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Lord Jesus” is one of Paul’s “things hard to be understood” [1 Peter 3:16]. “The day of the Lord Jesus” is the day of His second coming, the resurrection, and judgment. Even most of those who believe we have an immortal soul or an immortal spirit that is different than the person does not believe either one can be saved at any time after death, not even on “The day of the Lord Jesus.” It most likely means that he will be saved after the Judgment from the second death [Revelation 21:8] if being disfellowshiped makes him repent before his death.
“For as the body apart from the spirit is dead,” James 2:26
What does this passage teach us about the spirit? Only that the body is dead without it. Nothing more. To teach anything more than this from this passage it must be read into it.
• It does not say the spirit is alive without the body, but this is what they think is proved by it.
• It does not say the spirit is an "immaterial, invisible part of man" that will live without the body after the body is dead.
• It does not say the spirit, and the soul are both the same thing, but this passage is used repeatedly to prove the "soul" is immortal. There could not be a better example of adding to God's word then this passage when it is used to teach mankind has an immortal soul, for it says nothing about a soul, Hell, torment, Heaven, or eternal life but all these are read into it.
• How is this passage used?I is changed from saying "the body apart from the spirit is dead" to "the spirit apart from God is separated from God but not dead, (changed to being “spiritual dead” often while the body is still alive)." Death is removed from this passage and replaced with life separated from God. It is changed to teach something that is not even close to what it says.
“Longing to be clothed upon with our habitation which is from heaven”
He used 2 Corinthians 5:5 to prove a person has an "immaterial, invisible part of man." In 2 Corinthians 5:3-4 we are unclothed while we are in the earthly house, but will be clothed in heaven. Nothing is said in this about a person being a dual being while in the earthly house. If it were as Vine says, that this clothing is "a never-dying spirit" it would not be possible to be unclothed. If this clothing were our spirit, to be "unclothed" or "naked" would be to not have a spirit. He added "disembodied" to get his immaterial soul, but adds it to both soul and spirit, which he said are not the same. If all have an immortal soul from birth, not even the lost could be “naked” or “unclothed.” If all have an immortal soul and the “house not made with hands” is this soul, even the lost would have this “house not made with hands” and no one, saved or lost could ever not have it, not now in this life time or at any time after death.
2 Corinthians 5:1-8
“(1) For WE know that if the earthly house of our tabernacle be dissolved [if our earthly body be dead], WE have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal, in the heavens [a new immortal body].
(2) For verily in this WE groan, longing to be clothed upon with our habitation which is from heaven [wanting to be with Christ in Heaven and clothed with our immortal bodies]; (3) if so be that being clothed [with a new spiritual immortal body] WE shall not be found naked [not be dead, not have the life Christ gives to them that obey Him].
(4) For indeed WE that are in this tabernacle [our earthly body] do groan, being burdened: [in this life we have persecutions, sickness, death; but most of all a longing to be with Christ] not for that WE would be unclothed, [Not that we want the sleep of death before we put on immortal life at the resurrection. To be "unclothed" is not to have a body, not an earthly or spiritual body from death unto the resurrection. To be "unclothed" is to be asleep without a body waiting to wake up at the resurrection and "put on immortality."
(1) We are NOW clothed with the earthly body.
(2) We WILL BE unclothed, asleep without a body from death to the resurrection.
