and blessing those led by their longing here at the spring, in the citadel of My word on the hearth of the Romanian people.


The festive retinue is great, and great is the beauty of the heavenly hosts with which I have arrived here and with which I am standing on the threshold at My arriving for the welcoming at the feast! I am the Bridegroom of the feast, and those who are celebrated are in My retinue, and they are the heavenly hosts and their great chiefs, the archangels Michael and Gabriel, followed by the chief angels according to their various kinds, the world without beginning and without end of God’s angels, the servants that fulfill His commandments, the commandments of love, of the loved One.


Oh, this day of feast is wonderful, so wonderful! Oh, how beautiful, how beautiful is here, in this great settlement, this settlement as heavenly work now!


Oh, peace to you, to those with whom I, the Lord, celebrate, on this day of holy comfort! Oh, you have come together at the spring of My mouth, sons. Moreover, We are here, too, those coming from heaven, and We are sitting at the same table of love! Oh, I would open the eyes of your body to see with them how much glory is surrounding this settlement, both inside and outside, renewed now by the word and deed. Oh, what glory of angels and saints, all full of the spirit of comfort!


You, those who have worked hard at this ornament of settlement for the Lord, you are those who give comfort by preparing feasts for those who are celebrated from heaven with their day of feast from year to year and comfort now those who are here, together with those that have gathered because of their longing for the feast, and joined their ways and reached My holy mountain in order that I may speak to them from this mountain, oh, sons welcoming of guests, guests coming to the table of feast from heaven and earth, but also from the world of those who sleep with the hope of the resurrection of all things, as they were with God at their first building, for today is a day of calling at the autumn table of those asleep from generation to generation, and here they are, at the table with the angels, and they fully taste the comforts.


I, the Lord, wonder among those coming from heaven with Me here, and I let Myself be seized by the entire comfort and wonder catches Me and I am trying to seek the words with which to lay Myself down into the book in this sweet heavenly moment and full of the glory from above and below, glory as God’s.


Oh, peace to you! Peace to you, those from heaven who are here! Pace to you too, to those on the earth gathered here and filled with longing and wonder now! I am speaking and telling as in the old times: «Give ear, you heavens, and I will speak; let the earth hear the words of My mouth. My doctrine shall drop as the rain; My speech shall condense as the dew, as the rain on the tender grass, as the showers on the herb», (Deut: 32/1-2), as it is written.


Oh, how could I have come visibly, not enveloped by the word? I would have liked to be always like that, to be seen and to work at sight with My glory, oh, but I am such a foreigner with all people, so much unknown by them, and this because of their estrangement from Me, so that no one, no one would know Me; and it might happen to Me as two thousand years ago when no one knew Me and gave Me over to be crucified and all condemned Me as a foreigner to them all. Oh, I hid from everyone’s eyes after I had finished My work, and today I do the same, but I am also coming as at that time and I am near the man, and at the same time, I hide, and My word coming from the cloud over the earth has got power in it; (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.) it really has, well sons who are celebrated today together with the angelic hosts, the armies of My glory, well sons.


And now, the word of My mouth sanctifies on this day the renewed shelter of the House of the Meeting and this comes to serve the Lord for further holy assemblies, as the footstool of My feet when I, the Lord, come and stop over here with those in heaven. I am strengthening by the word its calling for the holy service and I put upon it the sign from above: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, the seal of the Living God. Amen. This seal full of godly power will be the protection from God and it will keep far everything that is not from God, and all evil things will be dispelled from all the places on which this seal is, for this earth and all its creation belong to the Lord. Amen.


And again, and again, a seal is being put on this day at the service, the being of the new well, having come out above now and getting under the Lord’s seal, and it will be beneficial with its water, for I, the Lord, said and made it, and near it there will come and stay, a protector on My behalf, it will come and stay the one who showed to the world Me two thousand years ago, John, the Baptizer, the one who was My baptizer, too, on the day when he showed Me to the world as the Lamb of the Father, confessed by his mouth, for he had received from the Father the revelation of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Together with this patron near the well, I am still setting another chosen vessel. Here, on the mound in the hill of the Lord’s citadel, the martyr Ekaterina will stay near the well as angel, for I had put in her a spring of wisdom from above and this spring arose from it and renewed the land of many in the time of her confession, and this gift of wisdom will dwell as working here on the mound, for here I have the seat and its spring over the earth, and all come here and everything starts from here and sanctifies the earth.


Behold, there are works set to work by Me with service here, and My word sanctifies and seals, oh, and the world of those asleep is comforted with great comfort, that have an invitation to the table here, on this holy day for all the same, and My today’s country, the Romanian country, is receiving now as an ornament flower everything that I have been making new, or renewing into its midst, and I wait for her at the spring to drink so that she may be known as Mine, for I have been getting out water from here and giving her to drink so that she may know the Lord, her God. Amen.


Oh, there is much sin on earth, and the sin is only infection all over the earth, and every man is a target for this pain that penetrates the body, the heart and the soul, and it infects the whole body of man’s being, and it kills most of them completely, for I am the One without any sin and I come out completely from the one who is infected by sin and only it remains and man dies because of sin, as I told Adam in paradise that he would die if he had not followed My word, the word of life, and I had also told him not to take from any other word to violate My word with it!


Oh, I would ask and teach all men to be Christians, and I would help them to know the mystery of the one who is Christian, for a Christian according to the truth does not get enchanted with his habit for sin, with anything he may see or hear, and he remains full of life from above, full of God’s commandments in the time of his body on earth, and the one who slips to the poisonous taste of the sinful life, that one has not embraced yet My advice and the Christian life, the Lord’s holy life, for he who embraces it does not need any deception or wasted time outside of My kingdom in him, and he rather looks at everything within a cold mind, and he rejoices only over the heavenly sweetness, and he waits for it as for the love so much waited in his heart, the angelic life in his body.


Oh, man lost from My arm for your pleasures, behold what news I am bringing now to you: when you work with one of your tools in order to build something new or to demolish something to make a new thing and more durable, you try not to hurt yourself with that tool, and therefore, you use it carefully to do the work you need. Oh, in the same way you have to use those that you work with, in the same way you have to work with the tools that can bite of your soul, of God’s work with you. Therefore, pay great attention to the windows and doors, as light and darkness enter man through the door and window, and the man’s things for life or death can enter through all the gates of his senses.


Oh, sons gathered at the voice of My word sprung for you, oh, seek, sons, to feed your souls always and seek to take and to give food, as if you only take, you are called lazy, and laziness is a sin that leads to death, but if you also give, then you are those who are merciful and you will receive mercy as well, for the soul has to eat always, as otherwise God is spoiled with His work of life giving, but choice food is needed, and it does not have to be any kind of food, and not any dead or imposed food.


Oh, I teach you angelic food and I want you to be angels and have an angelic life in your body, for the holy life in man is the angels’ life, oh, sons. Oh, how dear is to My Spirit your coming to the spring, to the food of word from above, sons! You love to come too, but you have to love the angelic life too, the life without sin, as sin is the great infection which can do harm to the man who is sick because of sin. Behold, you have the heaven with its food from above. Take, eat, and try to have the good taste of the life with God, and from those that pass away on earth try no longer to take life

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