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He will be close to you. The righteous person may have many troubles but the Lord delivers Him from them all, He protects His bones and none of them will be broken. Evil will slay the wicked.


It is my hope and prayer, that as we seek to live a life of answered prayer, we live a life of prayer and a life of prayer is a life that pleases God, a life that draws God closer to His children and their calls on Him.
















4. Prayers that will change your life




Prayer to break soul ties: A number of people who have had an active sexual life, do not know that they are bound by soul ties that come from sexual activities. When you have sexual intercourse you become one with a person and spiritual you create soul ties that bind you to each other. Some have spiritual ties from joining occults, or other spiritual activities that leave you linked to the devil and the powers of darkness.


Here is a prayer that will help break soul ties


Prayer 1: Father in the name of Jesus, I repent on behalf of myself and those in my family line who has had sexual relations with anyone out of wedlock, or with evil spirits, familiar spirits, with incubus, succubus spirits, and the demon Mare. I renounce and break any covenants or dedications to the Nephilim, Baal, or Belial.


I repent for anyone in my family line who has had connections, ties, pacts, or allegiances to the Harlot spirit. I repent for all who participated in any fertility rites or rituals, and who sacrificed, worshipped and danced before, or gave offerings to any gods or goddesses.


Lord I repent for myself and all those in my family line who had spiritual husbands/wives. Lord forgive us for rejecting You as our husband and forgive us for our unfaithfulness towards You. Forgive us for finding comfort from these spirits and for looking to them to fulfil our desires and needs. I choose to rely upon You and to trust in you for everything I need. Please restore my joy and faithfulness to Jesus Christ, the bridegroom.


Lord I repent for every contact, personal and generational with all night-husbands and night wives and I renounce all night husbands and wives which have been assigned to function specifically in my life and in my family. I repent of the blood covenants which opened the door to this family night-husband and wife. I cut every soul tie with these spirits. I repent of the deception adopted by my ancestors that polygamy is acceptable and for the deception which was one of the ways in which the door was opened to incubus and succubus and Mara.


Prayer 2 : Father in the name of Jesus , I repent for those in my family line who were involved in astral travel , dark practices such as the occult, new age practices . I repent for any involvement with witches, sorcerers, megistellus, or familiar spirits. I renounce all night spells, charms enchantments or allurements used by witches and warlocks at night. I renounce any positions, possessions, powers or any secret knowledge that have come from darkness . Please close all ungodly pathways, gateways, portals, cracks, or seams into ungodly realms or the underworld. Remove all defilement and tainting, and as your child, please restore my godly dreams from heavenly places.


I repent for myself or any of my ancestors who have visited sangomas, witches, or warlocks for their “love witchcraft”. I repent of buying, accepting, and using their love portions. I repent of rituals performed, innovations offered up, and nay using of baths, washes, charms and psychic prayers. I repent of having my body rubbed with ungodly ceremonial liquids or allowing commercial liquids to be poured over my body.


I repent for the breaking of marriages, covenants, divorces and the destroyed relationships that resulted from having relations with these spirits. I ask that you would break off from me and my family line all false love, lust, hatred, impotency, frigidity, sickness and disease that have been caused by these spirits.


Prayer 3 Father in the name of Jesus, I repent on behalf of myself and my family line for all fornication, adultery, incest, orgies, sodomy, homosexuality, and sexual addiction. I repent for all pornography, rape, abuse, ungodly masturbation, lust, and fantasy lust and any ungodly sexual contact with other people, any bestiality, and all sexual perversion and sex for money.


I repent on behalf of myself and my family line for shedding innocent blood through abortion and human sacrifices, I repent of murder , pride, greed, rage, hate, jealousy , pretence , falseness , cursing and lying. Father on behalf of myself and family line I repent of having been involved in acts that showed worship and obedience to Satan and his demons through having sexual relations outside of marriage. Lord, forgive us for not following your commands.


In the Name of Jesus I renounce all ungodly soul ties with every person I have been sexually involved with, physically, spiritually. Father I ask You to break these souls ties from my spirit, mind and my body. Break in Jesus Name.

Father I repent for allowing these evil spirits to reduce and control my will. I now choose to put my spirit, will, emotions, mind and body under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.


Now in the name of Jesus Christ I renounce and demand the demons incubus, succubus, incubi, succubi, eldonna and mare to come out of my body, physical and spiritual conscious, and sub conscious and unconscious mind. I break off these spirits from my tongue, hands, fingers, breasts, sexual organs or any part of my body.


