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Encounter with Jesus Christ

End of Time Warnings

Regina Clarinda





Copyright 2015 Regina Clarinda

All Rights Reserved




Chapter One – A Dazzling White Light

Chapter Two – Wheat Field and the Coffin

Chapter Three – The Firm Rock, Grimy Children with Beautiful Eyes, and Caves of Death

Chapter Four – The Refreshing Flower and the Word of Truth

Chapter Five – The Shining Cross and the Valley of the Shadow of Death

Chapter Six – Punishment for the Wicked and the Rebels

Chapter Seven – When Will You Turn From Your Evil Ways, O Earth?

Chapter Eight – The Wedding Feast of the Lamb

Chapter Nine – Be Faithful Until Death

About the Author


On a lovely Tuesday morning, July 19th 2011, while I was having a quiet time with God, the Lord Jesus visited me for the first time. It was a beautiful encounter. He told me that He would visit me again a week later from then, and He would see me for seven consecutive days.

As He had promised, a week later, He visited me again. Jesus continued to visit me in the following days, until seven days were through.

Each day the Lord brought me into the spiritual realm and showed me wondrous and astounding things. He showed me many things, including the secrets of the end of time.

The Lord told me to write it all down in a book.

"My daughter,” He said, “The book will illuminate the hearts of many people. It will be read around the world. Many hearts will be renewed and faith will be rejuvenated.”

I believe it will happen as He said.

This book you are reading right now is filled with Divine revelations, messages, and warnings. There are revelations regarding the end of time, as well as revelations about the dangers threatening mankind in the spirit realm.

God loves us so much that He wants to warn us about these dangers that have destroyed the faith of many believers. He wants to make us aware of these things, and equip us, so we will know what we are supposed to do when facing these dangers.

Our loving Creator wants us to keep walking in the path of righteousness because He longs for us to see Him one day. He longs for us to live with Him throughout all of eternity. God wants to bless us with eternal life, joy, and love.

He wants us to hold on to our faith in Him no matter what our circumstances, or what people around us have to say. God wants us to stand firm in the faith and remain vigilant in our Christian walk, as the days are evil. This book will help and encourage you to do so.

I pray that when you read through this book, you may experience love and serenity in Jesus Christ. May this book brings you closer to our loving Saviour. I pray that it will not only touch your heart, but that it will transform your life as well.

May those who are weary and burdened be refreshed in the Lord!


All glory be to God,

Regina Clarinda



Tuesday, July 19th, 2011. At 10 am.

I had just begun my daily quiet time with God, when something happened.

All of a sudden my room became so bright. A dazzling white light appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the room.

The light became brighter and brighter.

A few seconds later, it became so bright and blinding that I had to close my eyes and cover my face with my hands.

“Be not afraid, My daughter.”

A voice was heard. Straight away I knew it was Jesus’ voice.

The fire of God fell upon me. The anointing was so strong that my body started shaking all over.

I fell prostrate before the Lord. Tears were streaming down my face. Suddenly I felt so unworthy. I felt so unworthy in His presence.

"Fear not My daughter, I love you so.” His voice was heard again. “I have chosen you to deliver My messages to My people around the world."

"I will see you again in seven days from today,” He said again; “I will bring you with Me and show you many things that have never been shown before, things that have never been revealed to the world. I will reveal many things including the things that will occur in the darkest days of mankind.”

“A day will not be enough to show you all those things, therefore I will bring you with Me seven times for seven days.”

"You must write down everything you see and every word I say. You must write it all down in a book so My children can read it.”

“It will remind them to stay aware and to recognize the warning signs of the end of the world. I say unto you, the book will illuminate the hearts of many people. It will be read around the world. Many hearts will be renewed and faith will be rejuvenated.”

"Worry not My daughter,” He continued, “with My wisdom you will understand the meaning of all the things you will see and remember every detail correctly.”

“Prepare yourself during this week as I will see you again next week.”

The light slowly dimmed and disappeared.

* * *

God’s presence was still felt throughout the next hour even though the bright light had gone. I was immersed in the Spirit of God, in a sweet peaceful atmosphere. I worshiped and thanked God that He had chosen this unworthy vessel.

I prepared myself as the Lord had told me. I sought His presence more often and waited for His next visitation as He promised.

* * *




Wednesday, July 27th, 2011. At 10 am.


Seven days have flown by. I looked forward to seeing Jesus today.

I was reading the Bible in my room, when the word of the Lord came unto me.

“Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, for they are ready to harvest.”

It was heard clearly. And like the previous visitation, this time He did not show Himself. I only heard His voice.

"My daughter,” He said again, “I will bring you with Me now.”

In the blink of an eye, I was already somewhere else. It happened in a flash.

I looked around and found myself standing in the middle of a vast wheat field. As far as the eye could see, there were only wheat crops everywhere.

The field was beyond large. I could not see where it ends. The wheat stalks were all golden-brown, and looked beautiful as they were swaying in the wind.

“Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, for they are ready to harvest.”

The same words were heard again. But this time His voice sounded clearer as if He was actually nearby. Immediately I looked around to find Him.

"My Lord!" I exclaimed in delight.

I saw Him! I saw Jesus, the Love of my life! There He was, just a few yards away from me. He was walking toward me.

Jesus walked through the wheat field while running His hands over tall, golden stalks. They were glowing as He walked past them.

He looked remarkably charming! I wanted to run to Him yet for some reason I couldn’t move my legs. Then I fell down on my knees.

Jesus looked so handsome. His face was rosy and glowing. His golden brown hair fell perfectly into graceful curves below His ears, upon His shoulders.

The Lord stood in front of me in a glowing white robe. He radiated the glory of God, as Song of Solomon 5:16 says, “He is altogether lovely.”

Jesus smiled and looked at me with His loving eyes. They were the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. There was kindness in His eyes. And the warmth in those eyes brought serenity into my heart.

He reached out His hand to help me stand.

"My daughter, I love you."

The Lord embraced me.

My heart overflowed with joy beyond words. I was melting away in His embrace.

"I love you too my Lord. You are everything to me."

He brushed my cheek with the back of His hand, then stroked my hair tenderly. His face was beaming with joy.

Jesus was very tall and I was so small next to Him. I was below His chest.

Suddenly I realized that I wasn’t a 34 year old woman anymore. I became much younger, like a teenager aged around 14-16.

I turned into a young girl in the spiritual realm. It felt good; I felt more lively.

His Pure and Perfect Love Toward Each Of Us

Then Jesus spoke about His love for His people.

“My daughter, I love My children. I am with them always and would never leave them or forsake them. I want them to know that.

“I want them to know that I am with them, embracing them when they worship Me in spirit and truth. I am with them, holding them close in My arms when they yearn for Me. I carry them through, when their hearts are weary, when they cannot stand. For I am close to the brokenhearted and save those who are crushed in spirit.

“I love My children. I love each and every one of them. My love is not like the love offered by the world. My love is pure and perfect. My Father loves them too. Father loves them like He loves Me.

"I laid down my life so My children can draw close to Me. I want nothing more than to love My children and be loved in return.”

Souls Yearning to Be Saved

Jesus put His hand on my shoulder.

"My daughter,” He said as He laid eyes on the field, “take a look around this field. Look at how vast it is.”

I looked around this ocean of golden-tan stalks. Surely the field was beyond big.

“The field represents the world,” He spoke again, “there are still many souls out there that have not known Me even though they are ready to hear the Word and be saved. So many souls are crying right now, yearning for the Truth.

“The harvest is indeed plentiful, but as you can see here, in this large section, no one is working. No one is reaping the harvest.” He looked around sadly.

Jesus was right. As far as the eye could see, not one reaper was seen.

"The laborers are few,” He said again, "and this large section is only a small part of the field, however not one worker is found here. In other parts beyond where your eyes can reach, parts that are equally as broad as this one, only one or two workers in each part work hard reaping the harvest.

“So many crops ready to be brought in, yet there aren’t enough workers to help. So many souls ready to hear the Word, yet there aren’t enough people sharing the good news.”

I can imagine, with today’s billions of lost souls on earth, it indeed requires a lot of workers to help. The world is one huge field of souls.

Jesus looked sorrowful. Tears fell down His face. It made me sad to see Him cry.

My heart was moved.

"My Lord,” I said, “let me do the work. Let me harvest this area.”

He smiled at me and laid His hands on my head. "Go ahead, My daughter. You may work as you wish."

Suddenly I found a sickle blade in my hand. It appeared just like that.

I worked straight away. As I swung the sickle against the base of the crop, I thought to myself, “This area may be beyond vast, but I’m sure the harvest can be completed if carried out diligently.”

"My Lord, I’m determined to reap everything until it is entirely finished. No matter how long it will take.”

Jesus didn’t say a word. He just looked at me with sadness in His eyes.


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