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before we even take it to Him.


Prayer was made for us and is a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God. It is the fuel that propels our relationship with God.


Imagine if you had the opportunity to talk to the president of the country on a daily basis, imagine if he dropped everything he would be doing just so that he can listen to you and hear your cares, concerns burden and love for him….


Now if you spoke to the President like that on a daily basis your life would never be the sane again. You would develop a bond and a relationship that would transform your life forever.


We can do the same with our Heavenly Father, remember God created the Presidents of this world; He created some of the great prayer warriors we know. The same God who created these prayer warriors and gave them grace to be what they are today. The same God created you and you can talk to Him directly and receive your portion of grace to transform the nature of your life in all areas.


Prayer is like a key that is used in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse where God keeps treasures for us, boundless resources of Omnipotence.



























Why do we pray


The Bible in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says “Pray without ceasing.” Jesus who is our example spent a lot of time in prayer, Jesus would pray to ask the Father for a fresh supply of strength we too must also spend a lot of time in prayer. We need prayer in our lives as it opens up the heart to God as a friend, a Father, a Provider. We pray so that we may receive what we want or need from God, because He has freely given us all things.

We pray to lift our hearts to God. Prayer is for mankind to communicate with God. How will you build your relationship with God if you do not communicate with Him and only wait for others to talk to God on your behalf …ah ah…!!!!

We pray to find comfort and joy in communion with our Holy Father.

We pray to fight the devil through fervent and constant prayer. The darkness of the evil one encloses those who neglect to pray. When you do not pray the devil will have his way with you, he will toss you around, kick you and up and down (really torment you), he will steal your destiny, keep you in debt, keep you in sickness and diseases and even steal your joy in your marriage or love life.

We pray to access everything and anything we need from God in accordance with His will.


The more time we spend in prayer the more we become like Him, the more we are filled with power, a power that enables us abide, ask and receive.


Faith and prayer


I always enjoy reading Hebrews Chapter 11 it reminds of the heroes of faith and what they accomplished through faith and prayer.


I believe that when we get to heaven we must all have stories to tell of how we achieved what seemed impossible through prayer and faith in God.

Hebrews 11: 1 tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things seen.


Now as we approach God in prayer we need to hold our feelings, our excitement, our state of mind as the evidence of that which we hope to receive from God.


You approach God with a positive mind, a positive feeling, a positive excitement, not negative, dull and dangerous . Your positive mind and attitude should come from knowing that He is God.


Hebrews 11:6 spells it out very clear – But without Faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Before you pray, believe that He is God (be positive about who He is doubts are not tolerated here), and believe that He rewards those who diligently seek Him (by abiding in Him, His will , His word you prove that you are diligently seeking Him)


When you master Hebrews 11:6, when you understand it, when you leave by its tone, character and nature then you start shouting the devil is in trouble. Hebrews 11:6 when actualised catapults you to a place where God rewards you for seeking Him. I call this the Jesus level. Jesus operated at this level, where He believed in the Father, and believed that He is a rewarder of those that seek Him. The First question that comes to my mind is Who is God, who is He?
























2. Who is God?




When you know who He is it becomes easier to believe in Him, and the positivity come naturally because even in the boat on stormy seas you can shout ngiyamazi uBaba (I know my Father).


When I start talking about who God is I get excited, I feel proud to call Him Father and I boast in Him and who He is. God is all powerful, all seeing, all healing, and all glory in Heaven and on earth. When we pray He lifts us up to Him, and in Him we find strength, a renewing of our minds and a solution to each and every care, concern, burden or worry that we might have.


If you do not believe in His authority, or in His power and ability to do what His names say He will do then you will not receive the power you need. Believe in Him, have faith and it will be done for you according to your faith.


