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Book online «Encounter With Jesus Christ: End of Time Warnings (Completed) by Regina Clarinda (grave mercy txt) 📖». Author Regina Clarinda

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person walked with a distance of around 5 meters from the person behind them.

They all had a lamp in their hand. The light wasn’t too bright but it was enough to light their way.

Everyone looked pale and frightened. However they never stopped moving forward. They kept walking, even though very slowly, one careful step at a time.

Not one person made a sound. They were silent, in contrast to those who weren’t on the path - that grumbled all the time.

But they who walked on the path were quiet and so focused on the road as they kept looking down. They looked alert.

Sometimes they lifted their head up to look around carefully, then quickly had their eyes back on the road again. They looked down most of the time as if they wanted to make sure they always stayed on the path.

They all looked tense. Some were even crying. I saw tears rolling down their faces. But they kept moving forward with tears in their eyes. There was no sound of sobbing; they cried silently.

"They are not walking alone,” Jesus said. He touched my eyes. “Look."

I saw something I didn’t see before.

A man, tall and shining, walked along right next to every person. A similar looking Person accompanied each person on the path. At once I knew this Person was the Holy Spirit.

"The Holy Spirit is with them always. He never leaves them. He guides and protects them."

The Holy Spirit held their hands. Sometimes He rubbed their hair and kissed their foreheads lovingly. He wiped their tears away with His finger, hugged them, and then held their hands again.

“They do not know where the way out is,” Jesus said, “but with faith they keep going on the path in hopes of finding it. And I say to you, they will find it.”

After He said that, Jesus gave me a long embrace and returned me to my room.

The Holy Spirit, the Lamp, and the Way of Truth

The Holy Spirit guides those who are willing to be guided. He is with those who trust Him. The Helper, the Holy Spirit gives victory to those with a lamp in their hand.

The lamp symbolizes the obedience to do God’s will. The most fundamental of God’s will are written in the Scriptures.

Without a lamp, we will be lost in the valley. It is impossible to find the narrow path that leads to the way out in pitch darkness.

This means without the obedience to be the doer of the word, we will only be trapped in the valley of the shadow of death.

The lamp lights the way we should go – which is to the path. The path (The Way Of Truth) leads us to the exit (victory). And the Holy Spirit is our God that helps us through the whole process.

* * *

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
(Psalm 119:105 ~ KJV)

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.”
(Psalm 23:4 ~ KJV)

“When God pushes you to the edge of difficulty, trust Him fully because two things can happen. Either He’ll catch you when you fall, or He will teach you how to fly.”




Monday, August 1st, 2011. At 10:00 am.

The Lord brought me to the green pasture again today.

After walking through the meadow for a while, Jesus stopped and He looked up to the skies above.

"Look." He pointed to the sky.

I stared at the sky. It was clear blue.

But about ten seconds later, a huge black cloud appeared from the north.

It was still far away but it was coming this way. The cloud moved faster and faster by the second. There must have been a really strong wind blowing yonder.

As I still stared at the enormous cloud, there fell a voice from heaven, shouting with a mighty voice, “THE TIME HAS COME TO PUNISH THE WICKED!”

The sky turned dark at once. In the blink of an eye, the black cloud had arrived and now it covered the entire sky.

It was so thick and black. No more clear blue sky; the cloud had made the day look like night.

I held the Lord's hand tight. The atmosphere became tense and frightening.

It was dark, and I could barely see a thing. I kept staring at the eerie sky, waiting for what would happen next.


All of a sudden I heard people screaming. The screaming came from all directions.

But as I looked around there was not one person to be seen.

Screaming continued to be heard. Many, many people were screaming hysterically, so loud that it was deafening.

"What is happening, my Lord?" I covered my ears as the noise was really loud.

"My daughter,” the Lord said, “when the time comes, there will be great affliction for many people."

Jesus stared at the black sky with sadness in His eyes. “All this will happen soon. It is almost time."

More and more people were screaming. They screamed in anguish and in fear – some were in pain. I heard people crying out for help.

I could not see these people or what was happening to them but the screaming was so loud, it felt like it echoed throughout the earth.

Then the ground shook. An earthquake occurred.

The screaming became even louder. More people were screaming and crying.

I covered my ears again. The noises became too loud to bear. It was horrifying and devastating at the same time. I could not imagine what kind of suffering they were going through.

I began to cry as I could not take it anymore. The cries were breaking my heart.

"What is happening to them, my Lord? This is so heartbreaking.”

But the Lord replied with the same answer as earlier.

“When the time comes,” He said, “there will be great affliction for many people. All this will happen soon. It is almost time.”

He didn’t say anything else.

