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Book online «I AM COMING! Volume 3 by Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck (ebook smartphone TXT) 📖». Author Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck

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She is MINE and I am hers. We are one, MY beloved and I.

I love MY bride and the time is now that I come to take her into MY Heavenly Glory. O’ she will be amazed by the Glory. A blissful Glory for ever and ever, a sweet smell before MY Face forever, MY bride and I. I have paid the price for MY bride and she has accepted the prize. She is MY beloved and I love her heart.

O’ let me tell you about MY bride. She is like a precious stone on MY Hand, like a precious pearl in MY Eyes, she is priceless, clean, chaste, and pure, bought and paid with MY precious BLOOD. MY BLOOD has paid and bought her. MY BLOOD has washed her clean and refined into pure gold. Pure gold she is for Me, pure of heart, and pure of being. She is MINE and I am hers. I love MY beloved.

O’ MY bride, the time is coming and is now that I, your BRIDEGROOM come to take you to our eternal, delightful rooms. It will be blissful! I have put away so many delights for you, pure and intense enjoyment of your BRIDEGROOM is your part. Generous rewards await you, unseen things that I have prepared to please MY bride. O’ I have put away and prepared so many surprises!

Are you ready to receive Me? Are you ready? This is a call! Are you ready? I am ready. MY FATHER is ready. The signal is waiting and ready to call MY bride to Me. This is the hour! The time is now! Be ready! Do not become sleepy, but remain awake, and sober, and watchful until I come, for behold, I come very soon. This is your BRIDEGROOM JESUS.

A Word from the LORD JESUS to those who do not know HIM yet:

This is a word that I want to address to those who do not know Me yet. To those who think they know Me, but I do not know them. They are strangers in MY Eyes and I will not allow them in MY Kingdom when they stand before Me.

O’ so many will say, “Have we not done this and that for you?” I tell you: “I NEVER KNEW YOU!” Only those who are destined to come in MY Kingdom are invited, only those whose name is written in THE BOOK OF LIFE: THE BOOK OF THE LAMB.

Only they will come and share in their eternal inheritance. To those who do not know Me, I want to say, “NOW is the time!” There is mercy for everybody, although I know exactly who is entering and not. This is MY Business.

Your job is to make still many as MY disciples, as the time is very short. Many must yet enter. Many must yet share in their eternal inheritance. The time is extremely short. Therefore pray to your GOD that many may still enter.

MY SACRIFICE was and is for everyone. But the will is strong. The flesh is strong. Just like I died on that horrible cross, you also must die to your own flesh. I have provided the way, the way is open. You must only accept and be willing to completely surrender to Me, your GOD.

I AM GOD. I, JESUS am GOD. MY FATHER and I are ONE. MY SPIRIT and I are ONE. WE are GOD and ONE. Therefore come to US! MY FATHER provided everything. I have paid the price. MY SPIRIT lives in you if you repent to Me with your whole heart.

Do not be deceived! Read MY WORD carefully and ask MY SPIRIT for wisdom and insight. HE, the AUTHOR of MY WORD, will direct and lead you. HE is your PRINCE of LIFE. Ask Me for MY SPIRIT! Without MY SPIRIT you are nothing. MY children are recognized by the works of MY SPIRIT. Many live without MY SPIRIT and are not filled, nor baptized, while MY WORD is clear about this. Even I, JESUS, had to be filled with THE SPIRIT of GOD! How much more you! Do you think you are more than GOD?

Search MY SPIRIT! Chase after HIM and HE will let HIMSELF be found and make habitation in your hearts. Ask HIM for insight and wisdom. Ask HIM for revelation of MY WORD. HE is the AUTHOR of MY WORD. HE is the Written WORD. MY SPIRIT is so precious. HE is your PRINCE of LIFE, The PRINCE of LIFE. Ask Me for MY SPIRIT and I will give HIM to you.

Many words have already been given. Many letters are written. Many warnings have been given. Many dreams and prophecies have been given. MY Words are everywhere. No one has yet any excuse not to know Me.

The time is fulfilled and is now.

I, JESUS come back.

Be ready, stay awake, and watchful and make others to be MY disciples, and baptize them in the name of THE FATHER, THE SON, and THE HOLY SPIRIT!

