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Ready For Rapture

Total Surrender And Adoration




Susan Davis


Prophetic Messages Dictated To

Susan Davis

(July 2013 to September 2014)


© Copyright 2014 – Susan Davis

ISBN-13: 978-1502718549


ISBN-10: 1502718545




NOTICE: You are encouraged to distribute copies of this document through any means, electronic or in printed form. You may post this material, in whole or in part, on your website or anywhere else. But we do request that you include this notice so others may know they can copy and distribute as well. This book is available as a free ebook and mp3 at the website:


© 2014 by Susan Davis

Unless indicated otherwise, all Scripture reference and notes are from the King James Version Bible.








About These Prophecies


1. Is Your Will Following The Enemy Of God Or God?

2. Humble Hearts Will Walk With Their God

3. This Is The Hour Of Repentance

4. How To Hear The Voice Of God

5. Your Bible Is Unfolding Before You’re Eyes

6. My Heart Aches Over Every Lost Sinner Who Steps Into Eternity Apart From Me

7. Rapture Dream

8. You Children Are Out Of My Will If You Cannot See How Dark It Has Become

9. Partial Surrender Is No Surrender. I Will Not Accept A Lukewarm Faith

10. Unforgiveness

11. Read My Word As If It Is The Last Book On Earth

12. Weaning Christians Off Halloween

13. There Is A Darkness On This Earth That Is Spreading Like A Wildfire

14. I Love Like No Other

15. I Will Not Be Able To Remove You With And As My Bride If You Are Married To Another

16. Fear Of God

17. I Am The God Of Second Chances, But Time Is Running Out

18. Why Do You Think I Have No Say Over This World?

19. Don’t Think It Strange If People Are “Offended”

20. The Majority Of The World Is Caught Up In Their Own Pleasure: Seeking Wealth; Seeking Rebellion To God; Seeking Sensual Pleasures.

21. I Cannot Tolerate A World That Is Not Interested In Hearing About My Sacrifice On The Cross

22. God’s Judgement Of The Living

23. If You Are Not In My Will Then You Are Not Right With Me

24. You Must Come To Me Now !

25. If You Are Caught Up In The Ways Of The World You Will Be Left

26. No One Will Be Safe From The Domination Of Evil Man Run By Evil Spirits

27. I Will Multiply My Signs And Wonders

28. How Shall I Call You? My Bride Or My Left Behind Lost Church?

29. Those Who Fight Against Me And My Words Will Find They Cannot Win

30. So Just What Is The State Of Your Spiritual Condition?

31. Get To Know Me As Your Only Hope, As There Is No Other Hope For This Lost World But Me, Its God, Its Maker.

32. There Is Great Darkness Coming Over The Earth, Darkness Brought On By Whole-Hearted Rejection Of God

33. I Am The One And Only Cure For A World That Is Dying In Its Sin

34. I Want To Sup With A Bride Who Enjoys My Company And Not A Harlot Who Loves The World More Than Me

35. Surrender Your All To Christ

36. All Is About Choices—Choosing Life With Me Or Death With My Enemy

37. Awaken O' Lukewarm Church

38. Signs Of The End Times

39. The Evil Is Cascading, Overflowing Into All Aspects Of Life

40. Questions For And Answers From God

41. The Bible Describes With Incredible Detail What Is Literally Coming To Pass

42. Come And Be Part Of An Eternal Relationship With Your God

43. Questions For And Answers From God – Part III

44. Right-Standing With God

45. Each Day Apart From My Will For Your Life Is Time Spent In The Kingdom Of Darkness

46. Questions For And Answers From God - Part IV

47. Every Day You Walk Apart From Me As Your Lord And Master Is A Day Wasted With My Enemy

48. Questions For And Answers From God - Part V

49. We Need To Be “Set Apart” From The World

50. Those Who Follow My Ways Are Lamplighters

51. Your Life Was Not An Accident. I Created You With A Goal In Mind.

52. Christians Dabbling In The Occult

53. The World May Be Crumbling, But My Bride Is Preserved - She Has My Spirit And She Is Preserved

54. The Lukewarm Churches’ Desire To Cling To The World Will Be Its Undoing

55. Testimonies Of Encounters With God

56. Your Heart Needs To Be Beating For Me

57. I Am A God Who Is In Love With His Children

58. This Is A Lost Generation - Pursuing All Other Things Besides Its God

59. Sacredness Of The Name Of God

60. You Can Move In The Kingdom Of God While On The Earth By Surrendering Your All

61. What The Lukewarm Church Won’t Tell You

62. Knowing The Hour We Live In

63. A Dance With The Devil Is A Dance With Death

64. You Must Choose Between Death And Life - All Is A Choice



Susan operates in the gift of prophecy. In 1 Corinthians 14:1 it states, “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.” Now we are living and supposed to be obeying God’s instructions in the New Testament. Although some believe that spiritual gifts, such as prophecies, have been done away with, this is man’s thinking and not God’s. God has not changed His covenant. We are still living in the era of the New Covenant – which is also called the New Testament. Please understand that your first commitment should be to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word as written in the Bible – especially the New Testament.

