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you down, as he did with her, by the oppressive heat of the noon day (1:7). She followed the Lord and met with others in His flock. She found His shadow. The closer she drew to Him, the less effective were the weapons of the wicked one (Eph. 6:16). It is the "shield of faith" that stops all the fiery missiles. A shield shadows you from the attack! Praise God for His shadow protecting against the fiery heat of the enemy’s missiles!

Do you ever sit under His shadow? It happens as you read the Word in faith and love; pray, praise and walk in faith and love! When this bride sat under His shadow it totally engulfed her. She was possessed by His shadow! So are you, dear Christian, when you surrender to Him. O my friend, just sit under the shadow of the Word. Sitting implies a resting, quiet meditating upon Him and His instructive Words. His followers were admonished to wait until the power came (Luke 24:49). They waited in the upper room, praying together (Acts 1:4,14)! And after the wait, the power came (Acts 2:1-4,41-43)! Sit! Sit my dear bride! Sit still (Psa. 37:7) and then His power will be manifest in your spirit!


V.4 "He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love."

Our Bridegroom loves to help us and do unexpected, special things for us. That's what someone who has that fresh "first love" love thrives on. In v.3 His shadow is over us. He first protects and nurtures us "under His shadow" that is the intimate, private side of our relationship with Him. Now in public He wants all the creation of the universe to know His heart concerning the love of His life. What does He do? He prepares a glorious banquet! Do you realize just how important you are to the Lord? Have you ever read in the Word, that God held a banquet for the angelic beings? No! But for you, dear bride of His heart, a glorious banquet awaits (Rev. 19:1-9). He wants to display you to all!

A banquet implies that there are others present. O how He loves for us to be with other lilies who deeply love Him. What a glory it is to worship and praise Him together in the unity of the Spirit. When we worship Him with a heart like Mary of Bethany (John 12:1-6), the presence of God is felt and He is marvelously glorified by the living water of adoration pouring from our hearts.

The Hebrew word translated "banquet" is literally the word for "wine" and is translated "wine" over one hundred and thirty times. Wine is a symbol for joy (Psa. 104:15). Praise God. He fills us with joy as only His presence can do. "...For the joy of the Lord is your strength." (Neh. 8:10) And just what is His joy? None other than the anointed presence of the Lord Himself.

Pause for a moment and reflect back with me to chapter 1:4 where the Bride compared all the legitimate joys of life belonging to her not worthy to be compared to His love. Earth's wine could not compare with His love. She chooses rather His love and in return her Beloved Bridegroom gave her His wine, the eternal wine of His love, a whole house full! "Delight thyself also in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart (Psa. 37:4)." God is so good! The enemy will cause you to think you are giving up too much! However, your Bridegroom simply gives you Eph.1:3 and 2Pet.1:3,4!



"...his banner over me was love."

He proudly unfurls a heavenly banner over her which declares, "this one is the true love of My heart." He is so proud of the miracle of Calvary and what she has become. Envision with me the very banquet itself. The doors open to the great banqueting hall, there is a hushed silence. Then the Archangels blow the heavenly trumpets announcing the arrival of His Majesty.

The Beloved's countenance is filled with joy as He escorts His beautiful bride to the platform where there are two thrones. He politely pulls out one of them from the head table and bids her to sit. Once she is seated He unfurls a banner, holding it over her for all to see. It says, "This is My love! My one and only love!" The whole banqueting house of angels, archangels, cherubim, and seraphim break out in thunderous applause! The bride turns, looks at the banner, sees the nail scarred hands holding it. Filled with tears of thankfulness, her eyes meet His. With each gaze an eternity of love flows between them! O what spiritual wine! Who can fathom its taste? The bride will have an eternity to drink from the length, breadth, depth and height of it (Eph.3:17-19)! Glory to God!


PRAY WITH ME: "O my dear Husband, when I surrender all the circumstances of my life to You; when I allow You to have full say in my daily walk; when I say, 'not my will but Your will be accomplished in my life'; You take me into Your banqueting hall! You make me feel so special! Thank You, dear Bridegroom of my heart, for all the love-filled attention You give to me, Your blood-bought bride! Your very presence in my life is a banquet of pleasure and joy; of strength and stability. What a glorious banner You have unfurled over me - a banner of EVERLASTING, PERSONAL, HEARTFELT, REDEEMING, CARING LOVE! What a revelation to my heart: Your sacrificial love; Abba Father's love; and the love of the dear Holy Spirit! Cause me to always see that banner over me in every circumstance of my life. Each time I will know that all things do work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28). I'll know that nothing can separate me from Your love (Rom. 8:35) and You will constantly love me unto the end (John 13:1)! I will know that Your love has been poured out within my spirit (Rom. 5:5) and that You Yourself are the banner over me (Ex.17:15; I John 4:8)! Praise, praise, praise Your holy name my glorious Husband!"


