1990.12.26 - The Lord and Holy Virginia’s trumpet calling upon the Christians by Lord Jesus (ebook reader online .txt) 📖

- Author: Lord Jesus
Book online «1990.12.26 - The Lord and Holy Virginia’s trumpet calling upon the Christians by Lord Jesus (ebook reader online .txt) 📖». Author Lord Jesus
You children of this town, the children of God, I came once into this town a little while ago; and I came to write a book of testimony for the Christians who remained close to the words of life, which is flowing from this spring even today, from the spring that you also know, the ones that once were embraced by the Lord on the way of this road and have been drinking from this spring of the living water. When I called the roll that is being done in these days, when I called those who believed in this heavenly coming down, I told them that I would raise again the gate of heaven for the town of Măneşti to call, gather and tell them, and to those who were from the beginning and are no longer today, to tell them too that the heavenly spirit is calling to bring the flock together, so that he may cleanse and bring it to this cowshed and to add it to the people which remained after taking out from their midst the spirit and body who carried God[5]; for it has been added to this people that you know a more people born on the way, and behold, now every Christian that was past to the counting of this people is being searched out.
Ten years have passed since I raised up to Me the body that carried Me and by which I sounded the trumpet and spoke once again on earth, the same as was written for this time; and it was written that I will raise it for a while to hide it from the face of the wicked serpent (The Communist dictatorship, r.n..) and to test the faith of this people. But look that a word of testimony stands written in the book of this work when the Lord said: “Verginica do not lose yourself, for in your days you will rise with a mighty spirit and feed the multitudes which will be lead to the glory of the New Jerusalem in order to hear the words of the Lord from this mountain of blessing which will not be taken back.” And behold children of this town God is coming with his working in the town of Măneşti; He enters as in old times when He was speaking with many in this town; He enters again with His Annunciation to bring you also the good news that I sent back on earth the spirit of the trumpet by which I sounded in the days of darkness of the red beast’s reign and so, through the darkness of disbelief, I have worked and made for Myself a close flock and said that I will make out of it and with it a light and salt on earth and salvation on earth. There have passed seventy years since the red beast’s reign, (1921 – the year of the Romanian Communist Party foundation – 1991 the end of the communist dictatorship, r.n.), and here, the Lord has been searching out His people as He was searching Israel in the old times, when he was lifting his hands up and was praying to God for salvation, when he was taken into captivity by other nations or when because of his sins he was carrying upon him the yoke of wicked judges and without God. Behold, the Lord has been searching out the people who ate the heavenly manna through that dish that you know, through that body which I used to make the heaven speak to you, people of Israel from the time of the end, because so it is written, and the Lord wants to do with you a new start of a new and clean age, a nation of heavenly bodies, which will be established on a clean earth, on a new earth, and the Lord wants to make a new Jerusalem with you and to establish in its midst those that are written in the book, as this river of life will richly flow with living water, and as the Magi were led by God up to the manger where the Savior of the nations came, the same way it will flow in the days to come peoples and nations to the spring of life which flows from Jerusalem and they will stand up and rise and will be added to those that are saved.
Behold that I raised the spirit of the trumpet by which I sounded for a long time on earth; I woke her up and clothed her with the power and strength of the Spirits of the Most Holy Trinity to start working her mission in her days, for look, these are the days of her work, for she hardly waited to rise and prepare My way and to lift her people up for the days of the Lord’s victory; and this is what I said to her: get up Verginica for the time has come; the time I was speaking about when you are to feed with a heavenly word multitudes of people, and you will prepare a great nation that may come out for the meeting of My day, to enter with it the feast of the great Passover when I will gird and feed once again the multitudes from the fruit of life, from the tree of life, so that My creature may be and live forever. Arise from now on, arise Verginica! Wake your spirit up and take a round trip, My daughter, to see that your people is dried out and your children are only dry bones, as they are yours, My love, this people is yours, it is your earning, it is your work, it is your flock, for you stood before Me and gave Me a dwelling and cover to be able to speak with this people that I born out of you, for you suffered. You suffered more than everybody that I have now with Me; each one with his own flock. Every saint that I have now in heaven worked and produce a fruit for himself; a work and a flock. And behold Virginia that your people is the least one and it is waited by all heaven, for he is the youngest son that the Father set to share the heavenly reward and wealth, to give each one as he worked. This is what the Father is doing with His youngest son, for this is written: «The least will be the greatest over the kingdom».
