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2021.06.06 - The Word of God on the sixth Sunday after the Holy Passover, of the blind man

The Word of God[1] on the sixth Sunday after the Holy Passover, of the blind man



Today is Sunday and is a working day of wisdom, a day of rest for the work of the body and it is a working day for the wisdom of life, sons, and I, the Lord, am with you at the table, at the work for the life of My people, for the wisdom of the life and of its mysteries, oh, people of My word. Otherwise I am close to you with My community in the citadel of My word so that you may be able to do, to know, to have and to work, My people, the bedding of the feast of the Pentecost, when I come with My heavenly hosts and when I sit down beautifully in the scenery of the feast to bring up to the Father joy and praise, sweet and great memories, God’s work in time and its great wisdom so that the world of the people may have somewhere to take from and to have the wisdom of life, to have God, Who works so mysteriously, so wonderfully.


Let us put into the book the food for the soul, for the mind, for the faith of the life and mind, dear sons. Peace to you first, as I, the Lord, put down this word when I arrive into your midst, in the midst of My disciples!


And now we are working, sons, and according to God’s work in time the fathers ordained on a day like this in the calendar the sixth Sunday after the Holy Passover, and once with it the memory of My work for the healing of the blind man since birth, oh, and I cannot but be a speaking bishop in the midst of the church and I am speaking over the mind of those on earth who have come to know about God’s works written then at the time when they were being done and which have come to be known by this time.


Oh, sons, what great work is the faith in those that are not seen and are! There is no wiser man than the one who believes in God about those things that he has not come to see, but believes and receives God by faith when the Lords proclaims His works.


Oh, how great are those who believe in the things that come from God, sons, how great! Those who are humble by their nature or humble because of their sins, only those received Me and then followed Me, then and now; however, the proud ones did not want to receive and follow Me, to be My disciples so that I may walk with them and to work from their midst and they to be the witnesses of God’s miracle on earth and the witnesses of God’s wonderful works.


Oh, how was I supposed to go to My coming from the Father then, how should I have gone to the proud ones, who had not been able to receive Me from the Father and follow Me in My walking on earth from place to place? Then I went to the humble ones, I fished the fishermen, for they were humble and poor in spirit so that God might have place in their spirit and mind with His work given from the Father to be set on earth in the sight of those who see with the eyes of the body so that it may go deep down.


Behold the parable of My word at that time and remembered on this Sunday in the church for the teaching of the faith! The blind, remembered today through the Scriptures, had power of faith with the view of the faith that believes. He had no sight at all but he had the faith that it was the thing, which he was not able to see, oh, and he saw with his faith; but a man with good sight who does not have faith is blinder than the one who does not have any sight.


Sons, sons, the wisdom of the things and the time in which one works, this means the spirit that sees, the gift from God among people. And if you do not have this gift and do not see through it, then it comes for you to be helped by someone who has sight, for otherwise you are and walk in the dark otherwise.


Oh, let no one believe that he sees but only if he sees with the gift of faith, for the liars are not those who see, rather are those who lie, for lie is not sight but the dark that attempts to hide within it all so that those who see may not be.


Oh, sons, the man’s sins cover his mind and the sight of his mind and he does not see the mysteries of life. How painful is to see how God works and looks and you do not believe that God is and works! How painful is for you not believe what is clearly seen and to believe that you see that is not what you see! All the darkness of the man’s mind, of his unbelief comes from his lack of self-denial for God’s will, and this kind of man is without wisdom and does his own will.


When a man sins against God, he does his will and the will of the one who serves for his own will and this is easy to be understood. When a man does not work sin, he chooses to do God’s will, not the devil’s will, for sin is the devil’s will; sin is the man’s separation from Me for his own will, and My voice keeps on exhorting the one who does his own will.


Oh, that is why I am coming now on earth as word, for I am coming to exhort the man against the sin, which separates him from God, for it is the time to start the judgment, oh, and I have mercy on all sinners who do not have mercy for themselves but only towards sin to care for it inside of them. (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment”, r.n.)


The man who works his own will does not have a sound mind, for it has in it the feeling of guilt for his will; he has it without his knowing, and his mind is weakened and does not help him if it is weak. Oh, therefore, it would be good for the man to know what he wants and what he chooses because his mind keeps him undecided, it keeps him under control, man works sin and then he prays to God for his forgiveness. Oh, if he did not sin, he would no longer pray for the forgiveness of his sins and would pray only for My will in him.


Oh, sons, oh, sons, a man cannot dedicate himself to God because he does not deny his will and the work of his will and that is why he cannot be an obedient son to God, and if he cannot, he continues to remain in his will, even if he does know from Me My will for him. However, he wants to be in control with his will and I have to tell him always what I want from him to do on earth.


Oh, sons, the one who leaves Me, he who leaves the work of this word and the people, that one leaves in order to do his will and then he does it. And the one who keeps on doing his will within My presence, working of victory against satan and against sin, oh, that one is not, that one does not submit to it but stays like one who would not stay or have God for His will in him because he chooses to do his will, the will against God’s will and for which he prays to Me for his forgiveness, and he does his will again as he chooses to be and to do.


Oh, sons, man does not know what kind of his conduct goes up to God on his behalf; he does not know and has no mind when he says to himself that his conduct towards God is otherwise than that towards his fellow men, towards his parents and brothers, towards everything that has a living being, and towards God’s whole creation.


Oh, man, it is not as you may want to believe! Your whole conduct is seen by God all the time and the Lord gives you a grade for it and you cannot deceive Him with your hypocrisy, when you stand before Him with you and for you, for your conduct with the Lord, and woe to those who behave with hypocrisy towards his neighbors and God for the share of the hypocrites is very painful because I did not created the man in this way, but when he pulls himself out of My hand, he does this to do the evil things he desires, for the spirit of pride is the guide of those who do not listen to God’s will for them.


Behold, I am the only One Who remains in the will of My Father if I am His true Son. I have never come out of His will, of His movement, and I do everything He does for I do not do My will but the will of My Father Who has sent Me. I am His Son because I am in Him and in His will, and this is what I have taught those who want to be My Father’s and I have told them to say: «Father, may Your will be done!» (Matt: 6/10) Oh, in these do I find pleasure, I find My will and My Father’s and they are those who see, believe and understand, and they work God over them and for them. And all others are weak with respect to this love and are hypocrites when they cannot do God’s will, not their will, oh, and those are fool, who do not believe even if they see what it would have to be believed, and not long ago I have whispered by the working spirit and I said here: It is not those in the mental hospital that are fool, for these are holy as they are tormented by man and God’s enemy, but are fools those who do their will against God’s will in them, when they say that are sound and have wisdom and do not need God; they do not need Him as though He does not exist, oh, and it is written: «The fool says that there is no God». (Ps: 14/1 - 14 MT = 13 LXX[2]) and that is why he does his own will and not God’s.


Oh, sons, learn from Me to have a healthy sight! I have much to speak about this and then you are to put into action the word of wisdom for those who believe without seeing, because a greater sight than the faith that works miracles, oh, what can be greater than this sight?


Oh, you do not have to see God, but you only have to work Him over you and then have Him and this means to prove that you have God, that you have faith, then that you are like Him and show Him as He is, as He is gentle and humble in his heart, and all those who are like that, like Him, these are those who believe in Him, these are God’s sons.


Sons, sons, we are renewing the blessing

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