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Book online «THE EXODUS by Deborah Melissa Möller (essential books to read .txt) 📖». Author Deborah Melissa Möller

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Egypt, for the fumes of Egypt and all the pleasures leave a bad odour and taste. You will not see My glory while you are in Egypt (worldly living).

I am going to make a way for you to escape out of Egypt so that you can worship Me in the desert. In the desert I will test you and refine you and then will follow the Promised Land. My Son, Jesus, will bring you into the Promised Land. 

Therefore, surrender your soul-life, the life that you fill with soulish things. There are 24 hours in a day. How do you spend it? Do you make more time to relax than to spend time in My company? This is your test if you are in Egypt – the time you spend with Me vs. soulish interest. You be the judge on your own life and time”.



“You will find that your lives in Egypt will become even dryer and dryer and you will thirst more and more. Because I am removing the lukewarm, you will only be hot or cold. Either you are for me, or against Me. No more sitting on the fence, playing church and playing religious games. You choose either light or darkness. I am going to remove the pretence; the masks will fall off the people’s faces. People will understand and see if you are for Me or against Me. Either hot or cold. For if you do not come out of Egypt, you will grow cold. I will lead My people out of Egypt and I will dwell among them in the desert. If you remain in Egypt, you will be killed by the plagues.”



“As in the days of My servant, Moses and My people Israel, there will again be a great exodus. All this will happen in the Spirit. Many with eyes open will see this move and will partake of it. With this move, many will be mocked and persecuted for many people cling to religion and traditions. Religion and traditions kill the working of My Spirit and the work of My true servants. Those that oppose My truth will be judged and you will not prevail against My true prophets, for I made them a pillar of bronze.”

“And I am now making you today into a fortified city and into an iron pillar and into bronze walls against the whole land, against the kings of Judah, against its princes, against its priests, and against the people of the land. And they will fight against you, but they will not prevail against you; for I am with you, declares Jehovah, to deliver you.” (Jer. 1:18-19)

“Religion, tradition, Satan and the world… let My people go, so that they can dwell with Me and worship Me in the desert. For I can make water run in the desert. I can make bitter water sweet. With man it is impossible, but with God all is possible. Let My people go, so that they can come in Oneness, so that they can be One Body, One Bride, for if My Body unites, without division, Satan trembles.

Let My people go! For you are slaves under a demonic system. If you come to Me, you will be My servants and I will bless you and your fruit will multiply. You need to become like children, for children are free. In Egypt, you will not roam free. You will remain in bondage. Follow Me, listen to Me, and obey Me. This will be the last
exodus, for everything that happened in the beginning will again happen in the end. The plagues have already begun. Can you discern it in your country? Do you discern the plagues that are happening in the Spirit? Water will turn into blood, frogs, lice, flies, pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death of the first born. All these plagues will be unleashed on the people and the land to let My people go! You will then realise that it is time to follow Me out of Egypt into the desert. With this, you will focus on Me, for I should be your focus and daily living, not worldly pleasures.”



“Your generation is again looking for a leader – some great leader to stand up and take control. Still you want a Saul. Why can’t you understand that I must be your leader? Man can lead you away from Me. Why don’t you call on Me and I will lead you daily and you will have My protection if you call on Me. You just murmur to one
another and still more evil and frogs come out of your mouths. Evil fire is spewed over the people, yet you cannot do anything because you are not dealing with human power, but with evil demonic power. Only by My power will I quench the Pharaoh. Only I can open the red sea (the way) and kill all those who oppose you, enslave and bind you. How long will I wait until you call on Me to lead you out of Egypt and to be your only leader?

Turn your focus to Me, the Lord. Remove your focus from people for they will not be able to help you. If you cling to people, a system or religion, you will stay behind. Only if I am your ALL in all, your everything, your Creator, your first Love, I will lead you out and I will lead you by My fire and My cloud.

Come take this step of faith with Me. Leave the security of Egypt and walk with Me as I lead you into My freedom. For only I can give you freedom. No man can ever give you freedom. It is I that set free!”


