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times, the angels, The HOLY SPIRIT, The LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the Heavenly Kingdom. I have not included all of them, for they will not fit here! Most of my visions (divinely granted appearances) are in this fashion, spiritual visions, where GOD enables me to see and hear into the realm of The SPIRIT. I see them as clear as I see the physical world. This happens by GOD’s SPIRIT, by the gift of discerning of spirits and the spirit world. Most of the messages are very personal to my life and those around me. Also some things are concealed in me, for some unexplained reason: either, I cannot share them or it’s very difficult to explain them. The HOLY SPIRIT takes me out my body to various parts of the universe, whether past, present, or the future, and shows me some important things there. This is the End Time message and the latter Spirit out-pouring described in Acts 2:17: And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith GOD, I will pour out of MY SPIRIT upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on MY servants and on MY handmaidens I will pour out in those days of MY SPIRIT; and they shall prophesy: Maranatha!

John 14:21: HE that hath MY Commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth ME: and he that loveth ME shall be loved of MY FATHER, and I will love him, and will manifest MYSELF to him


John 16:13: Howbeit when HE, The SPIRIT of Truth, is come, HE will guide you into all Truth: for HE shall not speak of HIMSELF; but whatsoever HE shall hear, that shall HE speak: and HE will shew you things to come.


2 Corinthians 12:2: I knew a man in CHRIST above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: GOD knoweth;) such an one caught up to the Third Heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: GOD knoweth;) How that he was caught up into Paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.


Bro. Othusitse Mmusi, BFM



Encounter with GOD’s SPIRIT: [January, 2010]


Ever since I was very young, I sensed the call of GOD upon my life, and I gave my life to JESUS!! As far as I remember, I loved GOD from a very young and tender age. I used to have some dreams, visions, and revelations of The LORD, I saw angels, I saw the glory of GOD, had several dreams of JESUS CHRIST, but then I backslid as I reached my teenage years, going into alcohol, filthy relationships, and the world. It continued for something like five years, but then in the year 2010, The LORD had to intervene to stop my madness. HE arrested me on the road while going to buy something.

So in my backslidden state, I went and spread myself on the floor before GOD, then came to me a huge conviction of the HOLY GHOST. It was so much that I wept for hours. I felt how sinful I was that I had broken the Heart of GOD. 2 Corinthians 7:10: For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. That’s how GOD saved my life from sin, the world, and Spiritual death (Romans 6:23). After so much crying and GODLY sorrow, I felt so much relieved, much lighter. I had just gotten born again or restored back to The LORD by The HOLY SPIRIT. We must be born again of water and The SPIRIT for us to enter the Kingdom of GOD, John 3:5: JESUS answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of The SPIRIT, he cannot enter into the kingdom of GOD. ) It is through The HOLY SPIRIT that we are "adopted" into the family of GOD as the children of GOD, (Romans 8:14) I then felt the Mighty Presence of GOD come all over me. This is what I usually feel when I feel GOD’s Presence: extreme heat coming from my chest, intense currents of electricity all over my body, HIS wind blowing or excessive burning inside my spirit sometimes like sparks of fire on my head or tubes of fire in my hands. Then, I will be vibrating and shaking profusely. Ezekiel 3:14: So The SPIRIT lifted me up, and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the heat of my spirit; but the Hand of The LORD was strong upon me.

This Presence was so much to bear, it lasted for hours. I received a glorious baptism of The HOLY SPIRIT, with the evidence of speaking in new tongues. In GOD’s Kingdom, repentance is key to receiving the Baptism of The HOLY SPIRIT. Acts 2:38: Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of The HOLY GHOST. You receive the baptism of The HOLY SPIRIT by faith, the same way you received salvation, JESUS as your LORD and personal savior, The baptism of GOD’s SPIRIT is for empowerment, strengthening, effective service, in simple terms is to make you an effective witness of the gospel of JESUS CHRIST….you need it. It comes with the evidence of speaking with new tongues (Acts 2:1-4, Mark 16:15-17). Here is what people who don’t speak in tongues miss: speaking in tongues; 1. Edifies your spirit; 2. It quick charges your spirit like a battery; 3. It emboldens you; 4. It will help you see in the realm of The SPIRIT; 5. Activates the gifts of The HOLY SPIRIT; 6. It builds your faith to the highest level; 7. Activates the anointing; 8. It helps you hear GOD’s Voice; and 9. Sensitizes your spirit and many other benefits. See 1 Corinthians 14, (the whole chapter.)

