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2013.09.27 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Holy Cross Ascension

                        The Word of God[1] at the Feast of the Holy Cross Ascension

                                    The Word of the Lord to the Romanian people[2]



I am the messenger of My Father, the God Sabaoth, and I am coming as word on the earth over the Romanian people, the word of glory, peace and truth.


I am the Son of the Father, I am true God of true God. Two thousand years ago, the Father sent Me on earth to become a visible Man among people and to prove Myself as His Son and to believe in Me all those to whom it will be given from the Father to believe, and now, in the end of the time, My Father has sent Me again as word on the earth.


I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, and I am speaking from the cloud, (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.) I am speaking from glory, I am speaking from the Father, as the Father is with Me together with all the heavenly suites that carry My glory on the angelic wings, on wheels of cherubim in a flame of fire, and the glory of My coming is great. Woe to the one who doubts at the hearing of My word, at the voice of My coming as word over the earth, for the reward of one like this is that of the unfaithful!


I am not a fortune-teller and I am not a clairvoyant, but I am with the Spirit of Truth in great work over the earth and over the Romanian people, to which My Father has sent Me. Oh, why Father, are You sending Me to this nation in the end of the time? Tell them Father; tell this nation its story destined from God to carry it before You and before of all the nations on the earth. I want You first to speak to the Romanian people in a day of feast of the cross on which I was crucified when You sent Me on the earth after man, oh, My Father.


— Yes, dear Son, I also want what You want, and I say to the Romanian people, that because the people that I had set apart for Us from among the nations of the earth, because this people gave You over to the death on the cross when I sent You to give it light and work it and when it was supposed to receive you on My behalf, and instead of receiving You, it forsook You and banished You from the vineyard[3], then I, the Father, have given You another bridegroom and land, which is to be only Ours forever.[4] Then I have bestowed on the earth great blessing over the country on which now the Romanian people live[5] and I have shown it to You, dear Son, in all its mysterious adornment and I have chosen it as the Lord’s glory in the end of the time, and I have been preparing it by sufferance for more than two thousand years and I have kept it under the cross to be beautiful, and whoever looks at its history with a clean heart, then that one is able to see its greatness and its Lord, (See „History of Romania part 1 to part 16” , r.n.) Who has kept it and exalted it by its endurance for the glory in the end of the time, for it has been humiliated and it has endured much, and it is written into the Scriptures to be the country of brightness, and You are shining now within it with the glory of Your word, oh, Son Emmanuel, and You really confirm that You are its God, true God of true God, the Father and the Son within the splendor of the Holy Spirit upon it and with it now, and also it is written that «Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance». (Ps: 33/11)


Now, I, the Father, am speaking to the sons of the Romanian people and I am telling them: Amen, amen, I say to you: This is Jesus Christ, My Son, Who is coming as word to you on the clouds of glory, and as a river of word He is coming down upon you. Oh, receive Him, open for Him! Amen. (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.)


— I, oh, Father Sabaoth, have proclaimed Myself in time that I will come as word over the Romanians and I have opened once with the proclamation, and I have sent the heavenly powers to prepare the way before Me. I have the keys of the deep, as it is written about Me, and I have the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, oh, and I also have those of man and I come in when I say that I come. I have with Me at the table of word the heavenly armies, the angels and the saints, and I have with Me here the good ancestors of the Romanian people and the table of the glory is great in a day of the holy feast of My cross, Father Sabaoth. There, where there is no faith, I will put faith, and there, where there is no welcome, I will open Myself for Me.


Amen, amen, I say to you, Romanian people; open to the Lord! I, the Lord, have opened and I come in, because I am the door, as it is written. The sky is full above you from the glory of My coming as word to you with the tens of thousands of My saints, oh, country of My coming, as it is written: «The Lord has come with tens of thousands of His holy ones!» (Jude: 1/14) And I come to you, because You are the house for My coming, as the Father gave you to Me two thousand years ago, when I was cast out by the Jewish people and I have remained without a house on earth. Take heed of My river of word, which is flowing upon you on this day and is telling you My pain and My waiting from you. With a fatherly spirit I come near to you and I am setting the table of word on your hearth.


Let all the nations take heed of My speaking with the Romanian people on a day of holy feast, and let all the nations of the earth become wise for the Lord’s coming, Who speaks from glory above the Romanian land, the land of the Lord’s brightness, for you shine because of My glory in you, oh, My country in the end of the time. There is still a little time and a period of sixty years of the Lord’s word above you will be written for the preparation of My second time on earth after man, and My history with you is written and it has become a book on earth, on your hearth. (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.) In the book of your history of two thousand years ago it stands written My love for you and My frequent inclination and great descent to your sufferance, for I have always comforted you under your cross and I have always stayed with you under its yoke, for you have faithful ancestors, whom I raised as brave watchers to protect you as Mine, always Mine, because the Father gave you to Me two thousand years ago, after I was born and grew up and after the people to whom I had been sent cast Me out, because it put Me on the cross of sufferance and resurrection and I am alive forever and ever and I am the Lord, your God, oh, My country of today. I saw your face then and I see your face now, and I have seen your entire beauty which the Father has given to you for My glory and I have always wanted you since that time.


Oh, you do no longer have love of country, Romanian people! Who shall teach you this heavenly greatness, My today’s country? Oh, you need love, but you have passed through many pains. They have taught you to be beautiful, to be My country and to be only Mine, and your ancestors loved Me and they were shining with their faith and their love for the country, but now you do no longer have anything but Judes, My love. Behold, those who keep the purse take from it and they share it among themselves, and then they go and borrow for you.[6] They ask from you to put into the purse, but it is not shared according to your needs, because those who rule upon you suck your milk; they suck your blood, and the sin of their greed is great against them. However, I get up like a warrior and give light to the torches everywhere and I search everywhere to catch the thief that tears your little shirt all over and has no mercy on you and leaves you naked, and he is not ashamed of his deed; however, I have mercy on your nakedness before the nations and I come and spread out My garment and cover you with My glory, as the Father promised you to be My country, My country in the end of the time to speak into your midst the word of My coming as God’s word over the earth. I am dressed in fine linen and I stay with the heaven open above you. I have a throne into your midst, I have the white horse, on which I ride and speak[7]; (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic white horse”, r.n.) I have the people of My word, which I have chosen to watch for Me and I stand into its midst as on the throne, and I am called the Faithful and True One, and I judge and I fight for righteousness; My eyes are like the flame of fire and I am full of crowns and I have a written name, and My garment is of fine linen and is sprinkled with blood, and My name is called the Word of God, for this is written, and hosts from heaven come with Me, wearing fine linen garments, and My word comes out of My mouth as a sharp sword against those with a pagan life and I come to shepherd them for they do not have any shepherd, they do not obey for truth and love falsehood instead, and they get used to it and forget about the Lord Who comes with His reward.


You, those who oppress now, in your time, you, those who love falsehood and rule by it over this nation, oh, until when? Amen, amen, I say to you; everything that is not God is a lie against the truth. Or, do you not know that the father of the lie is the devil, the ruler of the darkness of this age? Or, do you not know that the lie and its servants will be thrown into the deep? Oh, you have made a golden calf[8] and you play around it visibly and invisibly, and

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