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Book online «Lost Soul by Forest Ostrander (red queen free ebook txt) 📖». Author Forest Ostrander

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telling them. I wished I had a camera and was taking photos but the only way I could get the boys in the dark was if I had a flash on and that would have been even more risky than my adventure I did last night with the boxes. No wonder I was bruised and had a headache. Slowly climbing out of bed, my muscles screaming in protest from the 3 mile run I did without stopping I knew I needed a warm shower and a fresh set of clothes. Slowly inching my way down my stairs from my loft, I rummaged through my dresser until I found a nice grey shirt with a pack of wolves on it to match my grey pants which dragged on the ground. I grabbed a bra and a fresh pair of underwear and headed to the bathroom. Turning the water on I let the steam soak the bathroom as I undressed and climbed in. The water felt like heaven on my bruised skin, and despite the pain it shot through me as the water slammed on my bruises and cuts, I relished the feeling of warmth that seeped through my skin and bathed my bones. Squirting a quarter size of shampoo in my hand I scrubbed it through my thick, dirty blonde hair. My eyes closed as I rubbed the shampoo into my scalp. Rinsing, I did the same with the conditioner and then worked on shaving my legs and washing my body. When I felt clean and rejuvenated, I shut the water off and climbed out. Taking one of my three towels on the towel rack I dried myself off and wrapped my hair up in the towel as I dressed in the fresh clothes. Using Q-tips, I cleaned the water out of my ear and brushed my teeth. After I felt decent enough I took my hair out of the towel and rustled my fingers through my wet hair. Taking my combed I gently brushed through the snarls before taking the hair dryer to it. Finally after my primping, I looked at myself in the mirror for the first time since last night. Bags were under my eyes and I looked like I haven’t slept in weeks. I applied peroxide to my cuts before bandaging them up, hopefully grandma wouldn't ask where they came from, I wouldn't know what to tell her if she did. Somehow I knew my story of last night would pass through one ear and out the other and she would dismiss it off as a dream. If only. I thought, I would love for it to have just been a dream, a figment of my imagination. A conjunction of the brain from watching too many action movies about bad guys and flipping through streets only to be saved by a cat. I sighed and headed out to make some coffee for my grandparents. I was amazed they were still asleep and I was glad at the same time. I didn't want them to see my cuts and bruises on my arms or the big buries on my left cheek, already it had been turning black and blue. How am I going to hide something as obvious as this? I could just say I fell off my bed, she would believe that probably. After all, its not the first time that has happened to me before but what would I say about the ones on my arms? Surely a fall off a bed wouldn't be enough to also get my arms bruised and cut. Maybe I could say Cuddles and I were just playing? I kept trying to come up with ideas of what to tell my grandparents. I knew it had to be anything but the truth. But what really bothered me the most is that I didn't get a good look at those files, I really wanted to know that they were planning and who they needed to get rid of to accomplish it. I knew the girl they were talking about must be important and maybe if I can find her I could warn her of her fate? But what was the fate? They didn't exactly say. For all I knew they could be sending her away. Besides, why would she believe me? I had no proof, even I wouldn't believe myself either if I was the girl those boys were looking for. I sighed. What was I going to do? I can't go to the police, I can't tell my grandparents and even if I managed to find that girl I can't really tell her without looking like a paranoid freak. For the first time in my life I was torn. I wanted to do the right thing only I'm afraid the right thing isn't going to be easy. I looked at the clock on the microwave, it read 8:00. My grandparents should have been up by now but I knew better than to wake them. Heading to the bottom of the stairs I listened for their TV or some sort of indication that they are awake. I knew grandma must be here, her car was here unless she left somewhere with grandpa? I decided to head up the stairs and noticed their beds made. Huh, they must have left for somewhere. I headed downstairs and dialed grandma's cell. She picked up on the third ring.


"Grandma? Where are you?" I asked.

"Grandpa needed me to help him out with a job. I'll be home in a few hours." I sighed, they were ok, nothing had happened to them.

"Ok. Hey grandma, can you bring me some McDonalds?"

"I will see Forest. Meanwhile get your chores done. I expect them finished before I get home."

