MY SON DAVID by Deborah Melissa Möller (best novels for teenagers txt) 📖

- Author: Deborah Melissa Möller
Book online «MY SON DAVID by Deborah Melissa Möller (best novels for teenagers txt) 📖». Author Deborah Melissa Möller
Chapter 4: OBEDIENCE
Chapter 7: AN OPEN DOOR
The Lord said:
“The book will be a warning for those whom the Lord has called, but did not answer the Lord’s call in obedience. Also, why the Lord will bless those who walk in obedience, for He will add to those who already have and will take away from those who have nothing.
I am serious when I call you to do something. I will bless your obedience if I ask you to do something. If you neglect or ignore My Word I send, I will remove your anointing, authority and kingship and will give it to someone else, who does love Me and who is in obedience to Me. For My Davids will receive double the portion, because I have removed the anointing, authority and kingship from the Sauls. For the Sauls listen to and obey people. My Davids listen to and obey Me. Take heed to this warning; be serious with Me, when I call on you - your answer will determine what you’ll reap in eternity.
Choose! Do you want to be called My son David?”
On 20 July 2010, the Lord said the following to me:
“You are going to write a book about the end-time. It is your creation purpose.” I then sensed the Lord saying that it was not going to be easy, because people would not take it, except for the remnant. The book will be for the remnant, for His Bride. The book will be about the preparation for the King’s return and for those who did not know, to be warned. “This will be a gift for My Bride. It is for those who love Me, for those who are seeking the Truth, who called out ‘Lord, tell us more, only the truth Lord’. The book will be about Jesus. Jesus is the key, Jesus must be your focus and Jesus is your destiny.”
All this is recorded in the first book, The Final Call, which started on 22 April 2011 when the Lord instructed me to write down all He says. The second book, The Exodus, which started on 1 July 2011, reveals how the Lord is calling His children out of Egypt (the world) to prepare them for the Promised Land (Millennium). The book you are holding in your hand, My son David, is the third book.
I am only obedient in doing the will of the Father. In 2009, I started praying that the Lord will show me the absolute truth about Him and the end-time. He is indeed revealing the truth to me. And, as I freely received, I should freely give.
Chapter 1: MY TRUE DAVIDS22 August 2011
I saw moves taking place. Big structures that were being moved, moved into place.
I asked the Lord: “Lord, what are these structures? And why are they moving?”
The Lord replied: “All the structures that are being moved into place: it is the great puzzle that is being fitted. With all of human history the puzzle now starts to become a picture, still not 100% identifiable, but the outline it there. Big moves will now start taking place on earth, to complete the puzzle of the human race.
Those with eyes open, will see awesome and great happenings and will partake of it! Those who love Me and obey Me will rejoice in this, for My book Revelation will be fulfilled and completed in front of their eyes. What a privileged generation. Those who are against Me will endure great pain and agony about what is imminent on earth.
Only through My eyes will you see the reason why I allow all these things to come to the earth. Only those who are awake will know the signs of My coming. For behold, I come quickly. Blessed are you who are persecuted for the sake of My Name.”
“What is persecution? When you love Me, obey Me and walk with Me and, as a result, people full of self-righteousness and selfish ambition and pride and hatred judge you because you love Me, hear Me and confess Me as I command you, that is persecution.
Look at My prophet Jeremiah. He was My true prophet. He spoke the truth and did the truth as I commanded him, but self-righteous, selfish people of Mine hated him because he spoke the truth. Because of pride they did not recognise Me in him. They did not recognise the truth inside of Jeremiah. This is what it means to be persecuted for My Name’s sake.
Likewise has the self-righteousness, selfish ambition, pride and hatred in My people within My Body stopped My true Davids! You step on My true Davids. The heart and character of David I’ve planted into many sons and daughters of Mine. These Davids are Mine, for I have prepared a table for them in the midst of their enemies. For only goodness and mercy will follow them all the days of their lives.”
“Now is the time to reveal My true Davids, My true rulers and reigners. My Davids will rule and reign with Me for 1 000 years. My Davids have received double the portion for being king, for I took away from Saul and gave double to My son David.
I love you, My son David! You know in your heart that I’ve called you to be My true king before Me. Thus, because you love Me with your whole heart, soul and mind, I will raise you up and set you on high. I will make your name great. All nations will know your name, for I wrote your name in the city of David. You will be loved by the people and you will rule over them in righteousness because you have learned from Me through many years being in the desert and through many years being under the feet of the Sauls.
Because you remained pure in the midst of great evil, you received great favor in the sight of My Father. My sons (Davids), there are only a couple of years left to train you to become king. Only a few years left, to teach you to become a king before Me.
For you will rule them with a rod of iron, if you overcome. This, My sons, is a great test to overcome the system of domination, manipulation and control. If you do overcome, I will give you the morning star.”
“And he who overcomes and he who keeps My works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations; And he will shepherd them with an iron rod, as vessels of pottery are broken in pieces, as I also have received from My Father; And to him I will give the morning star. He who has
an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” (Rev. 2:26-29)
“This, My sons, is very important to understand. You need to overcome the system. I am in no system. I do not teach doctrines and false teachings. I speak only the truth. I speak about the Father and the Father speaks about Me. For We are the Truth. Unless the focus is on Me, the system is false.
I, Christ, hold everything together. Do not be fooled by people who speak about Me and use My Name in their teaching. For I will tell you the truth. Ask from Me the truth. Ask from Me to expose the true condition of someone’s heart. I will teach and show you the truth if you ask that from Me. For I am the only Head. I am the only Shepherd. Walk with Me, for I will reveal all truth to you.”
Chapter 2: THE LORD MAKES IT HARD TO BE A KING!23 August 2011
I saw a harp, the harp of David.
Then the Lord said: “My David’s heart plays a song, each one a unique song. That heartbeat (music), that song comes into My throne room and it dances before Me. Each David-heartbeat dances for Me and it delights Me. For My Davids have a heart for Me and that love for Me dances a love song before Me.
For sound, My child, never dies. The moment you say a word or play a sound, that sound moves on and on and on and shapes the world around it as it travels. Likewise, the love from My Davids’ hearts echo an unique love through everything and create an environment of love, grace, peace, mercy and favour. For My Davids are surrounded by this environment created by their hearts. I, the Lord, enjoy them and love them and love the environment they create with a single heartbeat.
For My child, every word of praise to My Son Jesus will echo through eternity. Every word of kindness towards another will build and shape them. Likewise, every word of judgment, curse or negative word, will affect your environment and will affect your life and you will eat the fruit of your tongue.”
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Prov. 18:21)
“You have the ability to create with a single word you speak. You can speak things into being.”
"If I show you a piece of a puzzle or place a dream in your heart and that vision or dream seems to be too big, be sure that it comes from Me, for I love to dream big things over you and I want to reveal those big things to you. As you ask Me to show you the truth about how I see you, you need to speak that vision and dream over your life. I am the Master planter. I can plant the seed of greatness, but your words can create the growth and nourishment needed to let that plant mature to life. The words in your mouth carry great authority. Be wise how you use your words. For you create life or death with words. For you will speak
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