I was just there having a good time in HIS Presence, then I heard the Clear Voice of GOD’s SPIRIT speak to me. HE spoke with me for hours: about my calling, my future, and many things I will encounter. There is nothing HE left out that I needed. I could ask HIM any question I wanted. He would answer me. I then told HIM that if HE wanted me to serve HIM, I want to sense His Presence every day and time. He then promised me that HE will always be with me. It’s been four years now. There is no day that passes when I don’t sense HIS Presence; in fact I sense HIM all the time, whether I am doing HIS work or doing my own things. I know that He watches me all the time, even though I sometimes make mistakes. HE has never left me. He is faithful unto HIS Word. During that next two weeks, every day when I wake up, The SPIRIT of GOD will come into my room: visiting me I will feel HIS Mighty Presence. HE will talk with me clearly. I will hear HIM like any other person to as far as six to eight hours a day. John 14:16: And I will pray The FATHER, and HE shall give you another COMFORTER, that HE may abide with you for ever.

During that time we were on vacation at school, so I just spent time with HIM. It came to the point where GOD took over my life completely. He captivated my heart. I loved HIM more than anything else. I just wanted to be with HIM all the time. I loved HIM with all my spirit, soul, mind, and strength. Mark 12:30: And thou shalt love The LORD thy GOD with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. HE became the first thought in my mind when I woke up. HE was the thought I was meditating on all the day. I lost consciousness of the earth and its pleasures. It’s the best thing being with HIM. I could talk to HIM anytime. WE talk like I would with any other human being. HE is inside of me, around me, WE walk together, laugh together. I tell HIM everything. WE always tell each other how much WE love each other. When I wake up, HE is right there in my room, HE never leaves. HE likes being around me. When I pray, I say, “LORD come here, let me hug you.” HIS Love is overflowing.

WE never get bored, even as I write HE is right here next to me, I feel HIS Mighty Presence. HE is the secret behind all the visions and revelations I always share. The HOLY SPIRIT is my best friend. I can ask HIM to show me Heaven, The LORD JESUS CHRIST, angels, or many spiritual things. HE always does. It’s in spiritual isions, where GOD enables me to see and hear into the Realm of The SPIRIT. I see them as crystal clear as I see the physical world. This happens by GOD’s SPIRIT, by the gift of discerning of spirits and the spirit world. The HOLY SPIRIT takes me out of my body to various parts of the Universe, whether past, present, or the future, and shows me some important things there. Sometime I saw HIM coming from Heaven, as a very Bright Shining DOVE. Matthew 3:16: And JESUS, when HE was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the s were opened unto HIM, and HE saw The SPIRIT of GOD descending like a dove, and lighting upon HIM: One time, I heard HIM thundering with a Big Audible Voice. It seemed it was a thunder plus a big bomb explosion mixed together. I was so frightened, but HE was angered. Simply HE had said, “Wake up!” as I was dozing during my time of prayer at 3 am. I have grown close to HIM. I have grown close to JESUS.

The LORD JESUS visits me often. JESUS and The SPIRIT are ONE. HE is a Person. HE talks. HE gets hurt. HE is my Best FRIEND. I don’t want to live without HIM. I can’t, I will die. The SPIRIT of GOD has taken control and possession of my life and that’s why people will never understand me. I am no longer my own. I will give up everything for HIM. I will never be the same again. HE is The Sweet, Precious HOLY SPIRIT: The SPIRIT of the Sovereign LORD. HE sits in the Executive Meeting of the GOD-HEAD. When we study GOD’s Word, the Bible, we can see that it reveals that GOD has a triune nature, HE is a triune GOD, 1 John 5:7: For there are THREE that bear record in Heaven, The FATHER, The WORD, and The HOLY GHOST: and THESE THREE are ONE. This means HIS Personality is seen

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