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2021.05.02 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection, of the Holy Passover

The Word of God[1] on the Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection, of the Holy Passover



I am the Lord of resurrection and I am above with groups of saints and angels, and the song of My resurrection from the dead is sung in the air and is sung on earth, far and wide, the great miracle, that for the faith that I am the Son of the heavenly Father, that I am the Christ sent by the Father after man two thousand years ago, that I died on a cross and I came to life victoriously, being spread far and wide the great news: Christ has risen!


Man greets man with this testimony, and everywhere it is heard the greeting of the holy joy, the greeting of salvation: Christ has risen!


I Myself am declaring over the nations of this holy feast and I am telling them:


Christ has risen, nations! The resurrected Christ is telling you this! Let all believe and rejoice: great and small, rich and poor, masters and slaves, all, of all kinds and ranks; let all believe that Christ has risen, that He has overcome death and risen from the dead, He and all His righteous ones in all the ages before His coming on earth by His birth of the mother Virgin, that the heaven was opened to receive them and to be over with the waiting of all His righteous ones, as their expectation had been My coming down on earth, and then through My death on the cross, I went down to them to deliver them from their waiting for Me, and then for My and their resurrection, (Matt: 27/50-53)[2] and now, behold, the resurrection of those who believe and confess that I am the Christ, God’s Son coming into the world to save the sinners who have been separated from God by sin, when they come to humility and then to repentance! (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.)


Christ has risen, I, the Lord, am telling to the Christian people all over the earth!


Christ has risen, I, the Lord, am telling you, the peoples who fill the earth and rule over it!


Christ has risen, I, the Lord, am telling you, those who have chosen to declare that you are not believers and that you say to each other that God is not and those who think that are God and that God is not; nevertheless, behold, I, the Christ, resurrected from crucifixion, am telling you now that man says that there is no God because the one who says this is a sinner, and because he wants to sin at his will and that his life lived with sin may not have a bad reward!


Oh, if man did not sin, he would never separate himself from God, but he, poor of him, does not know what sin is and he does not know that is a sinner, and because he does not know this, behold, he always sins, and he does this before God, and God saw it and sent His Son, Jesus Christ to make Him known on earth as the Savior for every sinner, only that the sinners would bow and each say: “Lord, remember me in Your kingdom, for I am a sinner!” 


I am coming down on earth as word and I am speaking with those who are separated from God by sin. I am coming down to them to make them know Me by this word and to touch their heart to have mercy for Me, for My love, with which I fought with death which has always put down the sinful man and brought him down to the carelessness which condemns him and makes him worthy to go to hell, to receive the wages of sin.


Oh, there was not and there is no one on earth who does not know that I died on the cross and then I came back to life. And now, there will not be anyone from one margin to another of the heavens, no one without knowing and hearing that the Lord is coming on earth as word to proclaim His kingdom, the Gospel of His coming[3], (Apoc: 14/6) that the Lord is coming, speaking and sharing His word far and wide so that He may appear in heaven and on earth with the day of His glory, and the heavenly army in white clothes coming on the clouds, as it is written[4], (1Thess: 3/13; Jude: 1/14; Apoc: 19/14.) and behold, there is great heavenly mercy for the man to have steadfast faith and to know Me in this word, even if he has not known by this time that God is, that He was and is, as He wanted to call Himself.


You, those who have been baptized since you were little, or those who were baptized later in My name and in the name of your faith in Me, you, Christians of the Christ’s church, and you, ministering priests at the altars, listen!


Oh, listen, dear Christian, for the heavenly mercy is close to you, and it is great mercy to know Me by this word with My coming after the man and to confess Me as your God and to ask Me to remember you in My kingdom, for the unfaithful robber on My right hand side had God’s mercy on his side and knew Me that I was the Christ coming from the Father, prophesied by the prophets to come, oh, and he asked Me on his cross, He asked Me with great respect: «Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!» And I said to him, «Assuredly I tell you, today you will be with Me in Paradise!» (Luke: 23/42-43)


Oh, the same with you, Christian man. You should die on your cross and then you should remain with propriety near My cross and stay in humility near Me so that you may no longer sin, that you may no longer commit sins and that you may ask Me to remember you into My kingdom when you say My name of God into your heart, with your faith and with your humility.


Oh, Christian sons, man has separated himself from God in paradise, not to speak on earth! Man is haughty before God and to each other, that is why he does not find, poor of him, the way of humility, and that is why he stays without God in him in the time of his life on earth.


Oh, dear Christian, your remembrance into My kingdom is great mercy for you. Behold, you Christian, who love and listen to My today’s word, with which I am coming on earth after the sinful man, you are remembered before Me here, in the citadel of My word; you are remembered in its midst so that I may be able to forgive you, and you, during this time of prayer set for you, you have to humble yourself like the robber who, from his cross knew Me on My cross, crucified for him and for all like him, oh, and you should no longer be ignorant of your forgiveness, but rather be humble all the time of your life, for the robber who was once on the cross with Me, was no longer careless, and if it came for him to know Who I was, he said to Me with submission: «Lord, remember Me when You come into Your Kingdom». (Luke: 23/42) And, therefore, I had mercy on him, remembered him and forgave him by his repentance and faith and I said to him: «Today you will be with Me in Paradise», (Luke: 23/43), for I opened the heaven so that the righteous might enter, those from Abraham’s bosom, who had been waiting for Me to come and open to them.


When man knows Me as his God and receives Me on earth with him, then he does this because of his need of God with him on earth. When I, the Lord, receive man in heaven by his prayer, I do this because I need the man to be near Me in heaven with his longing spirit after God, with his longing of Me, oh, and this is how I am with man, and man with Me.


Oh, sons, confess your sins to each other so that you may be healed, so that you may pray for one another before Me for your healing, so that I may see My love in you, mercy like Mine in each other, and then you should give resurrection to each other, for the work of the Christian is the work of resurrection, but the world and the church in the world do not know what resurrection is; they do not know well why a man goes to church, why he goes to the service of the resurrection on the day of the feast of My resurrection, and he goes there because this is ordained for him to go to the resurrection service, but the man does not know to call out to Me like the sinful robber and say to Me as that one said: «Lord, remember me, into Your kingdom!»


Behold how the man’s coming to Me is, for the man who follows Me, follows Me because of the spirit if his humility, if he comes at all, and he chooses to walk on the way with Me for the humility of his heart, and if he does not choose to be with God on the way of his life because of this, oh, then he goes wrong against God in every way possible, and the same does to his people on the way with the Lord, and then he holds God indebted to him, because the one who does that, does not come because of the humility of his heart, oh, and behold, if you do not have wisdom from heaven, Christian, you do not know what you do or say; you neither know to choose to be with God, nor to be after that with your time on the way of the Lord’s cross, oh, for it is too much of a mystery and work to decide to be with the Lord with your steps, with your heart for its humility, for your life with the Lord so that He may have you in His great work against His enemy and yours, to have you in His great plan for the victory against satan and for the renewal of the world, as it is written.


The man would be to come on the way of the Lord’s cross after he knows the Lord well, after he sufficiently knows what it is to be known, worked and observed for the fulfillments on the way, and if he comes otherwise, he comes without wisdom and does evil on the way with Christians on it, and if he does not know to come and how to come, he does not come at all and remains for sin; he remains for the pain due to the sinful who are not forgiven by God because of the lack of humility in the heart of those who do not humble themselves so that they may also be forever with the Lord, as it is written about those who belong to the Lord.


Behold, even from the very beginning the man robbed in paradise the tree set apart by God so that man might not take of it, and when he took, then he was proud of his knowledge, and since then he keeps on being proud with what

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