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you have forgotten about the reward for the works; however, I come and I will give each one according to his work, as it is written.


   Oh, if you have forgotten so much and you always forget about God, how comes that you still get on the seats to rule over this nation? Let no one say that he has Me as his God if he does not listen to Me, if he does not ask Me, if he does not follow day and night the commandments for life and the truth in everything, but not falsehood. I remind you of Judas, who had always taken of the brotherly purse, and all saw where this habit had led him; and I look at you and at your greed with which you have climbed on the ridges and called out to the people to hear you and to choose you as rulers over them. Oh, where is your faithfulness to their faith? However, you have stolen very much, (They have cheated on the counting of the votes at the elections that they have organized, r.n.), for you alone, you chose yourselves almost alone and you chose one another and sat at the table of the country council and then you boasted about the great number among those who elected you, but that number was very small and you lied the sons of this people that you were chosen by a great number. Oh, what are you going to do now? The lie with which you appear as truth cannot be your seat, and your leadership will be broken, and I have been telling you this for a long time. Your good ancestors will call you to account. I have them with Me at the table of the glory of My word on this day and they are looking with mourning at the pagan works that you do day and night against the sons of this nation to keep your authority upon them. Oh, you went to sorcerers. You went to wanderers and you went to those who love money, but you have not sought the Lord’s wisdom to ask for it. Behold, I, the Lord, am coming, I am coming to you if you do not knock in order to come to give you and have after that. 


Oh, you do not have love of your country, you those who have got hold of it by injustice. (The Social Democratic Party, "of Left", the Communist Party's successor, r.n.) Oh, do not assume the right to sell this homeland to strangers, (By giving its oil and gas resources to the foreign firms for insignificant tribute, the wood of the forests to be exploited without any limit, the agricultural lands to be sold almost on nothing to the Arabian “investors” and not only that, r.n.) for the earth is the Lord’s, not yours to give it to those who covet it everywhere to strip of glory this homeland of Mine and the homeland of those who love it.


I put at the helm of the Romanian people and with My strong arm I set the one who is a ruler with great mercy, (The President Traian Băsescu, r.n.), and he has special love of country and much wisdom from Me for its protection, for its governance and yours too, but you have not wanted him, you, the few of you, who have stood up into the name of the whole nation and wanted to persecute him so that only you might be in power, and you keep on persecuting him by denigrating words and you do not receive his advice that would save you from the reward of your trespasses. However, I have set the people of My word at holy watch and at prayer with fire and I have kept at the helm the one set as helmsman by My holy plan because of My great love for this nation, but also for his love, as I have not found another one with greater love and heart than him in this time for this nation. I have exhorted you some other times too to submit to his love of people and country and to his love for you too so that it may go well with you and with all on this hearth. Oh, you have opposed and you have been naughty; you have been proud and have been overconfident and trusted each other and have not obeyed My advice or his advice too. I am crying with the heaven, I am crying with your good ancestors and We are sitting in counsel to keep him and to protect him to stand watch further over this people on which he is ruling and watching now, as without him over the watching places is hard for the destiny of the Romanian people, which has at its council table no one but lovers of money and boast about them, and woe to this nation with such benefactors upon it!  


It is rebellion between brother and brother; it is much confusion and unrest everywhere among the sons of the Romanian people. Many cry; they cry for mercy on the dogs that are destined to death so that they may no longer bite. (The calumny done by the followers of the communists against the president of the country – of other political “color” – because he asked the euthanasia of the stray dogs in Bucharest – over two hundred thousand – after some of the children had been killed, r.n.). Behold what I, the Lord, am telling you, to you those who are merciful for these beings written to die from man. (More NGO’s with foreign support for the protection of the dogs, r.n.). Oh, how comes that you do not think, Romanian sons, with the same mourning, with the same merciful feelings, about so many living beings, about sheep and lambs that die by the man’s hand without saying a word of woe? How comes that you do not think in tears about the sheep and little lambs, about the cattle and birds, about all kinds of animals that are killed with much longing to be put into vessels and fried as food for the man who goes to the butcher’s to buy meat and cook it as his food? Are they not really living beings without comfort and given to be sacrificed so that they may enter the man’s belly? How comes that you do not mourn over them as you cry over the poor dogs? Oh, look what man is! He is the grave of so many beings with a living soul in them and which man takes and cuts them; he takes their life to eat them after that. Oh, have mercy on sheep, calves and birds as well; have mercy on all animals that man kills for his food. If you cry over dogs, then also cry over all the beings, which man kills, hunts and takes their lives and then puts them into his belly.


