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Beyond this page, you will discover the world of magick, introduced through Herbs, Spells, Rituals, and even Hexes & Curse. We hope that you will take the time to look around the coven's Book of Shadows (BoS)



Hearken as the witch's word calls to all, a gulf to ford. Bridge the vast realities. An it harm none, do as ye please. Elements, protect and guard this book, from wandering eyes and prying looks. Fill it with thine ancient powers, in this right and ready hour.

Powers of the North, the East below, help me to live, to learn, to grow. Lend your strength and stability, to practice the Craft and with love be free. Powers of East, the wind, the Sky, watch over these pages with thine eye. Your wisdom and knowledge, for these I do ask, that this book be worthy of the Craft and its task. Powers of South, Fire, and hearth, help these Shadows to prove their worth. Infuse them with all your healing and passion, so only good comes from the work that is fashioned.

Powers of West, the Water and sea, change and growth are granted by thee. Bless these pages with all that you know, that righteous readers may learn and grow. And to the unschooled eye that see, confusing words and sophistry, lead them from these sacred pages, and bless their passage through the ages. For free will of all, and harm none, as I have willed it, it is now done. So mote it be!



In this section you will find spells for protection for yourself, your family, and much more.

Protection spells:
This magic protect yourself spell can be used if you feel as though you are not safe.It can keep you safe from somone harming you.This black magic spell can also be used as an added protection just for the shear peace of mind it incurs on the person casting this protect yourself spell.This free magic spell can also be cast on other people if you think there safety may be affected by unknown causes.

(a quick chant)
"Elements of the Sun,
Elements of the Day,
Come this way,
Powers of night and day,
I summon thee,
I call upon thee,
to Protect me,
So Shall it Be"

House Protection Spell

You can use this in your car, office etc. just exchange the word House for car, office. Also if I don't have a particular ingrediant I will replace it with cayenne pepper which is so nice for driving away the nasties. jars can be buried just outside the doorways to your home, or openly displayed.

1 glass jar 1/2 to 1 cup salt, 3 cloves garlic, 9 bay leaves,
7 tsp. dried Basil, 4 tsp. dill seeds, 1tsp sage, 1tsp anise,
1tsp black pepper, 1tsp fennel, 1 bowl.

In the morning ideally on a bright sunny day assemble the items.
Place in the bowl and say: "Salt that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the cloves of garlic: "Garlic that protects, protect my home and all within."
Crumble the Bay leaves and place in the bowl:
"Bay that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the basil and say: "Basil that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the dill and say: "Dill that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the sage and say: "Sage that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the anise and say: "Anise that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the fennel and say: "Fennel that protects, protect my home and all within."
Mix together the salt and the herbs with your hands, throughout the movement of your hands and fingers lend energy to the potent protective items, visualize your home safe and as a shining secure place. Pour the mixture in the jar and cap tightly. Place it in your home with these words:"Salt and herbs, nine times nine. Guard now this home of mine"

Home Cleansing & Home Protection Spell

To Cleanse an area from malicious spirits... Smudge the area as you recite:

"Spirits that harbours ill intent,
Begone with you & never come again.
Only those with goodwill may enter & roam,
& visit this place that I call home"

Also protect your home... (you may wanna research on ways to protect your home) but here's a simple Incantation I come up with .

Sit in a comfortable position (or in front of your Altar if you have one), close your eyes & meditate for awhile when you feel is right, you can recite:

"Lord & Lady, Hear my call,
Protect those living within these walls,
Shield my home from hex & curse,
By thy powers they shall reverse,
Shield us against All Spells of Black,
From whence they came, repel them back,
This I ask in the name of Divinity,
Work my will, So mote it be."

After you are done Thank the Lord & Lady:

"Lord & Lady, to thee I give thanks,
Merry meet & merry part, Until we merry meet again..."
Blessed Be

Written by Shadowlight a.k.a Ivan


If you believe that a spell has been cast against you, place a large black candle in a cauldron (or a large black bowl). The candle must be tall enough to extend a few inched above the cauldron's rim. Affix the candle to the bottom of the cauldron with warmed beeswax or the drippings of another black candle so that it will not tip over.

Fill the cauldron to the rim with fresh water,without wetting the candle's wick. An inch or two of the candle should remain above the water. Deep breathe, meditate, clear your mind, and light the candle. Visualize the suspected spell's power as residing within the candle's flame. Sit in quiet contemplation of the candle and visualize the power flowing and growing with the candle's flame (yes the power against you). As the candle burns down, its flame will eventually sputter and go out as it contacts the water. As soon as the flame has been extinguished by the water, the spell will be dispersed.

Break your visualization of the spell's power; see it explode into dust, becoming impotent.

Pour the water into a hole in the ground, a lake or stream. Bury the candle. It is done.

A protection spell to proteced someone you know : this is one I made and it works. I hope it works for you.

1 blue candle
1 green candle
1 red candle
1 purple candle
1 yellow candle
1 white candle
and some sandlewood incese

To start, you need to know what the person look like, then face east and light the yellow candle and say : I welcome Air to my circle. I ask for your help in this working. Then do the same for south (fire, red,) then east (water, blue), then north (earth, green), then spirit (middle, purple). Make sure everything is inside the cirlce including yourself aslo make sure you dont step out of it, or anything step into it as this will break the circle. Now light the sandlewood then the white candle. Welcome the deity, if you have any. Now, put your arms out and look to the ceiling/sky and say this :(note:while you say this imagine what your friend looks like and imagine a pure bright like sourding them like a shield and nothing can get in
Protect my friend I ask of you. I send all my positive energy to him/her and protect him/her from harm. I love this person dearly. May no harm come to them, I have put this shield around them. SO MOTE IT BE!!!
Now, give thanks to what every dietes you asked for help. Give thanks to Earth, then snuff the candle. Give thanks to Water and snuff, give thanks to Fire then snuff, give thanks to Air then snuff. Say "Now I close this circle." then put out the white caddle but leave your incense to burn.

hope this helps you. Blessed Be.

Psychic Self-Defense

( By Lord Merlin)

This spell can be found in the following book: To Stir A Magickal Cauldron, by Silver RavenWolf, on page 226 & 227

When you feel your shields are down or determine that a little extra protection is in order, try the following:

Moon Phase: New, crescent first quarter.
Moon Sign: Aries
Day: Saturday, Monday or Friday (depending on what type of protection you desire)
Planetary Hour. Saturn, Moon, Venus. (again, depending on the type of protection.)
Deity: Vesta
Colors: Red, white or Black
Supplies: Incense burner, black candle
Oil: Sandalwood oil can also use the uncrossing oil or jinx removing oil.
Incense: Sage and cedar smudge stick

Carry the unlit incense around the room in a clockwise direction and visualize a trail of light from the stick. Repeat with the unlit candle. Say:
Vesta of the loving light
guardian of the hearth and home
Goddess of fire and purity
Prepare the way for this sacred rite
Send your loving protection from above.

Vesta of peace and loving charm
Banish any intent of evil or harm
Send protection unto me
As I will it, So mote it be!

See your circle fill with white light and allow the helpful angels of this light , especially your guardian angels to aid in your spell.

Light your dressed candle, and place your hands above the flame, high enough that you do not get burned.

In your mind, see the protecting light from Vesta empower your hands, which in turn will empower the candle. Envision the candle glowing with the white light of Vesta's protection. Say the following:

Elements of fire
This request of thee I ask
No evil may be bound to me
No ill will or evil intent shall touch me
Banish all negativity
As my will, so mote it be.

Feel the energy from the circle come alive, removing all harm and negativity from within

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