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is stubborn and without faith. Oh, you unfaithful people do not let the words you once believed and then denied testify against you. Learn from the saints whom the Christians exalt, for the saint martyr Mina (Menas, or Mina; 285-309 A.D., r.n.) left for the Lord and came back in the body and spoke with the sinners and gathered together the body, open to pieces and buried piece by piece by the evildoer man who forgot that the Lord is, sees and make it come true. But the Christian cut to pieces was praying to the saint Mina, and behold the miracle known through the faith of well-known Christian. But what a great pain on me, what a great sigh in my spirit, for I have stayed for such a long time in front of this people and suffered and cried and carried affliction and terror from the rulers of the world and from the Herods of that time. I have stood before the Lord for such a long time for you, Christian people, and you will not be able to say to the Lord that you did not know; you will not be able because you saw that God knows everything. You saw how He said to Cain asking him of his brother’s blood, and Cain said that he was not aware of his brother’s blood; but well, you said in vain Christian. Oh, you will not be able to say anything. It is written at God that you are the son of this working and will have no way to hide no matter how hard it is for you to believe, for you will have not even time to think of hiding. It is a little more time and behold, I have come with love to you to cry with you the time of leave and then to get together, to use well this little bit of time and to rise and forgive and make peace, as afterwards we have work to do, my people. Take a look upon the world for the world is dead and needs to be resurrected. Get up my loved people for it is written about you that you will rise from the dead and the dead will rise up from their graves, at your word. (See selection topic: “Resurrection of the dead[7]”, r.n.) This is written in the Book of the Truth, as from the mouth of the one who believes in God will flow rivers of living water. 


Behold, you children of this town, I tell you also, get up and live for Jesus Christ! Oh, it is not enough to believe what I tell you, because you need to put the Lord into your life, in your living of every day. Get up with love to be able to search Jesus Christ well and so that He may also search you afterwards and to cleanse you of disbelief, of weakness and of immorality, and that the Lord may be seen in you. But be careful that the New Jerusalem is being established from heaven, and be careful that it will be heavenly and nothing impure, defiled or perishable will be able to remain on this earth of the promise, for behold my people, this is the time when this corruptible body has to clothe for incorruptibility and this dying body to clothe in immortality to overcome death. That Scripture which says this, neither it can be abolished as nothing can be taken or added to the words of this book, but woe to the one who takes out or adds, for you know what is written for that one. (See the selection topic “The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.)


I want that the victory over death to be fulfilled with my people and that is why I call out pathetically and my spirit is walking crying through all the towns, through all the corners where I have hearts written to the counting of my people to gather them into my arms and into the cowshed of this working, to bring them back to the way and to make that the people may be clean in the day of the Lord, for the Lord is coming to you; He is coming, my people, to engage you for the grape gathering and to make with you resurrection on earth. Whether you want it or not He calls you. And if you do not want to come to terms with Him and if He want to remain with you and you do not want, He will take you and push you from behind, for behold, the Lord gave into my hand the trumpet and sword for your awakening, people of Israel from these days. Come loved people as the Lord was well pleased with you and even now He is well pleased with you, but come for the promise made for you cannot be abolished. Come with me, for behold, God is asking me to appear to you ready for work, but let yourself be worked out, well Israel. Do not harden your heart for today God is calling you out and you should know that the Lord gave me great power to be able to pass through the rock if you are a rock.


Children of Jesus Christ, you are his witnesses and will have to testify about the salvation work of the Holy Spirit Who triples the threefold work of the Most Holy Trinity[8]. The Holy Spirit is the God of the Holy Trinity, the one in the last time. Well Christian, the end of the world is coming. The time of the end of the world’s spirit is coming. Take the spirit of the world out of you and you will be alive and will be part of those that escaped with life; you will be of the number sealed by God. It is being done the new counting of the new people, for it will be new, it will be incorruptible; this people will be heavenly and will inherit the new earth, for it will soon be new; this earth of the promise will be new twice, as in it and out of it, the song of the New Jerusalem will resound. That is why I want, Christian, to make you incorruptible and heavenly, for this new people of the New Jerusalem will join the heavenly one and the new song will be heard: «Glory to those of God above and peace on earth»! And it will be heard singing: «Holy, Holy, Holy, the Lord God, and Sabaoth, He Who comes again»! Amen.


Let it be written about this day and about you, the raised town, for look, it is being written by the heaven also. Amen, amen I say to you; it will be easier for Sodom and Gomorrah in the days to come than for those whom the Lord call out and deny Him.


Let this town believe in God and arise! Amen. The Lord empowered me to blow over the earth so that your earth and your body may turn into heaven, Israel. Behold, I am blowing upon you now. Take from my spirit for my spirit is empowered by the Spirits of the Most Holy Trinity Who blows resurrection upon those from the grave of disbelief. Lift up the cross, lift up the gates so that the King of glory may come in; the kingdom of God to come in you, children of Israel!


Get up Israel, for your people is waiting for you; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is waiting for you; the body of your tribe is waiting for you; your root is waiting for you Israel, for you will sit at the table with all your kindred and with all those who will be added to you after the promise made through Abraham, the faithful one; you will sit at the table with heaven, Israel, for the old will pass away from now on, and the new heaven and the new earth will receive their first appearance, and the Lord Will shine and He Will be light. When the Lords said: «Let it be light»! it was so; it was light. Behold, the Lord is saying once again: «Let it be light»! Let it be light everywhere. Amen.


Peace to you, those who arose from this town! Pace and feasting of remembrance! Peace to this town, and resurrection and light from the east upon you, the town of my people! Oh, only you have come? How about the many; where are they?


Peace and a threefold power upon you, to put aside the cold slab which fell down and shattered the sons of this town. Behold another day of testimony, another book and another day of resurrection. Your parents, Israel, desired but did not see these days; but look, they are rejoicing together with you, as they also see now and leap for joy, well people of Israel. Give your hand to your tribe, Israel! Come out to welcome that great day and be ready, for the Lord, who is hiding his face now, look, He is revealing Himself soon. Amen.


Peace to you and once again, peace to you! Let the peace of the heaven not come back and remain with you! Amen. Peace to you, people of the New Jerusalem! Peace to you, new Israel! Amen.


I have in my hand the seal of this time; I have in my hand the awakening trumpet and the seal of the living God, of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Well Israel, a word of testimony stands written in the book of this working, that many houses of Christians which do not have the mark of God, will be struck by the tool of destruction which is coming behind me, by the tool of death. Let you be sealed, and be then a Christian after the truth. Throw away from your house the weapons of the evil spirit and be a child of God’s love, for God is love, Israel. Give up your law for your law is not good, and take up God’s law so that you may no longer die, Christian. Leave the lust of the flesh, leave the lust of the belly and do not do what those in the time of Noah did, who did not want to take heed and did not want to believe as Noah and his house did and made an ark for salvation. Woe, Christian, watch out, for now it will be the same, as in the time of Noah, when all people were eating and drinking; they were marrying and given in marriage, and the death came unexpectedly upon them, but Noah and his house remained clean and faithful and gained their life. (See topic: “As in the days of Noah[9]”, r.n.)


Get out from the world, my people, for the world has come to its end! Get up and be born of heaven, for what is out of the flesh is flesh, and what is out of the spirit is spirit, Christian people! Do no longer be part of the world, Israel, for the world has come to an end.


Jerusalem, be worthy of your name, for you will have to testify about how you received this new name, as a new name and the name of the fortress of New Jerusalem will be seen written on your forehead.


Peace to you, New Jerusalem! Amen


Peace to you, Israel. Amen, amen, amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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