I will no longer serve these demon spirits. I renounce Satan and all his works. I stand in the authority that I have as a believer, and in the name of Jesus I cast out any spirits that have been residing in my body.


I command all confusion to leave and I call back all parts that have been scattered or fragmented.


Father, please forgive me, wash me and cleanse me and I ask You to restore my innocence. Please increase my love for You and give me the ability to be truly faithful and intimate with You.



Prayers that break down evil altars

Witch doctors and other practitioners of dark magic set up altars from which they worship they devil, cast spells, curses and do other evil things to ruin another human being’s life. (Hebrews 12:29 For our god is a consuming fire…..) It is important therefore that we pray for the destruction of these altars.



Father in the name of Jesus, I glorify your name because of Your son Jesus who has setup an everlasting altar with his blood for me. Father, I thank you because of the blood of Jesus that speaks better things for me, my family and all my loved ones. Father I know the devil has setup his own evil altars to work against Your will upon my life.


Father in the name of Jesus I ask you to rebuke every evil spirit, every evil priest operating these evil altars. I pray my Father that You may send the fire of the Holy Spirit to consume and destroy these evil altars.


Father, because of the high Priest that is Jesus Christ who defeated the devil at the cross , I declare the altars of the devil setup against me, against my family, and all my loved ones , I declare these altars as defeated , and powerless over my life and those of my family line.


Father in the name of Jesus I destroy all evil altars of inability, of poverty, sickness, death, divorce , broken homes and broken marriages, every evil altar in the sea, on the rocks, on walls, mountains and in the spiritual realm . Father I destroy these in the name of Jesus. I also withdraw my name and the file of my life from every evil altar in the name of Jesus and by the precious blood that was spilt for me at the cross of Calvary. Father if there is anything that I owe to the evil altars or evil spirits I ask that the blood of Jesus my pay for me right now, that I may be redeemed by the blood of Jesus.


I decree and I declare in the name of Jesus that I am a child of God purchased by the blood of Jesus and from n0w on everything shall work together for my good because I choose to love you Lord, and worship you in the name of Jesus I pray.



Prayer for Healing

Father in the name of Jesus I ……………… (Full name) come before Your throne of grace, where the river of life flows. Father I believe that you love me so much that you know the number of hairs on my head and You call them by name. Father You know every blood cell in my body, you know what is wrong with and You know how to heal it.


Father into your holy hands I commit this body, as it is and I ask for Your hand to restore this body to a healthy state that pleases You. Please forgive me for all unhealthy living, and lifestyle that goes against Your word and has invited sickness into this body.


Father in the name of Jesus I invite You to take charge of this body and turn it into Your temple, and may I be healed in Your presence.

Father no sickness is too big or too small for You. I commit this prayer into Your hands because you are the only loving, kind Father and Healer that I have, and that I know. Thank you Father for it is done according to my faith in the name of Jesus I pray


Prayer for Wealth

God gives us the power and wisdom to create, gather and maintain wealth. This prayer will catapult you to a new level of wealth creation.

Father in the name of Jesus I ask that you may let my season of divine intervention appear in the name of Jesus, Father may you command the gates standing against my destiny , lift up my head Father in the name of Jesus.


Father I ask for wisdom and strength to gather up wealth that I may have a better life and be able to provide for myself, my family, and the poor that You have placed within my reach.


Father without Your hand, without Your intervention nothing of mine will work towards gathering wealth. Father the ruler of this world wants me to divert my attention from You to him in search of wealth and I choose to rely on You Father. I choose to give you Your place in my life as my provider, my shelter and my hope.


Father You created all the silver and gold, You are the source of all wisdom and intelligence, I ask that You may grant me a portion of intelligence and wisdom that is sufficient for me to gather wealth for my family, my community and those around me. Father I speak against the spirit of delay, I cancel the plans of the enemy upon my finances, my business, my destiny and all things connected to my wealth. Father I ask You to bless the work of my hands and allow me to move to the next level of wealth. Father do not allow me to be put to shame and do not allow me to be conquered by the spirit of poverty, debt, or mediocrity. In You I declare that I am the head and not the tail. By your grace I declare that my life will no longer be the same.


Father teach me to give, to share , and to multiply the resources You give me and grant me a faithful spirit to return tithes and offerings back to You , in the name of Jesus Christ I pray my Father.










Some Prayers found in the Bible


Prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10)

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