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to you not long ago (Isa. 61:10). O My bride, My only love, where are you? What have you allowed to come between us? O My bride I miss you so deeply."


" the secret places of the stairs..."

"O My lovely bride, I know how you love this secret place. It is still special to My heart also. This is the place where we had fellowship, away from the rush and pressures of life. I loved the intimate talks we had here. What joy just to sit with you and say nothing. I could feel your spiritual heart beat in full love for Me. But now I want to take you to a higher plane, where you will be with others who love Me just as deeply as you do. You will be filled to overflowing as never before. Trust Me My love; take My hand and let's go together. There are other lilies who know all about you and long to have you share with them. They can't wait to hear the special revelations about Me which only you know. I have also revealed to each of them precious thoughts about Myself. You will be so blessed as you begin to share with each other! Come on, don't toy with My feelings anymore. Take My hand, let's walk together where they are anxiously awaiting to meet you!"


"...let me see thy countenance (form), let me hear thy voice..."

What an amazing scene we have here. The Bridegroom does not coerce and demand submission from her! He who has the Cherubim and Seraphim continually worshiping Him; He who commands innumerable hosts of angels who obey His slightest order, deals with His bride in loving, pleading tones! He says, "...let me see..." and "...let me hear..."! It is much the same as the Holy Spirit "beseeches" (begs) us to give our bodies totally to the Lord (Rom. 12:1). Does the God who saved me have to ask me over and over again "...let me see..." and "...let me hear..." ?

Notice the order here. When He said, "...let me see...", He was indicating that she must take the first step. He then said, "...let me hear...", He was expecting her to speak. Actions speak louder than words! If she moves out of the secret place and shows herself to Him, it would indicate a loving, submissive heart in response to His request. Nothing is more prized then a loving step of faith to Him. But alas, her form does not appear!

His heart aches. Her voice is silent, O so silent! Can it be that the bride could treat her wonderful Bridegroom in such a rude and hurtful way? Are you guilty of this dear reader? How sad that our self-will silences the voice of our heart and soul which belong to Him by the terrible cost of redemption!

Let’s digress for a minute dear believer. If you are a husband, then you are the high priest of your family. Don't miss how your heavenly Husband the Lord Jesus Christ handles His bride! The Holy Spirit declares in Eph. 5:25, "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church (bride), and gave himself for it." Our Heavenly Husband is still serving, caring and making intercession for her today (Heb. 7:25; Rom. 8:26,27,34).

Listen to the tone of His voice. He doesn't brow beat her. He presents Himself as the problem solver (v.8); the positive encourager (vs.11-14); the One who yearns for her fellowship (vs.10,13); the One who has eyes only for her (v.14). He does not demand that she go! He does not remind her of all that she previously had said concerning Him, how that He was her bundle of myrrh, the special tree among all other trees, her delight! Here is patient, enduring, longsuffering love. He will wait! Watch Him as she is eventually restored! Will you allow the Holy Spirit to cause you to be like your Bridegroom?

O dear bride, what rock do you hide behind? Do you hide yourself in knowing Bible doctrines and into doing, doing, doing, feeling spiritually self-satisfied that you do everything correctly according to the Book, yet fail to hear His voice, "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love...Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent..." (Rev. 2:2-5). The burning question - are you filled with His Spirit (Eph. 5:18)? Consider the characteristics of a Holy Spirit filled believer in vs.19-21, do they describe you?

Again I ask, what rock are you hiding behind? Maybe the problem is found in Jesus' words when He speaks in a warning voice... 


V.15 "Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes."

Little foxes are known for their crafty, devious natures, hence the expression, "sly as a fox"! They love grapes and by nipping away at the tender shoots they can destroy whole vineyards. O the ugliness that little foxes bring into our lives. How it hurts the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ. He gave us everything necessary to keep our life lovely, pure and holy before Him (I Cor. 7:1 and II Pet. 1:3,4)! Then our sinful nature rises up and wants its way. This opens the door for a demonic little fox to come into our life and distract our vision of Him.

Is there a little fox in your life robbing you of the awareness of His consuming "first love" love for you and robbing Him of your once, all-consuming, "first love" love for Him? Is there an unconfessed sin in your walk: a habit, anger, bitterness, divorce, envy, fear, gossip, jealousy, lies, lust, impatience, worry, depression, discouragement, doubt, swearing or unforgiveness, etc.? Right now confess it and repent of it so that the vine and grapes will not be destroyed. O do not let the tender grape and its wonderful fragrance be spoiled (v.13)! How ready He is to forgive and restore you (I John 1:1-10).