 3 July 2011


“As the ripe barley determines the beginning of the New Year, so I will show when the exodus will occur. You will know by My Spirit. You better be prepared so that you do not miss My exodus. For I will make the way for you and you will follow Me. Even if things look impossible, I will make the way. I will, by My power, show you that I am your Redeemer and Saviour. I will set you free.

I will make a covenant with you that, if you obey Me and love Me, I will lead you into the Promised Land. Your focus should remain on Me, for if you look at your circumstances, you will recall to mind your Egyptian lifestyle. Many are lost in Egypt (the world).”



“When I sent My Son to represent Me on earth, many followed Him because of the miracles and the wonders He did. Many followed Him to get touched by Him, to get healed. But not many remained with Him to the end, though He continually spoke the truth. He only spoke what He heard from Me. Learn from His life. Don’t just follow My Son to get healed or touched. Follow Him because you love Him and you want to abide in the truth. If you take your eyes from the truth and focus on yourself (your flesh), you will stumble and fall. If you follow My Son for the truth, He will lead you to Me, your Father, Who is your destination.

Through My Son and the Spirit you will touch Me. Seek Me and you will find the truth. We want to dwell with man, to fill man, to be part of Us. We, the Son, the Spirit, and the Father dwell with each other. We are divinely One, yet Three. So We want to impart and dwell with man, divinely one, yet God and man, for we want man to become like Us in life and nature, but not in the Godhead.”



“We are looking for people who are willing to settle in Our wilderness temporarily. This is so that We can refine you, build you and make you ready for the Millennium (Promised land). Restoring the earth in the Millennium will be the restoration of the land of milk and honey. My people, if I send Our spies to have a lookout in the Promised land, thereby, bringing word from Me about the Millennium, know that I do not lie. It will indeed be a land flowing of milk and honey. There will be great riches and fruit. Do not lose your faith and murmur, for I will send you the truth about My land. Know that I know what is best for you and that My plans are to do you good, not evil. Don’t lose your faith in the wilderness. Don’t look back at Egypt. Remember what happened to Lot’s wife when she looked back one more time?”

“…He said, Escape for your life. Do not look behind you, neither stay anywhere in the plain…” (Gen 19:17)

“But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.” (Gen. 19:26)

“Remember Lot’s wife. Whoever seeks to preserve his soullife will lose it, and whoever loses it will preserve it alive”. (Luke 17:32-33)

“My people, you need to know if I send you out in the midst of your slave master and I point you the way, it will be the point of no return. If you lose your faith, you will die in the wilderness.”

“But he who has endured to the end, this one shall be saved”. (Matt. 24:13)

“When you focus on Me and not your circumstances, you will keep your faith and I, the Lord Jesus, will take you into the Promised land. I will be like a Joshua leading you over the river Jordan.”

Chapter 4: MY MANNA

 4 July 2011


“Just as My son ascended into heaven, likewise He will come again on the clouds. Everything will come full circle. Everything that happened in the beginning will happen at the end. Just like the two trees in Genesis (the beginning) and the two trees in Revelation (the end). It is a matter of eating and drinking in Genesis (the beginning), as it is a matter of eating and drinking in Revelation (the end). What has begun, will be completed. It will come full circle!

My people, as you find yourself out of Egypt and in the wilderness, I will feed you. I will give you My manna. My manna is My daily word, which I will feed you. This will be enough to sustain you daily. It will bring you enough nourishment. It is very important that you eat this manna, which I will give to you daily. It will build you up, for you are to receive the sword, the two-edged sword that is needed in your mouth. Do not long for the meat, the Egyptian food that you left behind. You should keep your focus on Me.

I will also provide you with a river of water from Me. Drink from My life-giving fountain. If you drink this, you will by no means thirst. Your focus in the wilderness will be to eat and drink Me! Eating and drinking was important in the beginning (Genesis). Eating and drinking is important in the end. The matter of eating and drinking is very important. It is a basic principle!”

“And out of the ground Jehovah

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