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Book online «2004.09.21 - The Word of God at the feast of the birth of the Lord’s Mother by Lord Jesus (i can read books .txt) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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the Lord, would like to do like him, to become like him, and this pain is hard in heaven when the man tries to make God like him.


All the saints and all the angels have heard from Me and from My mother, the Virgin, that we have been waiting for the day of her celebration, and she will still teach you the mystery of the embodiment of My word in your body, in your soul and in your spirit, My people. The love and its benefits are kept over the man by the gift of prophecy, and I have been teaching you, saying to you: “By no means should you bow to look at yourself by your own eyes so that you may not receive Me, for I look at the man through the eyes of a prophet, and I also teach him to look the same way, and I teach him that the gift of prophecy is the stairway on which I come down to the man on earth, and I make My prophets of those who are faithful and who love the gentle and humble spirit and who have got the love and its benefits in their spirit.” Amen.


Oh, Virgin mother, your day of feast in the garden is sweet, for I have wanted to bring it into the view of those who carry Us into the midst of the elected people, mother. Oh, My life is sweet to Me when I am able to appear with it on earth, when I can find a humble place, a way that I may be able to walk on and to set a table of word and to reveal Myself, mother, and I have always exhorted the people of this descending of word not to have any worry than the one before My path towards him, the same as now, when I have given him exhortation to come to the feast ahead of time, for I told him at the right time that you would make a halt over him and that you would still teach him, and that he would have to sit down for you to teach him, to feed him on the love and its benefits, mother. The love for Us is not the love for him, but let us make this people perceive and understand how much we have stayed in his way, in front of him, to know Us and to receive Us and to take care of the love and its benefits on him, mother. I have told him that your feast is beautiful in the garden of the meeting and that the saints have freely sat down within your feast, and that the people is set aside at this time and I want to teach him to keep Us close to him, to keep himself close to Us, mother, in such a way that My word may be embodied in him and that it may not get used to grow weak within its fulfilling, mother, and that the people may listen to Me, mother. Amen, amen, amen.


— Oh, Son of the Father Sabaoth and mine, and God of Your obedient people of Your word! The most painful thing is not that the man does not want to be like God, but that it is his will to make God to be like him, heavenly Son. Of, if even the one who hears the word that comes out of Your mouth gets used to it in order to fulfill it after he hears it, how much more when he sees You with Your godly body, how would it be not possible for him to get use to it in the same way, mysterious Son, Who remain hidden under the image of the bread and wine for them to long for You and to love You, as I loved You when I always saw You within the image of the mystery of the bread and wine, then when Your apostles were giving You to me as a mysterious baby, perfect man and God. Amen.


Oh, there are no longer apostles and there are no longer priests on earth, for those who dare to get under the work of priesthood without any heavenly calling, they have been growing weak for two thousand years in grace and in power by those who have taken away from them Your Body and Blood, mysterious God. In the time of my body and after Your ascension into the Father, Your true church was not so, because every family had a priest of Yours from it who was put over it by the gift of prophecy, and there was no weakness upon him, for he was put over his entire house orderly, and there was good behavior in spirit and in nature, and there was love only for You, and it was grace, Son, and where there is not this kind of order, the priest goes astray and he can neither put in order or take care of his house and nor of his fleshly and spiritually relative, as it also happened with Your body and mine, which were brought together into a kinship relationship, and this economy of God was worked out mysteriously for Your coming into the world, for my coming into the world, and for the work of the supper afterwards, Lord, for the bonds made from God upon man, established through the word, are bonds according to the spirit, as it also was with Elijah the prophet, whom You sent to the widow to bring her son to life and to make him a prophet and to multiply in that house the bread, the oil, the food and the grace from God within a hard time, mysterious Son. Oh, I have been looking down to earth for two thousand years and I have seen apostles and priests crushed as in the time of the first Christians, for if there is not always teaching upon the mind of the priest, he grows weak in love and in its benefits. The apostle and the priest forget that even You were not able to carry Your cross, made by man, let alone the priest; how can he carry it? However, he does not know what it is when he says that he is a priest. When Your crowd was pressing against You, the sick woman touched You and You lost Your power and asked: «Who touched My clothes?», and the disciples did not know what You said and they marveled that You asked such a question, and they responded in a discontent wonder: «You see the multitude pressing against You, and You say, ‘Who touched Me?’» (Mark 5:31) However, You were the true priest of the Father and You lost the power of Your body because the woman took of Your power by touching You in order that she could be healed. But the priest of today does no longer lose his power, for it is his power in him and not Your power, which feels the heaviness from the man. The one who truly feeds the man with Your Body and Blood, that one grows weak from the man if he really is a priest, because if he gives of Your power from him and he is always pressed against because he is a man from where the man draws for him, not for You in man, Son, grown weak from man.


Oh, if You had not set aside those anointed by You in the garden of Your word a long time ago, in the old times, You would have not had them as intercessors for the whole human kind before You, and that is why You had always been teaching them that their life had to be God and not to put out their power, in order that You could remain with them and not without them, and that they could be Yours and not man’s, as the priests of the world are, for You need priests for all human kind, down to Adam and up to Your coming, and You had always been teaching them to be good and to live in such a way that You might have Your wisdom in them, Lord.


Oh, I have always been looking upon them all the time after Your ascension into the Father. There, where humility was, and love for Your supper, for its protection, there was the whole heaven, for the priest had one, two or a couple of disciples and he kept the power for You in him and in his disciples, but there, where it was a multitude without grace, without spirit, the priest did no longer know the mystery of the supper, of Holy Spirit, and he used to read the book of the priest service and he was rejoicing over the praise from the people and not from You, Lord. The mystery of the embodiment of Your word in man makes the man satisfied with his life in Your life, in Your pain, and that one helps from You and for You the one who he receives Your Body and Blood from, and with this teaching I want to teach Your people today. Amen.


I speak to Your people about Your apostle satisfied within You, about James, the holy and the righteous one, for he knew that You were the Son of God and that it was why he accompanied us all the time on the way of Your cross, which started even since Herod, by killing the infants, he wanted to kill You as well, and he saved You from his hand by our leaving to Egypt with Joseph and James, his child from his marriage, before my Father gave me under his protection for the mystery of Your birth. (See this in more details in “Jesus’ adolescence and childhood,” received by Divine dictation by Jakob Lorber, r.n.).


Oh, how much this child, James, loved You, for he knew that You were the Son of God because he loved God. From a younger age he gave himself over to an angelic living and he did not love his body, but he only took care of it with bread and water and nothing more, and he loved God, without rest in his love, day and night. His nights were only prayer, with his knees knelt down and with his hands lifted up, and the grace of the pure virginity was blameless in him until his end. When he saw You how You taught in the Temple and then the nations, he became fire under Your word, and his love for You was consumed within him and he made his life harsh to live only for You on earth. He has learned from You, Lord, the love and its benefits, and You loved him even more, and You relied on him more than on any other disciple of Yours, and after You came to life again, he was the first among the disciples to whom You appeared resurrected. So many Jews knew who You were through him, for he was a bishop and no one among the unbelievers from the temple knew that he was within You and You were within him, and that You taught him and settled him to a godly work of the mystery of the holy Liturgy by which You became bread and wine for him and for me and for the beloved John, and that he taught Your disciples how to work You and how to work this mystery with You after You had given it to them at the Last Supper, three days before Your resurrection after Your passion on the cross, when You truly accomplished Your sacrifice forever for the man’s redemption from his falling, after seven thousand years. For the love and its benefits in him, all called him: “James, the righteous one,” for he loved the justice for You, and that is why he wrote to the twelve tribes of Your

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