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2014.05.04 - The Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the holy prudes

The Word of God[1] on the third Sunday after Passover, of the holy prudes[2]



My resurrection is a day of feast of joy and this joy lasts for a long time with those who wait for it, with those who love My resurrection and theirs. Oh, the joy of the feast of My Resurrection from the dead does not last as it lasts with the world, as with the world it lasts only for a day or two, and the world makes use of the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection to eat and to drink and to commit sin every way possible, far from God and far from what life means. However, for those who love My Being, oh, this feast is a long joy, and then other days of feast are coming in connection with the day of My resurrection and with those that I have promised to those who followed Me then and after that, and then all the hosts of saints and angels have joy with those on earth, whom they accompany in feasts for their love of God and for those in heaven.


I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Lord of Resurrection. By My own mouth I am proclaiming Myself and declaring the greeting of My resurrection: “Christ has risen!”


Before dawn I am coming as word into the book and with it I am meeting those who love My today’s coming as word on earth and the people of My word, which meets Me when I speak My word to take it, to put it into the book and to share it after that, for many eat at My today’s table into the midst of the Romanian people, at which I have stopped now, in the end of the time, to prepare My return on the earth again from the Father to Man, as it is written, for it is impossible for those that I spoke with My mouth and which were written into the Scriptures no to be fulfilled if I am the Truth.


Before dawn I start to prepare My table of word and I am coming out with it to meet those who are coming here at the spring, on the mound of My descending with the saints, and I do not have any place and dwelling dearer than here, where I can speak, work and share Myself, as there is no other joy for the man’s Maker than that near man, near the work of His love, for I was seized with great love when I made man, and I am working now with it to wake him up to My love, to his Maker, as My waiting after man has been long, and love suffers in God; the longing suffers and the waiting suffers as well, and the man’s mind and heart cannot comprehend this, and behold, I have come to cast fire on earth and to be kindled between Me and man, to get warmed up from one another and the heaven to be on earth with man, that is the Lord with His saints, and behold, a day of the feast of Resurrection is set, a table of word between Me and those who start going now to My mound here, and I am giving to them from heaven, from those that are and are not visible, from God’s invisible things, as man has got used too much with those that are visible and he tends to forget, poor of them, that I am the God of the visible and the invisible things between earth and heaven.


Oh, I am sharing with you from those that are not visible and I am telling you that the man’s coming to Me and following Me has got a great reward. I will dearly pay you for this love, for I long after love. I built man out of love; and I worked and I built him with joy, and the man’s being is dear, oh, and how man wastes it on nothing, forgetting that he will be called to give an account to the One Who had built man!

I have prepared My army and the table from above of My Spirit and My saints, and We are sitting down with a holy feast here, where those who have found Me here are gathering at My spring of word. I am here now with great commotion from heaven. Oh, the commotion of those who are not visible of the invisible world is greater than that of the bodies of the visible world. The wind stirs the entire nature on earth when it blows passing by with its work. In the same way is with the wind, which moves the invisible world of the spirits and the world of the bodies redeemed for the Lord, the world on which the whole movement of the visible world and all its nature depends. The spirit of the hand, that little thread which moves the man’s hand, shows that the hand also has a correspondent in the spirit. With what do the angels and the devils write the visible things heard from man? They write them with a pencil, and man can hardly believe and understand how this movement takes place, with the help of what it is written by those who are without a body, good or bad. It is like in the dream when man dreams that he is awake when he sleeps.


I am telling you these to perceive those that are not seen and their work, for they are with the saints in a feast here, in the garden, and We meet you when you come and We set you at the table and then We sit down with you, I and My mother Virgin, My prude male and female disciples, for whom We are celebrating now here, and We also have with Us those that went to sleep with hope; We have them here with Us and with you, and their joy is great and they stay in a feast of My resurrection even from the first day of Passover, when they share the Passover with you from the Lord’s Passover, and they have remained, and they are here now and are sitting with Me at the table, for you have made their memorial, you who are serving Me here for I have set you as servants for the resurrection of the dead, well sons, and for the food from above of those who believe and often gather here near you and wait for the word of My mouth; they wait for the Lord when they come here at the spring. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.)


Oh, what a great heavenly joy from you to Us, and how beautiful is here, at the meeting between you and Us! Oh, peace to you! “Christ has risen!” are telling you all those who are celebrated on this day, My male and female disciples from two thousand years ago! It is a day of love among those in heaven and among those on earth and it is as in heaven, not as on earth. Before dawn, I see the condition and I speak every moment once with it, as God’s mystery is great; it is great and it is not understood by mind, but is perceived by faith instead, with the help of the angel of the man’s heart, who watches and knows.


Before My entire word upon you I am exhorting you all on this day of My teaching on you, those gathered at My merciful voice, and I am telling you now: do not get intoxicated with wine, but with God’s love sons. He who drinks wine among those who are called Christians does not have God’s love. Not those who come into the house, oh, it is not those that drink wine, for if they were those who sin, making out of wine sin for them, oh, the wine would no longer be in their house. Those who make a sin out of wine are those who like drinking wine and are tempted by it, and they get intoxicated from it in their head and mind when they drink wine, and they look for wine openly and secretly, or with those who drink wherever they may drink.


Oh, Christian son, you should not drink wine with the devil, with whom you sneak at his exhortation, or with whom you appear to drink, but you should drink it with the Lord, as the new Passover, and let your heart rejoice in this way, with the new wine, with the Lord’s Passover, for the Lord is the most expensive food and drink, the holiest, the most giving of life, health and joy to the overcast heart, as it is written.


Oh, take care sons, for the wine has destroyed My human kind which had been saved from the flood, as again it lead it to fall after Noah came out of the ship with his family and planted a vineyard and made wine and after that he had got drunk and then he cursed with his mouth, and his curse took effect. Wine gave birth to a nation from sexual immorality in the time of Lot, whom I saved from fire and I had to come down from heaven to save one, way or another, the one who came out of sin.


Oh, wine is strong; it becomes the strongest when man takes it and does with it that which is not from God for man to do with wine. Oh, sons, I am coming to give you teaching of love from God and longing, and you will have comfort, sons. Be careful so that you may not sin, for whoever does not have a wound after the Lord in his heart, than sin makes a wound in him, but this is the wound of death. Oh, behold how much watching one needs against this enemy: sin.


Oh, sons and daughters, who follow Me in your heart and with your longing, oh, how does it look like and how a Christian behaves, he who has a sore in him for the love of those from above and then guidance from above for the cleanness of life? The prudes of My resurrection, their love is speaking with you today. Oh, and their love has remained to be a memorial.


Oh, peace to you, great disciples with your love and step after the Lord! Peace to you into the midst of My today’s people! May your speaking at the today’s table be blessed! Amen.


— Oh, how shall we speak now? With You, Lord? With you, who are so dear to the Lord?


Oh, so much longing carried and carries us in Your footsteps, Lord! So much longing is prompting us now to follow Your footsteps at Your meetings with those on earth, who seek after You, oh, Lord!


Oh, seek the Lord, you, those who follow Him here with the longing in you! Seek after Him, and seek Him beyond those that are visible of His making. We sought Him with longing after we had found His Being among people, and we had nothing more dear to do then to follow Him, to serve Him, to want Him loving Him with longing and carrying Him in us with longing, and our thinking and longing were only about Him, and when He had to carry the cross and its humility, we were like the fire that cries burning and we went through His torments and sought Him in the grave, after we had seen, on the morning of His resurrection, the stone

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