V.5 "Stay me (sustain me) with flagons (cakes made with raisins), comfort me with apples: for I am sick (faint) of love (lovesick)."

Raisin cakes were given by David to the people after the joyful return of the Ark of the Lord. Apples would remind her of Him (2:3) for He is the living Ark. What a way to go off to sleep enjoying the aroma that represents the Love of her life!

The bride lays her head on His shoulder and confesses, "My Beloved, I am overwhelmed; I am weak and faint with these amazing revelations of Your heart concerning Your love for me. Let me lie down in blissful silence, adoring You with inexpressible love. Then refresh me so I am able to bear more, for without Your enablement (Col. 1:11) I will remain in this weakened condition. You are sheer joy to my heart my Beloved Bridegroom!"

Notice that she asks Him to sustain her. She doesn't attempt to strengthen herself. The bride yearns to be strengthened by His fruit! His fruit will always uphold and sustain you: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and self control. The Hebrew word for "stay" means to uphold, give support or to lean upon. She leaves the sustaining and refreshing entirely to Him! Praise God for the empowering of the Holy Spirit who makes Jesus our strength. She is weak! He is strong! What she needs now are strong arms to support her. At that very instant He draws her to Himself into the peacefulness of His embrace.

As He draws the love of His heart ever so gently to Himself, He kisses her with the Word. It is His word that will sustain her! "...upholding all things by the word of his power." (Heb. 1:3). She needs the food of the Word, "Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart; for I am called by Thy name, O Lord God of hosts." (Jer. 15:16).

Why was she so tired? After the banquet the daughters of Jerusalem visited with her. The conversation was all about His glorious banner of love. In seemed like an endless stream of joyous reflection. The bride listened with joy. She loved hearing others speak about the only Love of her heart and how He had changed their lives also. The bride exclaimed, "You know, dear friends, this is the happiest day of my life and I'm sure yours also. I don't believe anything could ever come in and spoil what I and all of you have been given. Isn't it wonderful?" It was such a glorious time of praise. All were aglow with joy. One of them noticed the time, "Ladies, I don't believe it, do you realize that we have been talking for two hours?" The bride replied, "Are you sure, it seems as if it were just a few minutes?" After that intense spiritual high the bride felt a tiredness come over her.

When you are tired, dear Christian, do you ever just sit in His presence, briefly read a Word from His lips such as Psalm 23 then lay back and rest in those promises right there and then? He will refresh you! It is not a time for study but just a quiet snuggling up to His heart for a refreshing of the soul (emotions, mind, will). He will do it. He longs to be asked. It is a special way for Him to show you His gentle, renewing love. You must ask! She asked and He responds in V. 6...


V.6 "His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth embrace me."

Listen again to her innermost thoughts: "My Beloved, You alone are able to give strength in my weakness. All I need is Your nail-pierced hands enwrapping me for I am emotionally exhausted with Your joy and wonder! Thank You, my loving Husband, glorious King of my heart, for placing Your 'left hand' under my head to control my thoughts (Isa. 26:3). Praise You dear Lord for the peace that is keeping my heart and mind (Phil. 4:7)! You are transforming my life by the renewing of my mind (Rom. 12:2). You do it all and I give You all the glory and all of my love! How wonderful it is to have the strength of Your 'right hand' embracing me (Psa.18:35), always drawing me closer to Your heart by the Holy Spirit. I surrender to Your arms, Your leading, Your thoughts, Your plans, Your holy pathway! All fear and doubt are gone when You embrace my spirit and soul!"

Meditate upon these thoughts from the Holy Word of God. Jesus represents the right hand of God in position and purpose. Jesus is now sitting at the right hand of power (Mark 14:62; Heb. 1:3; 12:2)! Do you, dear surrendered saint, know what is in Jesus' right hand? It is all yours (Eph. 1:3): Pleasures - Psa. 16:11; Salvation and deliverance - Psa. 17:7; long life - Prov. 3:13-16; support - Psa. 18:35. The right hand of God (Jesus) continually does valiantly (Psa. 118:15,16) and must be exalted (Psa. 118:16)! Pause right now and exalt Him. Pray in the Spirit and love Him. Now consider the wonderful left hand of our Bridegroom Jesus. In it are riches and honor (Prov. 3:13-16). He Himself is the treasure of wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:3)! All you have to do is ask for what already belongs to you. The asking is an act of love and faith. It is allowing Him to have the inestimable joy of giving to you, His bride. Don't rob Him of that joy (Acts 20:35).



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