Come My love, come Verginica, speak to those who were with you then, for these have undergone as those from that Scripture which says: «I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered». Here, I raised you and gave you power to sound and gather together the scattered flock. Gather it, My daughter, from all the steeps, from all the valleys, from the mountains and hills. Blow Verginica, blow My love, over these dry bones so that they may rise and know that God was in their midst; the One Who worked, prophesied and fulfilled, and will fulfill with this people that Scripture which says: «A great multitude, clothed in white garments will stand before the throne and sing the new song of the New Jerusalem which is coming down from heaven». Speak darling; speak Verginica to those that We have gathered together today for he who believes in My messengers, this one believes in Me. Amen.
− Glory to you, Most Holy Trinity, and peace from You to this place where I am come down with the power in spirit to write a book for the town of Măneşti which I entered with You once, and then to give You the book to add it to the book of resurrection and sealing of my people.
My loved ones, my loved Christian, children of God, I found you written at the Lord. I found you called to the counting of my people. I am the one who you were walking embraced with on God’s way. I am the awakening trumpet which the Lord sounded in the midst of this people. (See selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets[6]”, r.n.) The people of Moses turned around on the spot for forty years instead of forty days because it murmured and gave up Moses; and that people rebelled and fell into the wilderness murmuring against the heavenly manna which was coming down every day. That people ate a godly food and drank from the spiritual rock which was to come, for the rock was Christ; but they fell into the wilderness because they worshipped idols as it is written that «they ate and drank and rose to dance», and they went into fornication and thousands fell in a single day, and they were tempting God and were dying bitten by snakes. But here My people, the Lord made it this way with those so that you may learn from them, and these examples were written for our enlightenment; there were written new things for us who reached to the end of the ages.
Behold I sound the trumpet to be heard. I sound it loudly that my people may rise from everywhere. Wake up and come to your senses! Come back to the words of life which you were feeding on in the old times! Get up my child, get up my disciple and come with me; let us go to destroy the enemy since ages who has always been fighting against the Israel of God. Get up, as no one of your wicked deeds will be able to stay before God to disinherit you, people of this time, as nothing and no one will be able to curse the blessed one, and remember of the prophet Isaiah by whom God writes: «Behold, I forgive your transgression so that I may not destroy you».
Get up Christian, get up with love that you may not be raised by God’s strength, for you know what the Scripture writes: «That servant who knew from his master to do and did not do, that servant will be much beaten». Make peace with the Lord, my people, lest your accuser from the evil age give you to the officer of the prison and to not be able to get out from there until you have paid the last penny. I came to welcome you and I have power to raise you in a moment and reconcile you to God in a moment only if you want Christian, for look that the Lord is coming and is making peace with you; He is coming and forgives you everything and does not destroy you; He is coming to make you the light on earth; He is coming to dwell in you, to come in you with His kingdom, for a word from the time of the Lord’s body stands written: «His kingdom is not coming openly; it is in you», but the time of the Scripture has come, that one which says: «The Lord is coming to gather together peoples and languages to see His glory», and when this blessed earth, chosen and called by a new name, pronounced by the Lord’s mouth, will be raised for greatness, blessed will be he who will believe the words of the prophesies from the book of this works made at the end of the ages, for these words are true, for the Lord of the prophet’s spirits sent them and wrote them for testimony. The Lord sent those words which were written to testify about these what come to happen soon, as the Book of the Truth writes.
I came to gather together the body of this people, for the body of this people is undone and scattered through every devastated place. Take it as an example to believe, for I know that this people
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