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moment My life and its work before My Father, and I do nothing but only what My Father gives Me to carry out and to work, to speak and to love. I said with My word from the Father that whoever does not have his body received from heaven, from above, that one cannot have in him the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of God cannot have him either.


The man needs to have his body from heaven, sons. The body from heaven is no longer born from earth, of not man’s self-denial, who loves himself and who gives birth to sons this way. Oh, sons, the one born of the flesh is flesh and does the works of his body, and the one who is born of God, from above, that one is spirit and is no longer flesh, and he does the works of the spirit this way and it is in this way that he loves the blessed life on earth, making it into the cross just as I did with My life.


Oh, sons, I cannot bless the man’s life if he does not bring it before Me, and I have exhorted you to heavenly livings in order to feed you with life, which is to make you deny yourselves, and not live within yourselves but to walk in the light. I have exhorted you to walk under guidance, so that I may receive you and that I may have you. Oh, what would you do if I did not teach you always, if I did not speak with you to teach you the gift of the speaking and its fruits full of My blessing for you, for your speaking with Me? Have you really understood why I have told you that I cannot receive you without My guidance upon you? Has the man, who hears My teaching upon you, understood that he has to deny himself for a life under the cross, for his living in obedience, which brings him under My blessing, under a life blessed on earth?


Oh, sons of men, and you, children with whom I speak on earth for the sons of men to hear of My pain from the man! Oh, only the thief does not talk about his deed, only that one does not want to be caught, to be known, for that one loves himself and seeks to win over on his side his soul, but the one who truly knows what his soul is, that one denies himself and gives Me life in him every day, and lying on the cross, he loves this way, and this is how he keeps his soul from the life that loses the man. Oh, sons of the people, two thousand years ago, I covered My disciples within the cloud of My glory, and the voice of the Father, hidden in the clouds, confessed My obedience to Him, calling Me His Son, Who My disciples were to listen to, as Father spoke from the cloud saying: «He is My Son; you shall listen to Him!» Amen. Oh, sons of the people! You would be blessed if you listened to God’s sons who walk in the light before Me, to have a blessed life and not hidden from My face, for there is no man to be able to hide under his covering that he may not see God, the One Who made the heaven and the earth for the man.


Oh, you children who give life to My word, I want you to give life in people to My word by which I come down upon you. Go singing a song of blessed life, may your eating on this day of holy feast be blessed with God’s approval, because I said: “You shall neither eat from the apple, nor drink water without Me, so that you may be blessed and not without Me upon you.” And then, sons from under the burden of My coming, we come in again as word in the book, for I have to write down everything in it for My feast of today, for your life within Me, for your face before Me, because I changed My face into a shining light before My disciples, and during these days you also have to change your face before Me more and more, according to how much you want to walk within light, for I have come to give you light and to keep you within it and to teach you to be My day, the first of the days, for before all creation and before any other work, I made the light, sons.


Sing the song, “Lord, save Your people,” and sing the song of the cross and be blessed when you eat, to be My light, and always, always and first of all you should be light, sons. Amen, amen, amen.




Oh, My people, how much My days of feast on earth with the people would be to last! Oh, My people, how much the sons of men would have to listen to you and from you the word of My coming! When My glory is heard coming to you, children who stay covered within the cloud of the glory of My word when it comes, you give it voice over My people afterwards, and I stay with days of feast before it.


             Oh, children sons, blessed is the one who truly knows what his soul is, because that one denies himself and gives Me his life every day, and staying under the cross, he loves this way, and in this way he keeps his conduct away from the life that loses the man. In My time, John, the Baptizer, was telling those who wanted to escape the cross: «You offspring of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bring forth fruit worthy of repentance! Don’t think that to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham for our father,’ for I tell you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones. ‘Even now the axe lies at the root of the trees. Therefore, every tree that doesn’t bring forth good fruit is cut down, and cast into the fire. I indeed baptize you in water for repentance, but He Who comes after me, is mightier than me, Whose shoes I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and with fire». (Matt. 3:7-11) Amen. Oh, blessed is the one who truly knows what his soul is, for that one brings forth fruits of repentance and otherwise he cannot come to Me. The man does not know to flee from God’s wrath, and to take up his cross with love and to follow Me every day, this the man does not know what it means. I look on earth and I always see how much the man has grown greater than God, how much the man loves himself without knowing that by this he seeks to gain his soul, and in this way he loses it. Oh, who is to speak to the man what repentance and the forgiveness of his sins are, so that he may not always establish himself higher than God, more than God? Oh, much table of feast I have always set on earth for the man’s life, for the man’s repentance, that he may bring forth fruits worthy of repentance, by which he may deny himself and to follow Me every day under his cross, giving his soul to God. Amen.


Oh, the man cannot hide under his cover so that he may not be seen by God. When I wanted to bring Cain to repentance, who hated and killed his brother, then he wanted to cover himself, but his overcast face got him outside of himself, for the man stays outside of him with those in him and the man cannot hide in himself. I exhort the man to repentance, to love, to become a child, to humility, to patience with wisdom and not to judge anyone for the salvation of his soul, for the man does not have to gain his soul but he has to lose it instead that I may find the man under his cross and to teach him the kingdom of humility, the kingdom of the heavens full of humility on earth in man, for My glory before the people was the humble spirit, and My face was humility, which glorified Me into the midst of the haughty people on earth. Amen.


Oh, children who stay with your soul under the cross, with your body and with you spirit when I come with the feast of word to give it to you and to share it to those who know the glory of the love of God against the man’s self love! I want you to give life to My word in people, and blessed will be the sons’ of men who will listen to you, for whoever receives you, receives Me, and the one who receives Me from you to his lost life for My life in him will receive the reward of a prophet. Oh, how beautifully should the people understand the calling, which exhorts every man to self-healing, the people who are sick because of their self-spirit in them! Those who are sick in their body keep going to hospital and wait for their physician every day at their bed, and the physician’s visit is waited because the man seeks for the relieving of his sufferance, which is rooted in his body. This is how the man should also receive My coming as word on earth, and to take from Me salve for his sufferance for his unrepentance, which becomes sufferance in him, and not justice, for if he were right, it would heal the man from his sufferance and it would teach him the spirit of the love of God, the spirit, which exhorts the man to repentance and not to flee from the wrath, which comes upon the man because of his unrepentance for his sins.


Oh, sons of men, if there is someone sick among you, you call the doctor to heal the sick man, but by My Spirit from My disciples I spoke otherwise; I said to them: «If there is someone among you sick, let him call for the priests of the Lord, who have salve and anointing oil and prayers to God for healing, for the prayer of the faithful one by his humility can do much, and if he has committed sins, he will be lifted up and it will teach him towards a blessed life». (See also James 5:14, 15) Amen.


Oh, sons, the one who is sick of his own self and who repents receiving the spirit of humility of the spirit, that one becomes a beautiful man by those that are beautiful in him, by the fruits of his repentance, for his soul becomes My house, the church of God. I want to give life to My word in men by My teaching upon you, for My coming on earth as word is a remedy for the man, sons, and blessed is the man who listens to My advice for the illness of his soul, as the sick man listens to the physician’s advice for the sufferance of his body. I come as a physician for every man who wants to be healed from his self. And I come as the physician comes from door to door coming in to those who are sick to give them medicine for their healing. Those who know what pain is, receive Me, but those who do not truly know what it is, they receive themselves and not Me, and nor My messengers who changed their face by the glory of the humility, which comes from the obedience to God in order to save them from the wrath, which comes upon those who do not know to come to God when they want

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