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and the SPIRIT against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.   VOLUME IV: DECEMBER 2013


December 3, 2013

Words of the LORD:

“If you are not in MY Will then you are not right with ME.”

(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan)

It is I, your GOD. I am ready to give you Words: 

MY children, you must take heed. I am a GOD WHO is Truthful. The Truth must be told and I tell it. The world is spiraling down. It is rejecting its GOD. Few are really following ME the way I want to be followed.

This is MY remnant, the rest remain lost far from ME. Few understand what I require to remain in MY good graces. So many believe they understand, but most men operate outside of MY Will.

It is being in MY Will that is most important. If you are not in MY Will then you are not right with ME. Only those in MY Will, will be raptured. It is those who will be saved. The others who remain outside of MY Will, will be left behind to face the worst because they have chosen to live apart from GOD.

MY Will is the ONLY safe place. There is NO OTHER safe place. If you are outside of MY Will you are being run by the enemy. And if you don’t change, you are as good as dead to me. You must pursue ME at all costs. Pursue ME as if your life depends on it because it does. Pray earnestly to be in MY Will. Pray fervently to be in your GOD’s Will. Your will, which is the enemy’s will is a stench to ME and MY Ways. It is rebellion and treason against MY Kingdom.

Many of you will not like to hear these Words because you are unfamiliar with MY Ways. But I am a GOD of Precision and Righteousness. I do not take well to rebellion. MY rebellious children who do not change their ways will be cast away. Despite MY Love for them, I am still a Righteous JUDGE. I cannot deny WHO I am. I stand for holiness and perfection. MY Ways are Perfect and MY Love is always Perfect.

If you think this is a hard Word. Who can walk on this path? Only those who surrender to MY Will. Those who surrender to MY Will: they become perfect through the Power of MY HOLY SPIRIT, and by the Blood that I gave on Calvary. MY Blood covers your imperfection, MY SPIRIT guides you to all Truth, and I lead you out to safety. There is NO other path.

Today you must make a choice. If you want to be near ME and MY Safety, you must decide to be in MY Will. I want you to choose for ME. I want you to choose to give ME your all. I want you to lay your life down before ME, repent of your former ways and sin. Come with a remorseful heart for living apart from MY Will. I want you to see living for the world and MY enemy is not the correct path to MY Will. It is a broad road to hell to which many, even most are going.

Very few want to be in their GOD’s Will. Only a remnant really pursue MY Will. Let me show you the Way: surrender your all to ME and I will give you ALL of ME. Come into MY Saving Grace, and Power, and live the life you were meant to live. Be prepared and make ready for MY Coming, as this hour is closing in and as the world is descending into complete darkness apart from its love and respect for ME and MY Ways. I change not. I am the Unchanging GOD. Pursue ME and be saved.

This is the GOD of Your Salvation



Coordinating Scripture:

Matthew 7:21-23 (KJV): 21 Not everyone that saith unto ME, LORD, LORD, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the Will of MY FATHER which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to ME in that day, LORD, LORD, have we not prophesied in THY Name? And in THY Name have cast out devils? And in THY Name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

1 Samuel 15:23 (KJV): For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the Word of the LORD, HE hath also rejected thee from being king.

Romans 12:2 (KJV): And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, Will of GOD.

Matthew 7:14 (KJV): Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.



December 13, 2013

Words of the LORD:

“If you are caught up in the ways of the world you will be left.”

(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan)

Children, it is I, your GOD, I am here to give you more Words:

There is a definite change in the atmosphere. Look around you, it is everywhere. The people are oblivious to MY Coming, but MY SPIRITfilled ones see it: those who know their GOD; those who spend time with ME in the secret place; those who read their Bibles daily; those who share MY SPIRIT. They see with MY Eyes what is going on in the world.

I am coming to pull out those who are watching, ONLY those who watch. All others who are handling the world will be left. If you are caught up in the ways of the world you will be left. This is a hard Word but it is MY Truth. Read MY Book and see for yourself. If you knew ME, you would know this is Truth. Only those who are standing close to ME will be seen by ME and be taken when I come back for MY own.

These are the ones I desire to be with for eternity, the ones I will call MY bride, the ones I will share nuptials with. These are the ones who will be with ME as MY bride for eternity. Those who are left behind can come to ME later, but they will not be MY bride and many will fall away in sudden destruction without any hope of recovery.

This is a SERIOUS WORD, MY children. You must know that I am a GOD of TRUTH. You must also know that I am a GOD WHO cannot be played with. Do not try ME or MY Patience. Yes, I am long suffering but don't reject the price that was paid for you on the Cross for long or you may miss your chance for salvation.

These are serious Words for serious times. MY Coming is soon. Sober up, get ready, prepare your garments, focus on ME. I am your ONLY HOPE. Surrender your all to ME, surrender to MY Will. Repent to your GOD for past evil, read MY Book every day, pray for your neighbors and loved ones and pray that you may be found worthy at MY Coming. These Words are Truth, I am a GOD of Truth.

This is the LORD on High


Coordinating Scripture:

Psalm 91 (KJV): He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most HIGH shall abide under the Shadow of the ALMIGHTY.

Revelation 16:15 (KJV): Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

James 4:4 (KJV): Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with GOD? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of GOD.

Matthew 22:1-14:—The Parable of the King’s Wedding for His Son.



December 15, 2013

Words of the LORD:

“No one will be safe from the domination of evil man run by evil spirits.”

(Words of the LORD dictated to Susan)

Dear Children:

This is your LORD. I AM coming and NO one can stop ME. Some believe I will not ever come. Some believe I am not coming for a long time. Some think of ME as a far off GOD. I am none of these. I am coming with MY mighty angel army. I am going to split the skies open with the beauty of MY Majesty and MY Presence. Those watching will see ME first. They will see their KING make a grand entrance.

The stage will be set for the removal of MY bride to lift her up into the skies out of harm’s way. She will follow ME out to safety. I will pull her free. There will be mass hysteria. People will run everywhere wondering what has happened because of the devastation and missing people. There will be many explanations for what has taken place. Most will be inspired by evil, who want to down play MY Coming.

The world will not be the same. It will be the start of a new era—the onset of the antichrist kingdom in full force: man’s way of coping with the aftermath of the removal of MY bride from the earth. Once MY bride is taken free and MY SPIRIT is taken out of the way, the enemy’s kingdom will come into power in full force and no one will be safe from the domination of evil man run by evil spirits from the kingdom of darkness.

Horror will reign on earth as I allow MY wrath to pour over the earth. Tribulation will reign supreme—Great Tribulation. MY children who are left behind will face their darkest hour. Dark decisions will be theirs to make choosing between the antichrist system which leads ultimately to eternal doom or choosing against the commanding system leading to their martyrdom. Many will be tortured and suffer greatly in order to escape the kingdom of darkness that will rule the earth and all who remain behind.

You can avoid this end—turn to ME now as your only hope. Give ME your all in all—full surrender of your will into MY Hands. I will protect you, guide you, keep you in MY Will if you so desire to be MINE. Just surrender, repent, and submit yourself over to ME. All will be well between us. I will protect you from the coming evil: a system that is even now in the works.

Please turn your life over to ME. I am pleading with you children. Walk with your GOD into safekeeping.




Coordinating Scripture:

Acts 1:11 (KJV): Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same JESUS, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen HIM go into heaven.

Luke 17:24 (KJV): For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the SON of man be in HIS day.

Luke 21:36 (KJV): Watch ye therefore, and pray

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