When you pray you need to know who He is, who is God to you and who is He to the problems you are faced with in your life? Who do you believe him to be in your life, in your situation and in your time of need? Let’s explore some of the names of God that we may realise who He is in our situation and in our lives

He is:


LORD “I Am who I Am” Exodus 3:14 the sacred name of God. This name specifies immediacy, presence. YAHWEH is present accessible, near, to those who call on Him for deliverance (Psalm 107:13), forgiveness (Psalm 25:11) and guidance (psalm 31:3)



Lord used in place of YAHWEH



God mighty and strong (psalm 139:19)



God the Creator also the plural form of ELOAH



God Almighty, the Mighty God of Jacob, it defines God’s ultimate power over all



The Lord who provides



The Lord who heals (exodus 15:26) He heals both body and soul, He preserves from diseases and pardons iniquities



The Lord our Banner (rallying place)



The Lord who sanctifies, Makes Holy. Only God can make you Holy not the Law (Leviticus 20:8)



The Lord our Peace Judges 6:24)



LORD God, the Lord of Lords



The Lord our righteousness (Jeremiah 33:16)



The Lord our Shepherd



The Lord is There, His glory has returned (Ezekiel 44:140




The Lord of Hosts both angels and men, and He accomplishes what He determines to do.



The most High God, with absolute right to Lordship




God who lives and sees all

Genesis 6:13 Hagar called this name when she was in the wilderness alone and driven out by Sarah



The Everlasting God – From Everlasting to Everlasting You are God



Mighty God (Isaiah 9:60 the Mighty warrior, who destroys God’s enemies and He shall reign Revelation 19:15


If you believe that this is who He is, that He is able to do as His names say then THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY will take care of whatever your situation you are in and He will what has to be done for His name’s sake, that He may be glorified for Who He is.



Now that we know who He is lets explore the part of Hebrews 11:6 that says He is a rewarder of those that seek Him.










The Rewarder of those who seek Him



Things begin to change rapidly when we get to the level of being rewarded for seeking God. This is the Jesus level, the level of the Prophets, the Apostles and all those who have faith in God and diligently seek Him. At this level problems do not trouble you, you speak and it becomes, at this level you begin to do greater works than what Jesus did.


Let me show you something

Did you know that Jesus said we shall do greater works than He did if we believe in Him? This is the most powerful piece of information that you need to have in your walk of prayer. It does not state that only the prophets and the preachers will do greater works, but those that believe in Him.


John 14:12 (KJV) Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these because I am going to the Father.


Many of us go to different churches, some put faith in the Men and Women of God in front of them at their church. Others use anointing oil, while others are given stones, herbs, water or salt. Regardless of what you use at your place of worship the question remains: where is your faith? Is it in the preacher, the prophet, the anointing oil, the wrist band or is it in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit?


When you believe in God your faith is rewarded by Him who you have believed for who He is. When you believe you act out of faith and things happen according to your faith or the lack thereof.


The woman who had been bleeding for 12 years touched Jesus by Faith and she was healed according to her faith. Hebrews 11:1then goes on to state that “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”


Faith is the fuel that drives you to make an earnest prayer before God , a prayer that unlocks the resources of heaven. Prayer without faith is no different from speaking to the image of you in the mirror. Using anointed oil without faith is no different from just using any oil picked up from the shelf of a supermarket. Having faith in a preacher or prophet and not having faith in God who is preached by the preacher is the worst thing that can happen to a human being.


Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God (not the word of a prophet, not oil, or any anointed items), so that things which are seen were made of things which do not appear. Without faith it is impossible to please God, and it is impossible to receive the things you desire from God. When you go to God in prayer believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those that seek him.


Remember Sara through faith she received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past the age of delivery because she judged Him faithful as He had promised her. By faith the walls of Jericho fell after they were compassed about 7 days.


Having given these examples of faith and what it can do I now challenge you to think of the things you need in your life, think of the problems and situations that made you purchase this book, think of the things that you need help with. What do you want God to do for you?? Write it down


Are you broke and poor? – Then you are at the right place because this God you are about to pray to is a God who provides, and gives strength to gather wealth.


Are you sick and in need of healing, this God is a healer


Whatever you seek in your day to day life, God is there to provide for you, all you have to do is to believe.

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