The difficulty lies in that the foxes are "little" ! Little foxes are cute and deceptively innocent but very, very dangerous!! Those secular books you waste so much time over; the hours watching "just slightly bad" programs on TV, the decision to stay home when you really could go to be with other lilies; what harm could come from a "little" questionable program, pleasure or amusement?

We get used to them. After awhile we think we have to have them. They have become a habit, yet they are slowly destroying us spiritually. How could they be so destructive? So often we do not even recognize that sin has crept in and severed precious fellowship with our Beloved Jesus! Slowly, ever so slowly the "little" sin eats away at our soul like a slowgrowing cancer. Read II Tim. 2:16,17 where Paul warns Timothy about what seems to be unimportant, such as "profane and vain babblings" which could eventually lead to a desperately fatal spiritual disease!

Then one day your whole world caves in! You desperately seek the answers as to why and how it all happened. Despair and coldness set in. It all began with that "little" fox, that "little" leaven, that seemingly harmless "little" sin. "...Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump." (I Cor. 5:6). You look at spiritual leaven and ask yourself, "what harm can a little sin be?" DEAR READER, BEWARE, TAKE HEED, get rid of the foxes before your usefulness for the Lord will be destroyed!

Most of us will never miss a day at work, especially if we make an hourly wage. We are committed! Money is needed to sustain our lives: food, utilities, clothes, gasoline for the car, etc. Do we ever feel that committed to what sustains us spiritually and emotionally, the Lord and His Word (John 6:63; Psa. 119:105)?

Notice that Jesus says, "...our vines have tender grapes". It is "our" vine. He does not leave us by ourselves. His life was planted as a seed in death at Calvary (John 12:23,24) to rise up and produce fruit, His Father watches out for the vine (John 15:1)! His Spirit is the power behind the life in the branches! Praise God, all we have to do is allow Him to prune and cultivate us. We are workers together with Jesus. Don't rip yourself away from this beautiful, fruitful, all encompassing love relationship by some subtle "little fox" which has crept into your life unawares. You are not responsible to get rid of the "little foxes" alone. Your Bridegroom is with you all the way. His wonderful Holy Spirit is ready to do battle for you. Your responsibility is to let go and give permission to Him to exercise His power against these "little foxes" as you use the spiritual armor of God! It is not your battle (I Sam. 17:47; II Chron. 20:15-17)!

You might say, "Are we not to take the whole armor of God and fight?" Yes, but look carefully at Eph. 6:10-18. In verse ten you are saying, I have no strength to fight the battle. That verse is in the passive voice so the strength must be given to you. Verses 11 through 17 command us to take up the whole armor of God. How is all that accomplished? The answer is in V.19. All of the armor is activated when we simply pray in faith, truth, peace, the Word, the mind of Christ, righteousness! We pray and He does the fighting! Praying is setting our mind on the things above (Col. 3:2-4). We just say "no" to the sinful nature attracted to the fox and the Holy Spirit steps in and does the rest. Different foxes will return, the enemy is relentless. Each time stand on (Isa.54:17; 2Cor.1:20) speaking it out against the attack victory will be yours.

Holy Spirit fruit is so needed in our life. He produces it and our responsibility is to bear it. The Lord will bring people into your life who desperately have need of His fruit, fruit you are bearing - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Don't let a little fox rob you of fruit others need!



She now responds with words that will disappoint her Lord...


V.16 "My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies."

The bride finally speaks to Him, but O the sharp sword of pain that pierces through His tender heart with these words. She has not listened at all to Him. She sees no danger. Her lips speak forth very self-centered words, "My beloved is mine...." He's mine and I'll decide where and when we meet and have fellowship. She's well aware of how important the lilies are to Him in light of her statement, "He feedeth among the lilies." Notice carefully she did not obey the Lord's request. "Let me see thy countenance...." He wanted her to first look into His loving eyes before saying a word. The Bride is not interested in what pleases Him, only what pleases her. She fails the first test of practical surrender. There is no question about her deep love for Him but at this point it is not strong enough to move her feet in faith.


"He feedeth among the lilies."

He feeds the lilies. This is where she will be fed also. He also is fed in His spirit. Remember, lilies are surrendered believers (2:1-3)! O how He loves to fellowship with them. She knows that this is where Jesus loves to dwell and be nourished in His heart with the praises of His people. He loves to lean close to His bride and hear her speak words of adoration, appreciation and deep love for Him! It is the joy and reward of the cross for Him! When lilies gather together to love and praise Him, His heart and their hearts are satisfied with a joy unspeakable (Heb.12:2)! If only she would go with her Beloved and experience

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