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Book online «Lost Soul by Forest Ostrander (red queen free ebook txt) 📖». Author Forest Ostrander

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I had to let it go. Nathan and I sat on the church tower, we had made a somewhat kind of a home out of it and we were watching the sun set in the distance.

"It sure is pretty. I wonder what it will be like in heaven?" I was curious about when I will be heading up to heaven. I knew that it wouldn't happen until the boys were stopped but when will that be? They were silent for nearly an entire month and I had no whiff of trouble from them to even let me know where they could possibly be. I was starting to grow impatient with waiting, but Nathan told me that if I had lost my patience, nothing would go in my favor and the boys will only succeed in retrieving that prize they seek. The key to all the vaults.

"It sure is," Nathan said. Despite him having 100 years worth of experience against me. I knew I was picking up on things way faster than when he ever did.

"So who taught you?" I asked him.

"My uncle. He helped me the first time I found out I was dead and has been with me until he was sure I was able to do it all on my own. When I was ready to be on my own, he went into the light."

"So that was his job before he could leave?" I asked. Nathan shook his head.

"His job was to stop the gang war that took his life in the first place. He was in the wrong spot at the wrong time when the gangs went at it. He managed to stop them and got them all arrested but he wouldn't leave. It was as if he knew I was going to get poisoned because he was there when I first woke up out of my body." I lowered my eyes. I didn't have anyone to be there for me when I woke up outside of my body. I was on my own.

"Well. At least you had someone waiting for you. No one was there for me." I felt Nathan pull me into a hug which set my cheeks ablaze with red. It looked like a bunch of cherries busted on my cheeks and stained them.

"Not many people will have someone there to greet them. It just depends on if anyone they knew were still around and didn't pass on to the other side." I felt him gently brush a hand through my hair as if soothing a puppy.

"I was there for my brother when he woke up too," Nathan continued. "He was surprised to see me there and tried to go at me but was stopped when a shadowy hand reached out and grabbed the back of his shirt. I couldn't bear to look at his face when he was dragged away into the shadows so I turned away and tried to tune out his frightened screams until they finally died and he was gone." I frowned. I would have been scared myself and would have ran. Nathan must have had enough control to stand there even when his brother was being dragged away.

"You know, I don't think I could have done what you did."

"What's that?" He asked and I felt his chin move telling me he was looking down at me.

"Stand there and listen to your brother as he was dragged away," I said. Nathan sighed and the side of his cheek was now laying on my head.

"Well. Not many can. But I wanted to make sure he would at least be ok. Even though he did what he did to me, I still loved him." I nodded, I can understand where he was getting at with that.

After a few more minutes sitting there and still awkwardly being held close to him. I managed to break free as I heard voices down below.

"What is it?" Nathan asked.

"I hear something. I think it might be them." I said and looked over the edge. Nathan followed me and we both looked down at the three boys down below me. Instantly I recognized two of them but the third one was new. Anger boiled up within me and I sent hateful thoughts at them. When I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked over to Nathan, the hate and anger still on my face.

"Easy." He said. His green eyes meeting my blue. I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes until I had my anger under control. Then a new feeling came. Pain. I gripped the place over my heart where I was shot. The bullet holes were still there but now new blood was pooling out. I stared down in horror as my hand came out covered in fresh blood. The old blood on my hand was stained into it but now it looked darker with the new blood.

"What's happening?!" I asked freaking out. Nathan tried to calm me down but I was hyperventilating.

"It's ok! It's ok. It's just an illusion." Nathan kept whispering in my ear.

"There is nothing going on with you. It's just an illusion sparked by looking at them. This is the illusion of when you first died. Relax, it will go away but you have to relax." I couldn't take my eyes off of my hand or what still believably looked like new blood coming out of my chest but I did as Nathan instructed. I tried to relax my tense muscles and get everything under control. Nathan gently rocked me back and forth until I was finally in a much more relaxed state. Opening my eyes, I saw that everything had stopped. I was the same I was when I first woke up out of my body. There was no fresh blood or pain. I sighed in relief.

"See? Everything will be ok. That will happen for about three more times until you learn to not let it get to you. When you can control it, the illusions will not happen anymore." I frowned. So there will be more? I snorted. I couldn't take more of this illusions, they felt so real.

