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Book online «I AM COMING! Volume 3 by Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck (ebook smartphone TXT) 📖». Author Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck

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many. I took a copy of this letter to school today and we read for our Christian group -people were silenced. Then a boy from our Christian group read it for his class who is unsaved and even they were silenced. God is good ! God is really working in my school ! - Reader 16


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Dear Susan and Sabrina, Greetings my dear sisters in the wonderful name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. I am a born again Christian from South Africa who has been reading and sharing your letters with people. I would like to thank you so much for allowing God to use you. Since I started reading your letters I have tried by all means to stay pure and to be found worthy of His Kingdom. I also pray for my relatives and friends, and last week I started praying for South Africa as a country for God to open people's eyes to see and to believe this message from God. You guys are a great blessing to me. And the body of Christ. There are many out there who still don't believe we are in the last hour. I am worn out trying to give understanding to people who don't want to deal with truth. My heart and my life is set on the Kingdom of God. Thank you for all the letters from God and words of warning to the church. – Reader 17


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Sabrina, Thank you for sharing the messages from the Lord. I am getting my family ready and have been witnessing to others to get as many people ready and surrender to the Lord as possible. – Reader 18


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So those of us who eagerly await His blessed coming must stick together and encourage one another. Your encouraging posts are a needed lifeline in these dark days. May the Lord carry us all home soon, with pure and devoted hearts. I am ready! (Psalm 42:1). - Reader 19



This Volume contains Parts 53 to 73.

April 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011.

These urgent prophetic messages are recorded at the website:


Sabrina's email is:


Susan's email is:


PART 53. The LORD is pleading with the world to choose for HIM and not the world in this message and that the time is running out to make this choice as the world grows dark.

PART 54. These letters from the LORD encourage people to give HIM a full surrender and to receive HIS HOLY SPIRIT in full measure to understand the LORD’s Words and to recognize that we are in fact in the end times and HIS return is imminent!

PART 55. Time is short. Half-hearted surrenders will not count to GOD. Make your decisions quickly, tomorrow may be too late. The hour of the LORD’s return is at the door.

PART 56. The LORD talks about HIS soon coming and those who will be prepared and the importance of reading and believing HIS Word. The road is narrow and few find it.

PART 57. Two letters from the LORD given to Sabrina and Susan both speak on time swiftly running out, turning to the LORD, and preparing NOW for HIS return before it is too late.

PART 58. During the time of the Royal’s wedding capturing the world’s attention—the FATHER invites people around the world to be part of the MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB. 

PART 59. Jesus says, “Time is up” and stresses what the people need to do to get ready. Warnings about what will happen to the covenant land Israel.

PART 60. This letter includes answers to the five most common questions we receive from people about the letters. Also, the LORD says in the letter written down by Sabrina that the time is now. In the letter the LORD dictates to Susan, JESUS stresses how people who lead others to believe we will be here for many years to come are giving out false security and false words and that those who do this will be held accountable for leading others astray.

PART 61. This part has two letters from the LORD with serious warnings of the final hour before HIS retrieval of the bride. My (Susan) testimony about this letter is that I write a brief section in the opening letter and now that the letters are going all around the world I feel a great sense of responsibility about what I write—so I pray to the LORD to lead me. This time I kept returning to the theme/topic about the church being set apart and the bride without spot, wrinkle, or blemish. And I even used the verse from Ephesians in the opening. Then I laid in Sabrina’s letter from the LORD last after I had written the opening and when I read it, I was shocked because she had referred to the same verse as reference at the bottom of the letter from Ephesians I had used in the opening. Then the LORD says these words in the letter: MY bride is pure, chaste, clean; without spot, stain, and wrinkle! Again I was amazed. It all looks so coordinated, but in reality it was the HOLY SPIRIT coordinating it all!

PART 62. The letter received by Sabrina from our LORD talks about who the bride is and addresses those who are unbelievers. In the letter Susan received, the LORD warns the pastors about not warning their churches about the LORD’s return and the dire consequences to ignoring this mandate from GOD.

PART 63. God says in HIS letter that HE is unchanging and stresses this in HIS message.

PART 64. In this letter, GOD tells how displeased HE is with rote routine weekly worship and how this will not guarantee a spot in heaven. An important message.

PART 65. This letter has a serious message of the importance of a sinless, spotless, stainless, wrinkle-free life required to be the bride of Christ and that it is only the HOLY SPIRIT Who can deliver you from living in sin and missing the rapture.

PART 66. In these letters the LORD is very stern against idolatry, the importance of the Blood of Christ, and there is no other way to the FATHER but through JESUS.

PART 67. Has three letters: one from JESUS describing the bride and HIS love for her; the second letter is from JESUS and HE is pleading with people to get ready because the time is very short; and a third letter is from the FATHER making a formal invitation to attend the celebration of the wedding of the SON.

PART 68. These letters are serious as both, from JESUS, state that time is very short. One letter says if you are not interested in spending time with Christ in this short existence why should HE assume you will want to spend eternity with HIM? These are two very serious letters from the LORD JESUS.

PART 69. In Sabrina’s letter from the LORD JESUS HE pleads with the bride to pray for the lost in this last hour. In Susan’s letter from the LORD, JESUS speaks of the great changes HE is bringing to the earth and how the people are asleep when they should be awake to what is going on around them.

PART 70. Once again the LORD warns, pleads with the sleeping people to be on guard and to prepare for HIS soon return and to back away from the embrace of the world.

PART 71. In these letters the LORD JESUS speaks seriously about grieving and blaspheming the HOLY SPIRIT and how close HIS coming is.

PART 72. Two letters from the LORD JESUS: one talks about the danger of a love affair with the world and where it leads and the second is lovingly addressed to the bride from her BRIDEGROOM.

PART 73. The first letter from the LORD JESUS warns of the wrath to come for those left behind. The second letter speaks of JESUS’ amazing incomprehensible love for HIS bride.




We wish to acknowledge in the first place our precious GOD, JESUS, THE FATHER, and THE HOLY SPIRIT who brought us together to write the Lord's Letters and bring them out in this last hour.


We wish to acknowledge our brother in the Lord, Mike Peralta, who gave us the idea about a book and who wrote it all out for us.


We wish to acknowledge everybody who has any part in working with these letters to bring them out in any way. 

PART 53: The LORD is pleading with the world to choose for HIM and not the world in this message and that the time is running out to make this choice as the world grows dark.

Dear Friends of Christ:

How many times do you hear people debating whether this is the end times or not?


Stop arguing over this issue and whether the rapture is years into the future. Just believe the hour is here!

There are people being removed from the earth NOW, Sri Lanka, China, Christchurch, Japan, Haiti, Chile. MORE will be removed. Where are they going if they die in an earthquake or flood with a pagan or atheistic belief? THEY ARE GOING TO HELL!

Stop asking yourself, “Is this the end times the Bible speaks of?”

The answer is: It’s time to believe and to prepare others for anything: removal by rapture or removal by natural disaster, plagues, and calamity.

Quit wasting time and energy on these senseless debates, the hour is late, it is time to warn your neighbors, your friends, your family, total strangers!

Quit putting your hope on, a future with this world that doesn’t exist, money that won’t last, security that is false, governments that are evil, messages about life into a distant

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