(3) We LONG TO BE clothed [with our immortal bodies in Heaven] but that WE would be clothed upon; that what is mortal may be swallowed up of life [that this life on earth with out mortal bodies may be replaced with life in Heaven with an immortal bodies]. (5) Now he that wrought US for this very thing is God, who gave unto US the earnest of the Spirit. (6) Being therefore, always of good courage, and knowing that, while WE are at home in the body, [while we are living on this earth] WE are absent from the Lord [not immortal in Heaven with Christ] (7) (for WE walk by faith, not by sight): (8) WE are of good courage, I say, and are willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be at home with the Lord [willing to change this mortal body for an immortal body, and be in Heaven with Christ]." It is not the "soul" which will be naked after death; it is “we” the whole person. Those who believe the soul is an inter part of a person, which will be alive after dead, believe the same soul we have now is the same soul we will have after death, and is the same soul we will have in Heaven; for they believe "the immaterial, invisible part of man"-W. E. Vine is just as immortal now as it will be after the resurrection and judgment; they believe it is just as immortal now while we are on earth as it will be after we are in heaven. The soul being naked after death does not fit into what many believe, and makes no sense if you believe a person now has the immortal soul that he will always have; and that it is only this "immaterial, invisible part of man" that will live forever in Heaven or Hell. A person being "disembodied" is not in the Bible, and therefore is a doctrine of man. He added, "disembodied," and makes it equal to "unclothed," or "naked"; it was Paul and the Corinthians that would be "unclothed," or "naked," not an “immaterial” part of them. He had to change Paul's words to get his immaterial immortal soul. Most Protestants believe the soul goes immediately to Heaven or Hell at death, therefore, a soul being "disembodied" does not fit with what most Protestants believe, it is a total conduction to it. The Catholic or the Protestant views do not have any room for an intermediate "disembodied" state from death to the resurrection. Vine’s "disembodied" soul from death to the resurrection is saying they are both wrong, for many in the mainstream Protestants or Catholics do not believe there is a "disembodied" state for the soul from death to the resurrection, but that the soul goes instantly to Heaven or Hell at death. This passage is just another of the many passages that are an unexplainable passage to anyone with the Protestant view, but Vine did the best he could even if he has to be both unorthodox and change the Bible.
2 Corinthians 5:1-10 is used to show the "house not made with hands" is the spirit and it will be conscious before the resurrection. This "longing to be clothed upon with our habitation that is from Heaven," is longing for our habitation at "the judgment seat" [5:10], not in this life, or not at our death. If this "house not made with hands" were an immortal soul, as those who use this passage to teach we now have an immortal soul says it is; then we would now have this immortal soul now living in us, then why would we be "longing to be clothed" with our "house not made with hands" when we are now clothed with it and all, even those not in Christ have been clothed with it from the day of birth? Paul is made to say we are longing to be clothed with that which we are already clothed with; that with which we were clothed with from birth. It is not an immortal soul that Paul is speaking of, but the "house not made with hands" in Heaven which we are looking for, not an immaterial invisible part of a person, which they are somehow trying to prove we now have with this passage. There is nothing about a "soul" in this passage. "Spirit" has to be read into this for Paul said nothing about "spirit" in 2 Corinthians 5:1-10.
(1) It is about us now in this life.
(2) And us at the judgment seat.
(3) And then us at home in Heaven.
It is about our whole person both now and in Heaven, not just an "immaterial, invisible part of man."
Paul says nothing about life between death and the resurrection or about an immortal soul, which as many teach is the same now as it will be in Heaven. He is comparing this life with life in Heaven. We now have an earthly house, a mortal soul mode of existence, but will have a building from God, an immortal spiritual mode of existence. Nothing is said about any kind of existence from death to the resurrection. "That what is mortal may be swallowed up of life" [2 Corinthians 5:4]. When will this be? At the resurrection, not instantly at death [1 Corinthians 15:54].
If the "house not made with hands" were an immortal soul and the lost now have an immortal soul AS SOME TEACH THEY DO, then the lost would NOW have this "house not made with hands," the same immortal soul NOW while they are living and will ALWAYS have this "house not made with hands" in Hell. If the lost do not have eternal life, they would not know they were in Hell and could not feel any pain. Their teaching makes all now have this house, which they say is an "immaterial, invisible part of man," and no one, lost or saved, need to long for it for all now have this "immaterial, invisible part of man," and all will always have it, but in an attempt to prove a person now has an immortal soul they use "longing to be clothed upon with our habitation which is from heaven" when they say that we are born with it?
1. THE LOST do not and will never have "a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens" They will never "be clothed upon with our habitation which is
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