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will be the worm that never dies and MY people will have to die to escape the madness. They will have to die for truth. Then they will see the value of MY Word, MY truth, MY beauty. Then they will know that I, Jesus am the one true Savior that they rejected and they will be forlorn, lost, and there will be unquenchable sadness, overwhelming sadness.

Face the truth now and avoid the horrors to come. This world is closing down. It will not be the same, soon it will not be the same again. MY church sleeps, blinded, and cannot see around it what is forming. The enemy has them captivated by worldly pursuits and they are lulled into a daze. They think all is well. They think everything is fine and that life will proceed as normal but it will soon change and the complexion of everything will be dark. Truth, love, hope, beauty, peace, and MY Word will fall to the wayside as evil schemes will grow and pick up steam. The people will not know how the complexion of life could have changed overnight. One day life is normal, the next day life is consumed in darkness. It will be.

MY wrath will come upon the earth. I cannot tolerate man’s rejection of GOD. Man chooses to reject its GOD. It chooses to reject ME and I will let the earth have its choice. Choose against ME and find out just what life is like without a just and long suffering GOD. I bring the rain down on evil and good alike. I love all, but reject ME and know the wrath of MY anger. I will not tolerate rejection from this evil generation that believes I am not worth following, not worth knowing.

I died for all a gross, heinous death. I was attacked and mutilated by evil men like sport and I did it to rescue mankind. This is what a HOLY GOD did for His creation who He loves. Do you not see O’ earth, I am worth knowing? I am worth choosing? For have I not shown you the level of MY affections and love? Can you not see that I, Jesus came down from MY beautiful Kingdom and died a gross death to save you? Am I, Jesus not worth any of your time?

I took time for men. I wait for MY creation and patiently I watch to see who turns to ME. I ask so little: even a mustard seed of faith. A tiny effort and I meet you where you are in all your sins and sadness and I come and pick you up and hold you as only a Father can do. No other god, no other love, knows you the way I do. But, I will not tolerate rejection or competition for MY affections. I am a jealous GOD.

I will have a bride who is single-minded and who is fully committed to ME. These are MY demands. But, I will not force MY love on anyone, so you must choose. Love ME and come with ME to a beautiful Kingdom where love never ends or reject your Creator and leave behind the only One who really knows and truly loves you. Everything else is empty. MY Words are true, I am giving final pleas.

Very soon easy choices will be hard and difficult. Many will choose me, but it will be hard and painful. I do not want this for you. I want you to come to ME now while the choice is easier to make.

How much do you love ME? If your love is lukewarm, I cannot use you in MY Kingdom. You are not fit for it. There is no regret in MY Kingdom. The rewards are great for those who choose well in this life. Choose ME now. Surrender all and experience everlasting love and beauty that you will never see anywhere else.

You think you have all the time in the world. You do not. I am coming soon. I will receive those who are watching for ME. Those who are waiting on ME. Those who recognize the lateness of the hour. Those who are troubled by the evil in the world. MY bride waits, watches, sees what is going on. She is not in the dark. She is ready. She is fit for MY Kingdom. MY bride knows ME and I know her. We are one and we will fly away together to our glorious nest in the sky. It will be beauty, sheer beauty and I am ready for this moment, this great and grand moment.

I, Jesus stand at the precipice and I am about to take MY flight to retrieve MY loved ones. I love you. I will not disappoint you.

Think this through carefully. This is your deciding moment.

Ecclesiastes 8:16-17. When I applied MY mind to know wisdom and to observe man’s labor on earth, his eyes not seeing sleep day or night- then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all his efforts to search it out, man cannot discover its meaning. Even if a wise man claims he knows, he cannot really comprehend it.

Ephesians 2:1-2. As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.



by Charlotte Virginia Hill on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 2:21pm.

Dearly Beloved,

I was praying to the Lord today to see if He had any words to give to His children, so that I will share His heart to them in this hour.

