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1998.08.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the Lord's Transfiguration

            The Word of God[1] at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration[2]



Oh, faithful sons, the people on earth read in the life of the time of My body into the midst of the people; they read but they do not let themselves be moved by God’s works, those above nature, by My heavenly power, which I have been releasing now and then to the people so that the people may believe in God, the One Who came on the earth. Moses and Elijah, My prophets of old, appeared with Me in glory, speaking of those I was about to suffer in Jerusalem, for they were from heaven and knew about heaven. My three apostles wanted to keep Me away of suffering, and Peter told Me that if I wanted, the three of them would make a hut for each one of us, so that I could remain there in the mountain with Moses and Elijah, for they were terrified at those that I was about to suffer. And while he was speaking, there came a cloud and covered us all, and My apostles were terrified and then, from the cloud, became a voice, the voice of My Father, Who said: «This is My beloved Son. Listen to Him». The glory of the heaven withdrew then into its chambers, and I remained with them as by that time, commanding them not to tell what they had seen until My resurrection from the dead. And if I ascended to My Father, I told them: «Go to the entire world and preach Me, and you will be My witnesses to all the ends for the faithful who will believe in Me by your testimony». Sons, on that day, the heaven appeared together with the earth at work: The Father with the Son, Moses with Elijah, who are alive, and the three apostles on whom we let the mysteries of the heavens in a special way, and with whom I went from place to place between heaven and earth.


Behold, I come as word full of joy over you. I come with the remembrance of My works over My disciples of that time, and I come with them to you, those of today, with whom I work out My coming of today on the earth, My work of today with you, as I did My work with those of that time.


Oh sons, My works above nature remained like a couple of stories over the people, but they are My power above nature. Who else startles in his heart with regard to My working power from heaven on earth? For I was on the earth with those in heaven and with those on earth. Amen. Oh, sons, today I am likewise. I am with you and with those in heaven on the earth with you, and you are the witnesses of My work with you. I am in a heavenly celebration among you, and My apostles bless you from Me with an apostolic and fatherly blessing, for whoever listens to them listens to Me and receives Me, for this is what I spoke to them.


Oh, disciples, oh, My apostles of old! You are with Me, your Teacher; we are with the smallest ones of the Lord’s time. They work with the heaven as you do and bring Me from heaven on earth, for it is by their faith that I have come again and I speak, as I did two thousand years ago, and I teach the nations to stay this way for My coming, and many will come to stand for My coming. Amen, amen, amen. I speak a word of joy and hope over the little ones. They are the faithful ones of My coming among the thousands of thousands of saints, for this is how I come when I come, for I have a heavenly retinue and I come with it when I come. Amen.


― Oh, Teacher, the white cloud enshrouds us all, and we sit on the cloud and speak with You, as then when Your face was changed into glory in the mountain, and Your garment became as white as light. Oh, Lord, the people want to get us out of Scriptures, so that we may not be the word of Your true Scriptures. But we are among the twelve and we left the books into the Scriptures for those faithful of Yours, Lord, for You have sent the Holy Spirit on us, and our books are sealed with Your Holy Spirit, but the people want to take us out of the Scriptures. The Scriptures are Your book of that time, in which we also wrote ourselves for the faith of the people, for we were the witnesses of Your work above nature, Lord, Teacher. Moses and Elijah, and we, Your three apostles, Peter, Jacob and John, heard the voice of the Father in the mountain of the glory, as You also are His beloved Son, and we all bear witness to that day, and we bear witness from heaven; and from among us, the apostle of love speaks over the churches. Amen.


For this is what Your Holy Spirit spoke to him: «You have to prophesy once again to nations, peoples and many kings». Amen, amen, amen.


― I, John, the apostle, was on the island of Patmos because of the testimony of Jesus Christ and the word of God. I was taken up by the spirit on one Sunday and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, which said: «Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches!» I saw His glory, and He said to me: «Do not be afraid, I am the First and the Last and I am the living One. I was dead, and now look, I am alive forever and ever and I have the keys of death and of Hades. Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later». Jesus Christ spoke to me and I wrote God’s word about those that had to be and then He testified saying: «If anyone adds to the words of this prophecy, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll, and if anyone takes words away from this scroll, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described into this scroll».


Oh, faithful and unfaithful people, doubtful and not doubtful, only I had the name of John among the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ, but His book, which is at the last end of the Scriptures, is Jesus Christ’s revelation that God gave Him to show to His faithful servants those that had to take place soon. He sent His angel to reveal it to me, and I confessed God’s word and Jesus Christ’s testimony to the churches.


Oh, sons of the people, if Jesus Christ had not spoken of this scroll and of the one who had taken out or added to this scroll, this prophecy would have been covered long ago, but its words have an unshakable strength, for the Spirit of Christ said: «Go and take the open scroll from the hand of the angel standing on the sea and on the land; take it and eat it, for you have to prophesy once again over the earth and to mark those who worship Me, and exclude others of My measurement, for they are pagans, and I will take away any of their share from the tree of life and from the holy citadel which is written in this scroll about».


Oh, sons of the people, the Word of God has come on the earth and become a holy citadel, built by those faithful of His coming, and the Lord is its glory and light, and the impure will not enter it, as it is written into this book of the Lamb’s life. The word of God makes a New Jerusalem, a holy citadel, built of living hearts, born of the heaven above, a kingdom of God in a man born from above. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God[3]”, r.n.)


Oh, you stiff-necked, behold, I speak once again to the people, as the Lord’s prophecy was, Who did not want me to die, and He rather wanted me to work among those who are faithful to God’s word into the midst of Romania, the citadel of New Jerusalem, which has this garden of word in it. Amen. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan[4]”, r.n.) I, John, the apostle of Jesus Christ among His twelve apostles, was in the island of Patmos because of God’s word, Who said to Me: «Write!» Soon, soon all the unfaithful will tremble and all the rulers of the earth, and they will hide in caves and rocks, for I will let myself be seen at the Lord’s command, Who is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) Behold, you hide from this prophecy. Behold, you try to hide it and to take it away from my face, but I tell you again: I, John, the apostle, wrote the word of God in this scroll. Amen. Shake off the unbelief and do not run away from God, for He said: «Buy from Me salve for eyes to anoint your eyes and see». Amen.


And you, the Lord’s beloved ones, redeemed by Him from every people and nation through His blood, sing a new song, sing to the Lamb with heavenly praises, sing Him wedding songs, for soon, soon, every nation will come and worship the Word of God, Which is with you.


Oh, Teacher, the white cloud is ascending with us, and You are with those who are faithful, and You become light over the earth and come true in this word prophesied into this scroll. Amen.


― Amen, amen, I speak to you, My beloved apostle, John: every word of this prophecy come again into the way of the people and is preached, as I told you then: «You will prophesy once again over the nations of the earth». Amen.


Behold a heavenly feast, and I will come with My father and with a heavenly retinue in a celebration for My mother, the Virgin, and we will have days of heavenly testimony, days of wedding among days of wedding, I, the Lord, with My people and with those who love My people for My name which is on him. Amen, amen, amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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The second coming of Jesus Christ:!0I9BmR4Q!LuvjAa2tlXZXTW54hq0nOA


The word of God in Romania:!0N8RlJrB!yTwbJPdKo1mIC4Ob1L-edg



Prophecies about New Jerusalem:

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