Oh, how beautiful was My commandment given to man at the beginning, when I told him what food he was supposed to eat![9] Then came the death of the little lamb, blood on earth, sacrifice brought to the Lord, but the pain of death weighed painfully in comparison to the sacrifice of the heart of the lover of God. The broken and humble heart would have been enough then, but the man was not satisfied with that. Oh, did I require a bloody sacrifice from man? However, if man got used to it, could I, the Lord, persuade him otherwise? If I, the Lord, have been teaching you now, sons of the Romanian people, no longer to kill in order to eat, then can I persuade you to have such mercy for all the living beings, which you always kill, so that you may be holy afterwards and without any hatred among you? (See the selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?”, r.n.) Behold, hatred and faction come from meat, from the food that contains meat for the man’s body, which becomes hatred, hatred against each other after that. Behold, you cry because the dogs have multiplied and that they bite you, or that they will perish by the man’s hand because of the damage they do to man, but you do not cry because your sins have increased, which bite you even worse, and they bite you to death, for sin is death. Oh, be good, because everything comes to you according to your deed. Do no longer be rebellious against those that come as a reward for your works. Instead, love the truth and step aside, you those who do not love it among brothers, as the lie of those who have decided to shake hands for the course and the destiny of this nation according to their will, this shameful deed will bring them to the reward of the liars, for the father of the lie is the devil.


Oh, Romanian sons, oh, Romanian people, do not sell the land under you, Romanian sons. This land is meant to be the Lord’s glory in the end of the time and it will be cleansed and washed, because if man does not seek to have a holy life, then the Lord can help and humble him, for man does not need as much as he gathers, but he rather needs life with the heaven in it, with the Lord on earth; however, man does not have any teaching upon him for his life, for his eternity as his ancestors had, for the today’s servants of the church of the Romanian people are those who are greedier, those who love more the empty glory and the authority over those who are many and not used to the Lord, and I have got nothing but much shame from them, from their stature, fallen so deep from the law of holiness, and I have no one to help the man with but only with My coming as word on the earth and with My people from the Romanians,  who let itself to be Mine, My help, My way, My eye and My ear, for I spoke the word that says: «The one who has ears to hear, to hear what the Lord says!» (See Rev: 2/7, 11, fwd.)


Oh, Romanian people, take My speaking from upon you and put it on your heart and do not be unfaithful. Be careful because I have spoken to you with great pain, for I suffer, I cry and I greatly mourn from what I see into your midst and because of all that lie to you day by day, for a tongue was given to them, but the gabbler is an enemy to himself and does not have the wisdom to understand how low he has fallen by the spirit of lying, as behold, the one who has appointed himself to govern upon you, (Victor Ponta, r.n.), surrounded by those he has chosen, (The Parties from SLU - Social Liberal Union, r.n.), that one coddles the lie only, for he was given his tongue and this is what also did those from whom he has got used to it, (Iliescu and Năstase, his mentors, the heads of the party of the followers of the communist red beast, r.n.); however, the pot with lies will soon, soon be broken and it will dirty the face of those who greedily lie in order to fool, as they say, those they have always sucked, over those they rule upon, blinding their conscious so that they may not see with it the lawlessness they have been working.


I am the Shepherd with the Cross. I have spoken to you in a spirit of Shepherd, Romanian people. You are under the cross and you know or do not know this. Oh,

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