I prayed first and asked God to speak through ME and this is what I received.

MY people, listen to ME. I will NOT tolerate this sin any longer. What you are doing is an abomination to ME.

Either choose ME and have life, OR choose satan and lose your life. If you continue to live in darkness, I will have no choice but to spit you out of MY mouth.

Can’t you see that is I who gave you life? Can’t you see that satan wants to destroy you? He HATES your life. REPENT and turn away from these lies. Run to ME while you still have time. The door is about to close.

MY children seek ME while you still can. What you are doing is not for fun. Satan has a firm grip on your souls. REPENT, REPENT, REPENT. Come to ME and I WILL save you. If you refuse, then I will have no choice but to let satan have his way with you. It is NOT MY intention for you to be destroyed. I love you. That is why I am giving you this final warning!

The world is growing darker because of sin. If you believe in ME, if you love ME, then turn away from these evil practices. It is I who can help you. It is ONLY I who can forgive you. REPENT and turn to ME for forgiveness MY children. If you Love ME as I love you, you will know that what I say is for your own good.


I am using this vessel to speak MY words. MY words are holy. I will no longer tolerate this lukewarmness from MY children.

Soon I will come for MY Bride. Only those who are ready, only those who have extra oil with them. I will NOT tolerate lukewarm unrepentive Christians any longer. RETURN to ME, for I AM your holy God.

No sin will enter MY sight. No sin will I allow into MY heavenly Kingdom. So many of you are so deceived. You are choosing destruction over life.

Your life has worth. I made you because I love you. You are important to ME. Come out of your lukewarmness, when you still have time. Soon I will come. If anyone does not heed MY words I will have no choice but to leave you behind.

This is MY FINAL warning. MY trumpets are ready to be blown by MY angels.

Get ready. REPENT and return to ME with ALL your hearts and souls. Don’t give into temptation. It is I who have called you. It is I who have set you apart. Please choose life, NOT death MY children. Go and shine MY light into this dark and lost world.

ALL IS READY! I am coming, remain in ME and I SHALL remain in you.

This is MY warning!!

This is only a few times I have done this, so bare with ME.

Please pray over this, as it is best to see that this is a direct word from our Lord. Especially when I am learning to journal. When two or more are gathered Jesus is in our midst.

I love you MY brothers and sisters. God loves ALL of you and so do I.

Love your sister in Christ Jesus, Charlotte Virginia Hill.


PART 12: In this letter the LORD talks about the darkness coming over the earth and how little the people are paying attention to what's happening to them around them.

The LORD tells how HE will see His plans through no matter whether the people are ready or not.


November 2nd, 2010.

Dear Friends in Christ,

2 Timothy 4:8 says: Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Do you long for Jesus’ appearing? Well if you do, you have a crown of righteousness in store for you. People everywhere all the time think it is weird to talk about the LORD’s coming as being so soon. Well God says it is so important to “long” for Christ’s appearing that HE awards a crown of righteousness to those who do just that. How much more should we be “longing for His appearing” then, when the signs given in the Bible are for right now? We are living in the last days and this verse should be for us more than any other generation. What does this verse mean to you?

This letter dictated by the Lord Jesus to me is very, very serious. I encourage you to read this and pass it along.

Your friends in Christ, Susan & Sabrina.


Letter 30. October 31, 2010.

Susan write this down. I am your Lord Jesus. Susan I have a letter to give you. Please write as I speak. Listen to what I say and write it down.

Susan I have much to tell. This letter will give you new information. So listen closely as I explain.

The world is going to see a great shift in darkness now. The end is growing closer. I am about to proceed with MY plans. The darkness is closing in. The times are drawing to a close swiftly. All is growing dark.

People don’t see it because they refuse to look. The hour is closing in of MY promised delivery of truth, I am true to MY word. I will do as I say. All will see soon.

The world thinks there is no retribution for their behavior. The world

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