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Book online «2004.09.21 - The Word of God at the feast of the birth of the Lord’s Mother by Lord Jesus (i can read books .txt) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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of the bridegroom from the wedding in Cana of Galilee, where I called You to reveal Yourself that You are God of God, that he may follow You and only You, the bridegroom of the wedding, and he did it this way. How many bridegrooms would do like him if they saw You, if they saw Your power at work? Oh, not even Adam could do what he did, and even today he does not want to do it, painful Lord, even since You made the man and until today.


Oh, the man does not flee from anything as he flees from Your rebuke, which brings to him the death for Your life in him, but the man does not love You because he does not know You. You have always come with Your word on earth and has given bread to man to learn how to live on it, and You give him Your word, but he has got used to the bread, which he makes for himself and by which he eats his food. For fifty years You have been giving the man the spirit of resurrection and of eternal life, and he does not know what the word he speaks means, when he says that “God gives to the man, but He does not puts in his bag.” He speaks well when he says so, but his mind is for earthly bread and goodies when he says this, and behold, You give to the man everything that he gives him back, but he does not take in him, for he is full of his own things and he does not know to put in his bag, when You give him so that he may be like You after that.


Oh, Son Lord, I have heard those who carry You as word from heaven on earth, that they asked You how the man does not receive You, how comes that he does not see You, how comes that the man does not love You, when he hears You coming, and You spoke to them that the eyes, which are not seen are forgotten. The man does not have his mind to give it to Your Spirit by Whom the man would be able to see like You, Lord, like You in everything and over everything. The man does no longer have faith, because he does not have faith anymore, for where Your love in man is, there You are also with Your face and with Your patience, with Your gentleness, Lord. The man does no longer have any guidance, and those who guide him, lead him to them and not to You. Not even the one who prays to You with tears and sacrifice, not even him has got any wisdom, because if the man does not bring his life under control for God, it is in vain that he brings his sacrifice, and this is not called sacrifice, for only to God the man can bring sacrifices, by not loving his body and by the love of his soul, which he receives from the body reconciliation sacrifice to God, when the body is for God and not for man.


Oh, Son forgotten by man, the man goes wrong so many times in one single day and he does not take care of his cleansing, if he does not love You, if he has no mercy on You, and it is in vain that he has faith in You, that You are God if he does not also love You having mercy on You with his life according to Your life lived on earth. Oh, where is the man supposed to go to find You, to know You and to receive You afterwards? Where, Son and Lord? He goes, poor of him, to the priests, and the priests do not love You, for if they do not live Your life among the people, and they live their life instead, and their words are like those of the people and not like those of Yours, and they please the people and not You, Lord, before the people, and the people commit sin by the words of the priests and do not do like the bridegroom from Cana, who gave up sin and became the confessor of Your powers for the holiness of the people, for holiness is the reward of the life loving of God and of the man’s crowning and of his beauty, Lord. There is no one to wake up those who became priests and set themselves over the people without having Your life in them and that is why they blaspheme Your good name by their life without Your life in it.


— Oh, mother, who are to teach the people that it is not proper for the man to stay close to the body of the prayerful priest and under his garment. The priest is beautiful when he works by word and not by gestures over the people and especially over the women. I worked by the word and My word had power, but the worldly priest makes gestures, and he touches and is touched and he does not feel that his power is drained, a power which is to be consumed like Mine on the cross and for those who are wretched and weak in their body and in their faith on earth, and who did not have any hopes and joys, and My power was drained when someone was seeking healing from Me, and I was working mysteriously and healing the man, and then I was saying to him: «Go and show yourself healed to the priests»; but it was the power of healing from Me that was working and not from the priest, mother. The priest is beautiful by the word to believe and then to work over the man, and not by any kinds of gestures, because the laying of the hands, as he does upon the man, is a very great work, and this work does not have to be laid on everyone, and behold, in the world the priest gives what he has got, and this is how it is the one who receives from him, for he does not live My life to give from it, but he gives only from his life when it gives, mother.


I have spoken to the proud man in his spirit, and I said to him: «He who does not eat and does not drink of My Body and Blood has no life in him», and then many of My disciples left Me. However, I had James and John with Me, who worked Me by My grace, the grace of priesthood, which I Myself put on their heads, and I told them to do this mysteriously, and then to leave the work of this mystery as an inheritance over those with whom I fulfilled it at the Last Supper before My passion and My resurrection, and that it may be mystery and not trumpet sounding, not a table available for everyone, for who is not as holy as I am, that one kills the priest when he takes Me from him, but he who is holy gives life to the priest if the priest is faithful and loving of people.


Oh, what shall I do with the one who says that he loves Me, and the one whom I loved says: “I have nothing against him but I cannot stand him?” Oh, you who speak to yourself like that and do so! You say this because you think that you are more righteous than the other one, and you are the one who does not know the man’s heart, but I know it. My wisdom from Me is a loving spirit of people, and it is not a self-loving spirit, which makes the man see that he is more righteous that the one who is righteous for Me.


Oh, mother, I would teach the man when I sit in counsel with My people, but the man does not receive, and I want to grow My people up so that he may not grow less before Me and before people, mother. Come again! Let your word teach Our people the embodiment of My word in his spirit, in his soul and in his body, to have fruit in the people, mother. Amen, amen, amen.


— Behold, my sweet Son, how beautiful You teach him! The saints from heaven need his life and his prayer for their crowning, Son, for they also went wrong from time to time on earth even in their humility, and great is Your teaching of today over Your people of today, and the saints receive relief through it from everything they missed seeing in them in the life of their body. You spoke to Your people that he would be sweet for You if he knew how to look at You and how to see You and not forget You, Son, for the eyes that are not seen are forgotten. And You told them that Your grace would become a great miracle among them if they knew how to make use of those who see from You and with You in them, if they made use of You through them and not of them for You, then You would be embodied in them by those through whom You pour out Yourself into their midst. However, Your people is small and I want to strengthen him in the work and in the faith for Your wisdom in man is a loving spirit of people and that for this mystery the man has to think that he is small and not great, for the one who is great does no longer loves God, he does no longer receive God from near him and God’s brother, but he receives only himself, Son. Oh, tell them how to listen! Amen, amen, amen.


— Oh, sons, who give Me with the word to My people that it may be embodied in all those that are the people at My table! Oh, humble sons and humiliated before the people! With God one plus one makes a whole people, only for the people to know My way to him. The union by which I set you to the hard work of My coming to harvest a bride people, and this means that everyone of you, who has tasted that the Lord has been good to you, to gather together near the spring of My wisdom and then to live a godly life, and to share Me among the people with My entire word and with its entire life in them. One plus one does not make two with Me, but it makes a whole people of disciples and loving apostles of God, and for the embodiment of My word in them. Seek by the power by which I come to you to guide the people to My love and to its benefits. Amen.


Oh, children who are always painful, always weakened from the little and weak people, always patient, always waiting for them for what you love by My love in you! It is unfortunate that your good and sweet spirit, and drained by any kind of state of the people, which has not learned yet what life after death is! The one who knows what this is, that one dies in order to be resurrected and to live in My life. Oh, the one who is not one spirit with you, that one stays in his spirit and cannot do like you, and your good, sweet and dear spirit is put out before them, and what I have put in you it dies away if you have no one to share with from it. Oh, what shall I do to have you on fire? I would punish the people with fear, but you cannot bear his coming back with fear to My love and to a loving spirit of holy people dear to Me,

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