Tears ran down His face. Jesus cried.

“Woe unto the wicked! It shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.” (Isaiah 3:11 – KJV)

Proud Young Atheists

Then the Lord took me to a mountain top.

I looked down and saw countless amounts of people gathered at the vast foot of the mountain. They were young people, men and women, from different races and nations.

Even though I was far away from them, I was able to see them clearly.

Everyone was wearing a white cloth headband around their forehead. It had writing on it that said: THERE IS NO GOD. All letters were written with capital letters in black.

Arrogance and pride were expressed on their faces. They looked furious over something.

As I looked at them, all at once they all looked up to the sky.

Then they raised their fists in the air.

Raging with anger, they shouted at the top of their voices. "THERE IS NO GOD! IF GOD EXISTS, TERRIBLE THINGS WILL NOT HAPPEN IN THIS WORLD!”


Like the roar of thunder they sounded.

They began to curse God.

I heard the most repulsive and profane words ever came out of their mouths. They screamed it at the top of their lungs.

With their fists up in the air and their bulging eyes to the sky, like a demon possessed, these young people were cursing and raging.

As they were swearing, I noticed something was coming out of their mouths.

There was brownish-gray dust, a bit thick like sand. It just spurted out of everyone’s mouth as they were cursing.

It seemed these people could not see it. They did not realize their mouths were releasing dust.

After a while, the rage was still burning.

They began cursing Jesus.

More dust burst out as they were insulting Christ. Strangely dust did not fall to the ground, but floated up into the air.

As ongoing profanity and insults to God grew louder, dust was getting thicker in the air.

Thick dust in the air floated and gathered at one point. It gathered right in the center above the crowd and created a massive pillar of dust.

It was rising into the sky.

The pillar continued to grow larger as more dust kept coming from all directions. It arose higher and higher to the sky.

As more dust gathered in the pillar, the color turned darker and darker. The dust became tremendously thick.

Then the pillar of dust reached the sky.

Dust widened in the sky and looked like a huge black cloud that continued getting bigger. It was covering the sky little by little.

The sky became darker and darker as the cloud of dust kept expanding. It was terrifying. I wished these young people would stop swearing.

But the cussing did not cease. Mouths still burst out with dust, causing the cloud of dust in the sky to expand faster.

A few minutes later, the sky turned dark.

The thick mass of dust had covered the sky entirely. Even sunlight could not shine through it.

It was pitch-black. I could not see anything.

Blasphemies against God did not subside, instead, they got worse. They became so angry, and blamed God for the darkness. Profane words were thrown louder at God Almighty.

A sudden and strong wind blew in from the east. It was so strong that I was almost blown off if Jesus didn’t hold me tight.

Wind was blowing and howling; a hurricane took place.

The situation became horrifying. It was horrifying to be in the middle of a hurricane - in complete darkness.

Blasphemies were still heard loud and clear. They were blaming God for the hurricane.

Then a loud roar of thunder was heard from the sky.

And it was not stopping. Roars of thunder were heard continuously for several minutes.

Then fell a voice from heaven, and shouted with a mighty voice, “THE TIME HAS COME TO PUNISH THE REBELS!”

More intense thunder was heard. It sounded like a heavy rain would fall any minute.

I looked up to the sky and tried to see anything - yet all I saw was blackness. Jesus knew my difficulties. He touched my eyes and made me able to see in the dark.

Everything was clearly seen now. I saw the huge black cloud of dust that covered the entire sky was moving.

It was moving down, going back to earth.

The huge cloud thickened and became smaller as it was going down. It was headed to the foot of the mountain where the people were.

My heart was racing as I watched it slowly falling down on people. I could tell something bad was going to happen.


All of a sudden there were cries and screams.

People were crying and screaming in agony. I looked down and tried to see what happened but I could not see them anymore. The thick black cloud had covered the entire area. People weren’t seen anymore; it was all blackness down there.

It sounded chaotic down there while the sky had turned bright and sunny again like it was before. Screams were heard loudly from all directions, as if from all over the world.

Dust that came from their own mouths came back to them, bringing afflictions and calamities.

"My daughter,” the Lord said, "punishment for the rebels is at hand."

I was sad to hear it. If only they didn’t blaspheme God, no dust of disasters would fall on them.

“My children are safe in My hands,” the Lord spoke again. “But tremble, all the wicked! For you shall fall by your own wickedness. Shudder with fear, all the rebels! For you shall reap your own dust of enmity against God.”

“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” (Psalm 14:1)

Harmony Brings Miracles

Jesus took me to another place in a flash.

I was brought to a vast field surrounded by high mountains.

Many people were in this field. There were hundreds of men and women, holding hands

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