"Ok. Don't forget the root beer." I said my goodbyes and hung up the phone. Placing it back on the charger I took out the vacuum. Simba, the golden retriever and Isis the pointer-mix all ran the opposite direction. Dixie, a black lab and retriever mix hid behind the bar as I turned the vacuumed on and began to vacuum the living room. When the entire living room was vacuumed and the canister emptied, I dusted top to bottom and then made my way to the kitchen. I worked feverishly to get my chores done before they got home and marveled at the cleanliness of the house. Grandma will be most pleased at the hard work I put into it. Popping some pain pills for my aching knees, I heated up a heat pad in the microwave and turned on the TV to Animal Planet. Might as well relax, I deserve it. I headed out to take the pad out of the microwave after it beeped and sat back on the couch to watch Big Cat Diary with the pad on my knees. A few minutes in when Honey the cheetah was catching a gazelle for her cubs I heard a knock on the door. Sighing I took the pad off and headed to the door, the dogs were barking hysterically.

"Quiet!" I yelled at them and moved them away from the door. Three dogs barking at once was not the best sound on my ears at the moment. I was glad grandma's dog Angie went with them, her yapping would have really pushed me over the edge. Opening the door, I looked at the boy standing there.

"Yes? May I help you?" I asked in a polite tone while trying to force the curious dogs back.

"Yes. I'm looking for a girl named Forest?" I froze. What did this boy want with me? I studied his features, he had a nice shade of green eyes with ginger hair and freckles making a bridge across his nose. He wasn't as well built as some boys, in fact, he looked to be on the skinnier side of the band wagon.

"May I ask what your name is?" I was frightened but kept the tone out of my voice. The last thing I needed to do was show fear in front of him.

"Ah yes. My name is David Purity." The boy held out his hand for me to shake it. Cautiously I did and kept my eyes on the boy. He looked me up and down and I knew he was judging on if I was the girl he was seeking.

"And your name is?" He asked.

"Maybell." I decided to lie. I didn't trust him with my real name and felt it would be best not to tell him. He didn't look to bright in the head and I was hoping he wouldn't catch me in my lie. The ginger boy frowned and looked at the manila folder. I tried to hide the gasp in my voice. It was the same folder I saw in a pile last night. Something inside me screamed to run but I knew I couldn't. I couldn't leave the animals here defenseless, who knew what he would do to them. I was suddenly glad my grandparents weren't home but recreating that I was alone at the same time. Luckily, he was alone and he didn't look to be strong enough so I knew my chances of beating him were good. I mentally marked my escape routes, I knew getting all the animals out in time was going to be a problem and I wished I had someone here to help me with it. The boy looked me over once more and said.

"There is no Forest at this residence? This file says there should be."

"Sorry no. That family moved out a long time ago. We bought this house from them." I was amazed at how smooth my voice sounded despite my beating heart. I was suddenly glad I was good at lying, I just wondered how long it will go on before he suddenly catches me in a slip up.

"Well. I'm very sorry to barge in on you Miss. Thank you for your help." I nodded and gave him my best smile. I said goodbye and closed the door. When he was gone I finally let myself panic. So the girl they were looking for was me! I was hyperventilating, I couldn't think straight but I knew I had to act fast. I called grandma on her phone again. When she picked up I said.

"Grandma, don't come home."

"What? Why?"

"Trust me, just don't come home. Call the police, do something. We are in trouble and I don't want you here. I will get the animals out to safety, I know where to bring them."

"All right, just be careful."

"I will." I hung up and ran up the stairs to the closet. I pushed aside their clothes until I found the guns and the ammo box. I was glad grandpa taught me how to shoot, this would come in handy. I filled the gun up, checked to make sure everything was working and worked on getting the animals together. The cats were placed in a cat carrier, the dogs were put on leashes and I left a message on Stephanie's phone to not come home either. I had the fish in a little fish tank that was big enough to hold them all but would be an easy transportation device for them. I headed up to the barn and put our blinded pony Corky on a lead rope and looking around me, I threw the gun strap over my shoulder. I lead my pets to our neighbor's house. Knocking on her door she opened up.

"Tiffany. I'm sorry to ask this of you but can you please watch our animals?" Tiffany looked at me closely before asking.


"No time for that right now, here." I handed her three 20 dollar bills. "There will be more from my grandparent's. I hope this will be enough for you to watch them. Something came up and we won't be home to take care of them." Tiffany took the bills and said.

"Go ahead and place the pony in with the others, the dogs can be tied

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