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Book online «The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalyptic beast (11) by Lord Jesus (i read a book .txt) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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I have come to judge from the cross, and the cross is My life that I laid down on the cross for the redemption of the man. Since then I am the One sacrificed on the cross for the man and I am ready to give Myself over as I am to the one who receives Me as I am. Let the man receive Me in him and do what I did. Let him take My cross and stay with Me on it for his redemption through My cross. He should not leave only Me on My cross; rather the man should also come closer to Me on it, for the saints did the same and all helped Me in My cross and they always went on the earth, either under it or on it, until up above to Me, for My cross is the way of the man to Me, for where I am there the man may also be, he who follow Me through the cross and on the cross. It is only through the cross that the man can be My follower, for I was not otherwise. The one, who does not stay through the cross before the people, is not My follower, but rather he is a thief and a robber, and he is the antichrist who comes before Me to do his own signs for those who are to receive their reward through this tool, through the work of the antichrist, who deceives by his coming every man who does not know to wait for Me, as I said that this waiting should be.


On this day it has been reading from the book of My Gospel about My second coming, but the man who hears this Gospel does not come closer to the day of My coming, but on the contrary, he keeps his distance from it even through the exhortation of the priests, for everywhere the priest says that it is not even I that know of the day of My coming. 


Sons from the manger, I said through My Gospel: «Of that day or of that hour no one knows; not even the angels from heavens or the Son, but only the Father». But I also said these: «As it happened in the days of Noah, even so will it be the coming of the Son of Man. And as they were eating and drinking, marrying and being given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark and they did not know until the flood came and took them all, the same will it be with the coming of the Son of Man too». (See the selection topic: „As in the days of Noah”, r.n.)


Oh, watchmen sons, why do the priests say so, sons? This is what I said. Why do they also say so? Why do they not say like Me, for I have gone to the end with the preaching by My Gospel about the day of My coming? But you, sons anointed for the time of My coming, how do you say about My words of that time?


― If You said: «Of that day or of that hour no one knows; nor the angels from heaven or the Son, but only the Father», You said so to strengthen the man for watching all the time, Lord, since You are coming unexpectedly. And the man who is waiting for You has to be clothed and with his shoes on, as though You are coming at any time, for You said: «Be ready, for the Son of Man is coming in the hour you do not even thing about». Amen.


― Oh, why do the priests from the world do not say the same, why do they not say so, that they might strengthen the people in view of My coming? Behold, I come and I come again, and they sleep together with those under them, but here is My coming, for I have discovered it to the saints and parents through the angels, to set the man to watch. However, the antichrist says that he wants to bring Me in peace, so that I may bring human living on the earth, and this how I have taught the man to wait for Me and not to be afraid of My coming. However, he forgot that I am with those who are afraid of Me and that I prepare My way and pleasure within them, and He will remain ashamed with all his false miracles, miracles which would want to bring to the people the worldly life and the people’s freedom and not God’s freedom. And here is My coming, and no one knows to look at Me in order to see Me. My word is a salve for eyes, but he who does not repent, giving up his sins to be open for Me and to stay dressed and with his shoes on for My coming, that one does not open his eyes to see and to hear My coming and to understand My word and his way to the people, a way of light, a way with the resurrection from the death of his sins, the way of My coming with the judgment by the word, for it was by the word that I have been working from the very beginning.


Stay under My growing and stay under My rein, you who live on this water. Take from it and grow, for the day is coming when the one who has not drunk will get dry of thirst on his feet. Take and drink and grow with the word that flows like the rain from heaven for those who eat and drink from heaven to be alive for My coming. Come to the fountain of life and ask the watchmen near it to take out water and to give it to you so that you may no longer go thirsty after another fountain, for the antichrist is going everywhere and pours out of his poison, that his water may be everywhere, for he thinks that I will no longer be God, and that he will be god instead. However, he will no longer be and nor the sons of lying, for I come to tear down everything he has been doing, and I work through those who are blessed by Me through My word of today.

            Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the remembrance of the dreadful judgment, from 05-03-2000. (On Calameo)



My spirit and the spirit of My saints rest in the garden of the word, for the healing of the gentiles. I made in heaven a trinity of saint bishops from the three saints who gave themselves to the people into My name, shepherds who have mercy on the sheep, shepherds who give birth to lambs giving them life from My life; shepherds who perceived the mystery of the word to teach with it the people. Their holy life made My work in them joyful, for the man who gives himself to Me, becomes a house of light upon the earth so that the people may walk on the way with light. Rarely were the shepherds with mercy for the sheep, from them on to this day. The antichrist was in the church then too and persecuted My church, and then he dressed in a holy garment; and he has done his work until today, for his human work has something to do with My work, with My church. For two thousand years since he has been hiding in the church, he has made for himself sons in the body to persecute those that are born in the spirit for Me; he has grown rich in glory on My church. Oh, little, very little was My church, and his church hardly gets in its house. The one who really followed Me was persecuted and lived in narrow circumstances. The man, who walked in My way, had no room in his church. The same is today too, for he is in no need of a holy man, for at the prayer of the holy man, the walls of disbelief, which hide in them the false man and the antichrist that has his life in the church, have always fallen down. Who becomes a shepherd needs to have money, and that one becomes a shepherd for ranks and for money. The true shepherd does not gather anything but sheep and takes care of them that they may breed sheep and give them to the shepherd, so that he may give them forward to Me.

            Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three holy hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John, from 12-02-2001. (On Calameo)



Oh, My people Jerusalem of the Romanians, you should take a good look into My word upon you and this is how you are to grow with every word, and this is how you are to believe, for I have such a great work to do through you and even the saints and the angels marvel at you. And let My gates into your midst be open, day and night, for My entrance as word to you, for I will feed many nations, because I will sent a great famine on the earth in such a way that I may be able to turn those who are My elected to Me, to see My spring and then to water them with it. You should kneel down and pray to Your Father and to Me for all accomplishments spoken by Me and this should be your work, and your church will be the first, it will be My bride, after My will, and its light will give light to the nations, and then «no nation will draw forth its sword against another nation», as it is written. Amen.


Now, the sin of the man’s haughtiness still stands against me, but My angel will tear this beast down and all its false prophets together with the antichrist with his number, with all his chickens, with all his dark plan, which I, the Lord, will bring it into the light and I will destroy it with the breath of My mouth, with My word, which breathes upon you, Jerusalem of My coming. You are small, and that is why you should not be afraid, for the little one has a father, and it is the father who takes care of the child and the child is to take care of himself, only to be a child, to stay only in the kingdom of his father. Amen.

            Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the memorial of the Prodigal son’s parable. The feast of the Saint martyr Charalambos, from 23-02-2003. (On Calameo)



As for you, Romanian Jerusalem, you shall not forget that you were chosen from among the people. You were chosen by God to make you His will on earth, and then, served by His angels, to do the Lord’s work, the work of the man’s coming back to My will, My people. You shall not be afraid of the opposing man to My will, My people, when I am with you and when you are with Me, for many of those who believe in Me according to their will, wait for the antichrist not for Me, and they have been looking after him as they have received teaching from the earth about the antichrist’s coming, and the antichrists of today rejoice greatly when they see the man waiting for someone with the name of antichrist! 


Oh, My people, the faithful man does no longer wait for Me. He gets lost in rumors, for the broods of antichrist know what to do to make the man no longer know

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