As always, all prophecy needs to be tested against the Bible. However, if the prophecy lines up with the Bible then we are expected to obey it. Currently God does not use prophecies to introduce new doctrines. They are used to reinforce what God has already given to us in the Bible. God also uses them to give us individual warnings of future events that will affect us.

Just like in the Old Testament, God uses prophets in the New Testament times of which we are currently in. The book of Acts, which is in the New Testament, mentions some of the prophets such as Judas and Silas (Acts 15:32) and Agabus (Acts 21:21) and there were others. The ministry of prophets is also mentioned in New Testament times in 1 Corinthians 12:28, 14:1,29,32,37 as well as in Ephesians 2:20,3:5,4:11.

Jesus chooses prophets to work for Him on earth. Among other things, Jesus uses prophecies and prophets to communicate His desires to His children. The Bible itself was written prophetically through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Some people say words of prophecy are in danger of adding to the Bible or taking from it -- well the Bible speaks of prophecy as being a Gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. The way the Bible is added to or taken from is not through additional words of prophecy received by the people which the HOLY SPIRIT gives words to, but by the changing of GOD's concepts to add new unBiblical concepts from other pagan beliefs for example. But the primary work of the prophets in the Bible has always been to focus the people back to GOD's WORD, the BIBLE.

As it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21, "Do not put out the Spirit's fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good." And the way to test the messages is to compare it's content to what the Bible says.

In all the prophecies below I personally (Mike Peralta - Book Preparer) have tested these messages and they are all in agreement to what the Bible says. But you must also test these messages, yourself, to the Bible. And if they are consistent with the Bible, then God expects that you will take them to heart and obey His instructions.





The following introduction to Susan’s book is a blog by Rob Rennie which gives a very good summary of what Jesus is calling us to do, in getting close to Him and to be counted worthy for the rapture and for heaven. Please read, understand, and obey. It is a great deal more important than you may currently realize.




( Used By Permission )

Posted on Aug 22, 2012 in The Supernatural Blog by Rob Rennie

Who is Jesus Going to Take With Him?

The ever-present question, whether you’re a Christian, or not is, “How do you get into Heaven?’ which is really, ‘Who is Jesus going to take with Him to Heaven?’

Getting into Heaven, according to God’s Word, is not an easy task. In fact, only few will enter.

The Bible also says, “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

This is probably one of the most, if not the most, sobering warnings in the Bible regarding getting into Heaven. If even the people who’ve called themselves Christians in this life, who’ve worked miracles in Jesus’ name may not be going, then the number who will actually enter in seems to be critically low.

But the key to this whole passage lies in the verse directly preceding the warning, in Matthew 7:21. “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”

Question: “Who is Jesus going to take with Him to Heaven?”

Answer: “The one who does the will of the Father. The key is doing the Father’s will!”

How do you find out what the Father’s will is? Recently, I’ve come across a fantastic book called, “Marriage Supper of the Lamb” by Susan Davis. She has a website that discusses the end times and the rapture.

Susan Davis happens to be one of those people who can really hear the Lord amazingly well and she regularly gets entire letters and in the case of this book, entire manuscripts dictated to her by the Lord.

In the book, the Lord tells her about how the people should prepare for the Rapture and for eternal life in general. The main point the Lord makes is that we should be 100% living for the Lord and that anything less than 100% is considered ‘lukewarm’ and will result in eternal damnation.

By the way, if you’re skeptical about whether these revelations are really from the Lord, as you should be because we are supposed to test the spirits, I urge you to look at other testimonies by various other people around the world and compare the syntax and style with the content in the letters dictated to Susan. What you’ll find is they are near identical and they in no way contradict the Word of God.

Anyhow, getting back to knowing God’s will, the first thing we have to realize is that God doesn’t expect us all to become ordained and start a church because as the verse above states, it’s not about that and many of the people who do this are still going to hell because they’ve overlooked one critical fact.

The critical fact that nearly everyone is missing is that they don’t spend enough intimate time with the Lord ! How can you possibly know what the Lord’s will is if you don’t spend time with Him? This is why the Lord says

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