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life before ME and give ME everything, so I can save you this hour.

Oh, you foolish people wake up from your deep sleep and recognize the lateness of the hour. A vile nation is forming under your noses, a dark and evil force is coming together to plan for your destruction and demise. There is no hope in the ways of the world. The world offers you emptiness and hopelessness.

I, God am true to MY Word. I have outlined this in MY Word. You are in the dark because you refuse to see, but it is all there and it is coming to pass as I said it would. There are no deep secrets. It is written and I am true to MY Word. You can choose evil or you can choose ME. I bring goodness, wholeness, peace, comfort, love. The enemy brings death, destruction, lies, and hopelessness, eternal hopelessness, unending loss. This is what you will face if you turn your back to ME.

I, Jesus am extending MY hand a little bit longer and then I will have to pull it away, shut the door, remove MY bride, and scurry to safety while darkness floods the earth. This is truth. I will return, but for a time the world will experience MY wrath. And I want you to believe that MY truth cannot be toyed with and I will do exactly what I say I will do. Love ME and live, reject ME and die, extreme beauty or extreme ugliness.

You must choose. Not choosing is choosing against ME. Choose ME and live, live well in a heavenly home that is indescribable. Let ME take you into MY arms, hold, and comfort you. Let ME save you. I am waiting, but not for long.

This world is growing darker and soon it will be very dark and foul. Step out of harm’s way and come away with ME. Put all your trust on ME. I am your Deliverer. I can keep you safe. Now is a deciding moment. The tide is turning. Men will quake at what is forming. Be relieved of this consuming, engulfing coming evil. Turn toward ME, I, Jesus can save you. I love you dearly. I died a horrible death so you can be safe. Let this be.

Please turn to ME your Savior. The hour of change is closing in. Let ME save you.

I love you,



Letter dictated to Sabrina on October 22, 2010.

MY heart is breaking for you, MY people. MY heart is longing for you. MY heart is bursting with love for all of you. I died MY death for all of you. I suffered horrible for all of you.

Heaven has a place for all of you. But many places will not be taken, as hell is becoming larger every day. Don’t you see that? Don’t you know that? How many warnings do I have to give to all of you? Let it be enough.

MY love is enough to save all of you, but you have been given a free will. Choose MY love, use your will in a wise way. Choose ME and not the lusts of your own heart and your oh so dear fleshly desires! What good are your fleshly desires? Do they satisfy you that much? I don’t think so. Not one of you is truly satisfied without ME. I am the only peacemaker. I am the only One Who saves. I am the only way to satisfy your hearts.

I understand your grief and pain in this life. For some it is a hard life. But I am the door to come in. Come, the door is still open now, but only for a very short time. The door is about to close and many of you will realize then what a treasure you have missed. I will be away with MY bride. I will celebrate her victory in ME. She will be amazed by her beauty in ME. I will be in her and she will be in ME. But, oh how sad for the ones who didn’t see this truth in the first place.

Please, I am begging you one more time. come to ME NOW! NOW is the time. Time is about to end. This age of grace is about to end. Now it is easy to come to ME. So come NOW. If you only knew the treasures laid away for you in heaven. If you only knew the bright future laid away for you in heaven. Would you come then?

I want you to come now. I proved MY love for you. For all of you. I didn’t need to do it, still I chose to. Therefore, I am asking you: come to ME, MY people and make MY heart happy for you. I am happy when you come to ME.

Why do you choose the world before your God, your Creator, by the way? You have no life without ME. You cannot even breathe for one second without ME. Do you realize that? I gave you life and I offer you eternal life with ME in Mine and MY Father’s Kingdom. Why throw it away?

Hell is a real place. Many of you do not realize that. You will soon find out if you die without ME. So don’t be a foolish one. Be wise. I have given you enough intelligence to be able to choose wisely. The choice is yours. The door is about to be closed. Turn from your sins and repent while you still can. The devil will overtake you if you don’t. He is waiting and wanting to destroy you and for many of you, he is about this close.

Repent MY people. I died for you. I rose out of the grave for you, so you can have everlasting life with ME: a life that is truly unseen here on earth. a life that is unheard of here on earth. Please, one more time, choose wisely, choose life, choose ME. MY Name is I AM. I AM has always been and I AM will always be. End of MY words.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Awhile back, Sabrina had inquired of the LORD for me about who the bride is and I decided that it might be a good thing to share those words with you too because so many are seeing these messages. These were the words the LORD gave to Sabrina for MY question about how Jesus describes His bride:

MY bride is the one without stain, nor spot, nor wrinkle.

MY bride is the one who is worth it to sit together with ME at MY wedding table.

MY bride is the one who loves ME with her whole heart, soul, and mind.

MY bride is the one who does not live for herself anymore, but for ME and for others.

MY bride is the one who gives up everything and follows ME.

MY bride is the one whose hearts are 100 percent well pleasing to ME.

Ephesians 5:25-27. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

Mark 12:30. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.  

Exodus 20:3. You shall have no other gods before me.


PART 11: In this letter JESUS talks about the lukewarm condition of the church, the darkness coming over the earth and the cruel master the enemy will be. Charlotte Hill's letter is included from the LORD with very similar words for the people.

October 29th, 2010.

Dear Followers of Christ:

Each letter we receive from the LORD seems to be more intense than the previous one, as the letter HE dictated to me Oct. 27 here below. So many people are dismissing the idea that the LORD could be coming soon because I think we have become so accustomed to the world around us that we have lost sight of the standard of God’s holiness and of how we could be over stepping our limits of rejecting a holy God.

With this first letter from the LORD, we are also including a letter posted by Charlotte Virginia Hill with yet another important message from the LORD with the identical message both Sabrina and I have received from HIM most recently. All of it is very serious. We would gladly talk with anyone about our testimony and regarding the importance of knowing the LORD JESUS as the center focus of your life.

God bless, stay strong, Maranatha!

Sabrina and Susan.


Letter 29. October 27, 2010.

Susan Write it down.  

This is your Lord speaking.

I am the great I AM.

I always will be and I always have been. No man knows ME and I am the great I AM who will be forever.

This letter is important. Time is short. Time is of the essence. We are nearing the end of this age swiftly. There is precious little time left before all becomes dark. There is a shift in the forces. The world grows darker each day. Evil crowds in around the earth.

Men are oblivious to what is happening, but MY bride sees it. She is not in the dark. MY bride’s eyes are open to truth. We are one, she and I. Soon she will join with ME for eternity. Evil man has joined forces with dark rulers of the air to create a new kingdom which is forming to rule over mankind. It is a dark hour for mankind. Men cannot truly see how dark this hour will be.

Soon men will plummet into darkness and sorrow. It is coming swiftly. I am greatly saddened by the hour at hand. I cannot keep this from happening. The people have chosen the master they wish to serve.

Time is short. If MY people wish to come with ME when I rescue the bride, they may come. Total surrender is what I want. Anything less and I will not be pleased. I do not want their lukewarm efforts.

All or nothing, the hour is at hand to decide. What will it be: ME, the Savior of the world or the enemy of mankind? He is a cruel master, he kills and destroys. He knows no limits. He lusts after death. His hatred is complete. He has no limitations on evil. He reigns in darkness and rules in death. He is the prince of the air and his evil is uncontrollable. He hates mankind and deceives at every turn. The people follow blindly his deception. Their way is cruel when they fall for his trickery. He is the ruler of deception and lies, the father of lies.

Sadness will overtake those who wake up to what they have given themselves over to, when people realize that they have given themselves to the wrong ruler, to the ruler of the air and darkness. Their agony will be unquenched. It

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