"Come on. Let's get closer and see what they are saying," Nathan said and took my hand to help me up as we descended down next to the three boys.

"We need to get rid of him now. He is a weakling and I have no doubt he will go to the cops and spill what we have done. We can't risk being discovered." The brown hairdo boy was looking at the red head that had come to my house and the new boy.

"Matt. Because he does not know you, you will be the one to lead him out. Jason will be the one to kill him." The two boys nodded and Jason asked.

"Brandon. How do you wish it to be done?"

"I don't care how it's done. Just get it done or you will be joining him." Damien was looking at them with pretty hard eyes.

"I wonder who they are planning on getting rid of," Nathan said.

"I don't know but I have a feeling it might be Sean."

"Sean? Who's that?" Nathan asked looking at me confused.

"He was the one who was second in command of the entire operation to get rid of me. He is also the weakest. I could tell on their first meeting because Sean had an expression on his face that showed he did not agree with what they are doing. I think he might be the one they are trying to get rid of." Nathan nodded and turned back to the boys. They were splitting up now and I asked.

"What do we do now? Follow them?"

"You follow Damien. I'll follow the other two. Be careful Forest. I don't like where this is going." I nodded and Nathan dashed off after Jason and Matt. I headed off after Brandon. My heart was beating fast, this was just like when I first found out about the boys and their plan. But now being dead, I didn't have to worry about slinking around in the shadows or making noise. I could be out in the open and truly find out what is going on and especially where the others are hiding. Hopping in the black SUV that was there the day I died. I sat in the backseat and watched the scenery go past me. I hoped Nathan would be ok and I hoped we would be able to find each other again. I felt my cheek when I caught myself blushing again at the thought of Nathan. I couldn't believe I was crushing on another boy. A smile slipped across my face as I remembered how kind he was to teach me despite my stubborn streak. He was there for me when I needed him and he hadn't left my side. Who knew you could find love on the other side? Heck, who knew you could still feel it? I know from what pastors say that you will always feel love in heaven but I wasn't in heaven so human emotions must still be with you and the only emotion you feel in heaven is love. After a few minutes of day dreaming, I noticed we had arrived at an old factory building.

"Huh. That's funny. You would think they would have chosen a house," I said to myself. Following Brandon inside, I made a mental note to mark where I went. I would have to bring Nathan here sometime so he and I can put our plan into action. Maybe I could even use Sean as a resource? No. Don't think that Forest. He may have helped in your death but even the stupid need a chance.

When we arrived in a huge office like room, I noticed there were now more members to the group then when I last seen them.

"Wow. You've been pretty busy lately haven’t you," I said to Brandon. I knew he couldn't hear me but I hoped that a slight whisper would reach his ears, just enough for him to know that I know what he is up to. Sadly, he didn't even take notice and I slumped a little. What good is it to scare someone if they can't even hear you? Sure moving things is good but it would be better to speak out too. Sitting down on the desk next to Brandon I looked out at the boys. Funny how he only allowed boys in the group. Where were the girls? Weren't we deadly enough for this ego maniac?

Hey Forest! I heard a voice say my name and I looked around wondering where it had come from. No one was here.

Who is this? I asked it back.

Nathan. I'm talking to you through your mind. You can perfect it too sometime but where are you?

I don't know. Some old factory. We drove for about 30 miles before reaching here.

Ah, the old shoe factory. I know where that is. I'll be right there.

Ok. How is Sean?

He will be ok. I managed to get him to a different location. He will have a rude awakening when he wakes up though.

Where did you take him?

He's at the police station. I figured he deserved that much. I smiled. I could only imagine what his mind would be going through when he wakes up.

All right. See you when you get here. We kind of have a problem. The other line was silent so I figured he heard me. I sat there watching as the boys rounded up around Brandon who had whipped out some maps. Placing them open I noticed the map was the map I had given to the mayor to show him where the key was hidden! Thank God I remembered to not mark down the specific spot.

"All right. Thanks to Matt here," I looked at the brunet boy who Brandon pointed to. "We have the official map of the mayor's. The key should be located somewhere on here." I seen him circle a little

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