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are MY Words. Write them down.

I am coming for a clean bride. She must be pure. The bride I am after will be pristine, fresh, and clean, untouched by the world, unmarred by the sinful world. She will be fresh and pure. Her focus will be on Me, her LORD and MASTER. This is MY bride. And I am coming for her soon. I will be retrieving her very soon. It will be sooner than most people think.

MY Words are clear and uncomplicated. I have been very clear with MY Words. The world is not ready for Me. The world wants everything, but its GOD. The world has turned its back to its GOD in favor of gross evil. Every kind of evil reigns throughout the earth— every form of disgusting, foul evil runs rampant throughout this world I created. MY world that I so skillfully brought into existence is now a haven for every kind of pestilence and foul activity of the enemy. Truly, I am disgusted with this generation, these people who disregard Me so. I am ready to dispense with this world and those in it who so disregard their loving GOD WHO chose to save them by excruciating death.

Children, this is your LORD JESUS. I am speaking out to you. I am asking you to come to your senses. Pick up MY Book, MY Holy Book. Read it cover to cover. You will have to back away from worldly pursuits to find time for it, but am I not worth it? I gave you life. How can you deny Me these requests? I died a painful death, brutal death. It was sheer horror.

I was penalized for the sins of the world. I am asking you to come near Me. Come in close. Get to know Me. Get to know MY Words, MY Holy Book. You will find Me. If you look for Me, I can be found. I am waiting for you O’ lost generation. The hour is closing.

I am warning you. You seek every excuse to not believe MY warnings. You refuse to believe the words in MY Book. You refuse to believe I am alive. You won’t have it. Your love of this world is too strong. It pulls you too tightly. It has a grasp on you.

MY children, this is your LORD pleading with you. Sober up! Come to your senses. Wake to the Truth. Come alive. See what is transpiring around you. The world is coming apart. It is breaking apart. It is shaking apart. All the systems of men are coming apart. This world apart from its GOD will not succeed.

Soon you will see that men, and all their high and mighty planning, cannot replace GOD and the love and care I have over the earth. Men cannot replace Me, although they try. They think they do not need their GOD. Soon they will see that life without an all knowing, all seeing GOD is useless and this world will not survive what is coming to it through MY wrath and MY enemy. He wants to destroy men. He will destroy many.

You must decide. Will you stay behind and be destroyed or will you surrender to Me your complete life and be rescued and saved? Soon I will retrieve MY bride. I am putting out MY Words now in abundance because most are not hearing. Most do not want to let go of the world and most do not see the lateness of the hour. The time is at hand children.

Why must you strive with Me? Why do you demand your ways? You will demand and receive your ways, then I will come and receive MY dear bride who is ready and you MY children will have striven with Me too much and I will release MY grip and leave you behind to face this crumbling, GOD-forsaken world. You will be left to cold-hearted rule, to a world without your GOD, who keeps things in check. Evil will engulf the entire world. There will not be relief anywhere. All will come under the power of MY enemy. He will take control and you will have to choose Me or his system and reign, and you will be lost for eternity. Your only remaining hope will be to die for your survival. This will be the world you face. The enemy will not allow you to reject the system easily. You will face torment for your decision.

I stand before you now and offer you escape. Come to Me NOW. Make a full surrender to Me. Repent of your sin. Allow Me to be your LORD and MASTER. Read MY Book and come to know Me as your “all in all” and I will bring you with Me to MY Glorious Kingdom. We will dine together and celebrate our union for eternity.

These are your choices. There are no other choices. Quit thinking that your future includes other scenarios and options. These are unfounded dreams that will never be. Where are you getting these ideas that you will be here many years into the future, from other men? Trust in MY Words, MY Holy Book, and MY HOLY SPIRIT in your life. Make a full surrender of your life to Me and ask for MY Holy Spirit in full measure. Ask for discernment and I will show you Truth, MY Truth, no one’s Truth but mine as described in MY Holy Word.

Read and study MY Words. Not finding time for MY Word is not an excuse. You choose the Words of your MAKER or the time you spend with the words of men. There will be no excuse when you stand before the SON of MAN. You will either, be covered with MY Blood covering and made ready by the washing of MY Words, or you will be found naked and uncovered, condemned by your sin before a Holy GOD.

Children, the hour is now. Do not let the enemy deceive you with all of his tricks and camouflage. He will hide the truth from you and you will not escape death and destruction. I am already losing so many to the wrath I am bringing onto the earth to waken the people to the hour.

I am coming! I am GOD and I will not be mocked by sinful men much longer. Let your spirit bear witness to MY Holy Words. Turn now. Your LORD pleads.


Romans 8:16. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.


PART 62: The letter received by Sabrina from our LORD talks about who the bride is and addresses those who are unbelievers.

In the letter Susan received, the LORD warns the pastors about not warning their churches about the LORD’s return and the dire consequences to ignoring this mandate from GOD.


Dear Friends of Christ:

We receive many questions about lost family members. Many are so glad to hear about the LORD coming soon but speak volumes to us about their unbelieving family and friends and desperately want answers. So I would like to address this question in this letter.

I believe wholeheartedly in the parable that JESUS referred to in Luke 18:1-8 about the widow and the judge. The widow wanted justice and wore out the judge with her daily pursuit so that he eventually granted her request. And why wouldn’t he grant it? She believed that he was the one she could receive justice from so she kept after him.

I am going to share with you a secret that is not going to be a secret any longer. I so desperately wanted my friends and family to find JESUS that I decided I had better get serious with this GOD WHO could answer my prayers, so I pursued HIM with a vengeance and I believed you have to dig your heals down and pray like there is no tomorrow for your family and friends. And you know what? I believe with all my heart that GOD WILL ANSWER MY PRAYERS. You can stand in the gap for your family too—remember the phrase: JUST DO IT!

Luke 18:1-8. And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?


Note: We receive many, many emails about the Sabbath—so here is our position statement about the Sabbath found at this link:

Also Note: For all who are able to read E-books, Mike Peralta has created the LORD JESUS’ letters in this medium for your convenience in reading. A LARGE THANK YOU TO MIKE for taking this project on.

Click on the Ebooks~MP3 Tab on the website:

Note: A new volume will be made available every 3 months until JESUS comes for His bride.


Letter Given by the LORD JESUS to Sabrina on May 15, 2011:

A Word from the LORD JESUS for HIS bride:

I will give you words, write it down. This is your LORD and MASTER JESUS.

Behold, everything is prepared in MY Heavenlies for welcoming MY acquired bride. She will be received warmly and with cheers in MY Kingdom. All the angels rejoice at the coming of MY Bride, MY acquired bride. She was MY beloved for whom I died. She is MY sweet smell before MY Face day and night. I have died for her as a special gift from Me. She is MY acquired bride. I love her heart, MY bride.

I will and want to dine with her forever at MY Table, MY Wedding table. All her senses will be filled with delight for what her God has prepared for her. She will know a deep intimacy with Me, JESUS. I look forward to taking MY bride to Me. The hour is coming. The hour is approaching very soon. I love her heart. She is MINE and I am hers. She loves Me and I love her. She is MY beloved, MY bride.

MY angels rejoice to meet and welcome MY bride. They will serve her at the table. I am the host and MY bride is MY invited. She is MY beloved. She wears MY Ring, MY Seal-ring. MY NAME is etched in her ring. She is MY beloved. O’ how sweet is her heart. Her heart is like a diamond etched in the ring. She is wearing MY HEART. MY beloved is MINE and I am hers. We will be connected forever and nothing will ever be able to separate her from MY Face.

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