Your GOD has spoken!

Luke 22:29-30. And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom,

Song of Solomon 2:16. My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies.

Haggai 2:23. In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the LORD, and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the LORD of hosts.

Luke 12:37. Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.

Matthew 7:22-23. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Ephesians 1:4. According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Romans 8:9. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

Acts 10:38. How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

Matthew 28:19. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Matthew 3:16. And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:


Letter 109. Dictated by the LORD JESUS to Susan on May 14, 2011:

Write this down.

This is your LORD JESUS. I come before you, as your SAVIOR, REDEEMER, HUSBAND, ALL IN ALL. I am here to bring you to safety. MY guidance is yours. I need you to commit to Me. I need you to put your life before Me as a living sacrifice. I need you to pledge your all, your life, heart, mind, all. Don’t withhold anything. I will wash you in MY blood. I will cover you with MY Blood and save you from impending disaster.

Soon the world will turn its back to Me in unison; all will come together and reject its LORD. The world will unite against its LORD. This is the direction of the world—to reject its GOD. Even now, the world is moving toward this goal: Annihilation of MY Truth and what I, JESUS represent. Try as they might, no one can come to the FATHER except by Me, the LORD JESUS. I paid the ransom for the entrance, the access to MY FATHER and HIS Kingdom. Without Me and MY Blood covering there will be no entrance to the FATHER and to the glorious Kingdom of heaven. The entrance will be blocked to those who reject Me as their LORD and MASTER.

Soon, O’ so soon, I come to collect MY glorious bride who has made preparations to be ready for her BRIDEGROOM. She is waiting for Me to sweep her off her feet to Glory. This hour is fleeting to its final moments. I am ready to seal this union with MY beautiful bride and to carry her out to safety. MY Love is ready to receive her in the air and her flight is coming soon. The hour is now —these are the days MY Book speaks of.

O’ doubting world, stop glorifying wooden idols, worshipping all other lesser gods. You cannot see what is transpiring around you. You sleep so soundly, holding your idols so close to you as you sleep so deeply. You hold them in your arms as you sleep and they comfort you. Soon you will be awakened suddenly and you will be left holding wooden idols that will come to life in your arms and strike you with a death blow. Your exit to safety will have vanished and the real nightmare will begin. I will have tucked MY true bride away to safety. You will be fully awake then and aware of the event you slept through, comforted by a deaf, dumb, blind cold idol.

Wake MY children and stop worshipping the things of this world that cannot save you. I am able to save you. Only “I AM” can save, restore, and bring you out of pending disaster.

Open blind eyes, open closed hearts, open your minds. See the Truth. You are about to be left to face the worst—MY wrath and MY enemy without MY protective hand. This should make you shudder. You believe that you are untouchable. You are blind and naked and you are about to experience MY Fire. Why can you not see this MY people? Why do you not preach this to MY flock, MY leaders? You will be held accountable for hiding truth from the people and keeping them in the dark. Their blood will be on your hands and you will face Me and tell Me, why you chose to disregard MY Book and to mislead the people during this time of latter days.

You will stand alone before Me defenseless and your stories of peace and happiness that you tell your flock will not save you on that day. I will hold you accountable for every last one of your sheepfold who you have blinded by withholding Truth from them. They will die in their sins and their blood will be on your hands. Turn to Me church leaders. Speak MY Truth. Prepare MY children and all will go well for you, but if you reject this Word and continue to lead MY children astray with your lies, half-truths, and distortions of MY Holy Words, you will be sorry you were born. MY children will be lost because they followed incorrect teaching. Their torment will be great, but yours will be even greater. Consider these Words very carefully now MY leaders.

Go back to your flocks and tell them MY Truth. Tell them to lay down their wooden idols and to make Me their LORD and MASTER, repent of their evil deeds, and seek Me in all their ways, and to read MY Book. They will be saved and protected from the worst. These are your marching orders, because the hour is almost up. Put on your armor and move in MY Perfect Will. You will save yourself and those around you. The hour is almost up. The work is great and the workers are few. MY people, this is your time to shine out into a dark world.

I am your CHIEF. I am your COMMANDER.

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